
The Republic of Kazakhstan’s Public Diplomacy: Main Features and Prospects
Meshcheryakov K., Leksyutina Y., Rozmetov A., Kuanyshbek A.
Alimony Fund as a Way to Protect a Child’s Right to Receive Maintenance
Letova N.
Cooperation between Russia and the Indian Ocean Rim Association
Zeleneva I.
The Legal Status of a Large Family in the Russian Federation: The Current State and Conceptual Proposals from the Perspective of Maximizing the Effectiveness of Family and Demographic Policy and Integrating Best Practices
Saifullin G.
China’s Soft Power: Culture and Sports
Liu X., Liu Z.
Conceptual foundations of the policy of voluntary resettlement of compatriots at the present stage of development of the Russian Federation
Ilyicheva L., Skutina S.
The Formation of China’s Diplomacy and its Features
Liu X., Liu Z.
Legal Status of National Minorities in the People’s Republic of China
Ermakov D.
Family policy of a modern megapolis on the example of Moscow
Bochanov M.
Features of the Russian “soft power” at the present stage of development
Kerimov A., Aleshchenko P.
From Raising the Status of a Carrier of Human Capital to Improving the Research Climate in the Country
Seleznev P., Khokonov A.
The Role of Import Substittion in Providing Support for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
Trunova E., Yeranosyan V., Bormotova T.
Problems of creating a diplomatic service of an integration community (using the example of the EU)
Meshcheryakova O.
The Relevance of the Neo-Institutional Method in the Analysis of Formalized Activities in Russian Modern Domestic Politics
Orlova I., Borisenkov A., Ulyankin P.
Typology of innovations in the western literature of the “great debate” period in comparison. Some general remarks.
Ermakov D., Rodionov S., Kozlov V.
Turkey’s soft power resources and tools in Azerbaijan
Zinnurov I., Shangaraev R.
Reducing Poverty Among Large Families: Directions of Russian State Policy
Bochanov M.
The Welfare State: Genesis, Evolution of Content, Indicators
Belokonev S., Khokonov A., Filonenko M.
The Global Strategy of the European Union in Foreign and Security Policy for the Period 2000-2010 Years
Shmonova U., Bogdanova N.
The Influence of the United States of America on the Military-political Situation in East Asia in the Second Half of 1941: Historical and Political Analysis
Ermakov D., Popov G., Kazenkov O.
Religious policy of Japan in the XV–XVII centuries in the context of centralization of authority and the emergence of realistic authoritarianism
Filippov A.
Value Policy and Human Rights: Experience of Political and Philosophical Analysis
Zubov V.
Spain’s European Policy During its Presidency of the Council of the EU
Shahbazov A.
The Russian Language as a Tool for Promotion of the Russian World (on the Material of the People’s Republic of China)
Andreeva E.
The influence of the rotation of the governor’s corps on federal relations in modern Russia
Markov R.
Problems of modern youth policy in Russia: to the question of increasing efficiency
Yurchenko V., Zavyalova O.
Social transformation in Russia in the 1990s: problems and periodization of the formation of social policy
Yusupov R., Khaibullin A., Grigoriev E.
Arctic vector of German foreign policy
Kabushka A., Bogdanova N.
The Right of a Child to be Brought up in a Family: Problems of Implementation and Protection
Letova N.
Political Consciousness of Students and Electoral Behavior of Moscow Youth
Golovin D., Pavelieva T.
National-State Identity in the Context of Global Confrontation: The Problem of the Stability of Social Systems
Shabrov O.
Some aspects of ensuring internal security of Russia at the present stage of development of civilizations
Bolgov N., Chichulin N., Shevtsov V.
European policy vector M. Thatcher, T. May, L. Truss: euroscepticism, brexit, distancing
Lazareva E., Ustinova N.
Changes in the Policy of the Russian Federation in Relation to the International Terrorist Threat at the Beginning of the XXI Century
Gutenev Y.
Russia in the 2020s: Constitutionalism and Legal Awareness in the Face of the Challenge of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kuriukin A.
Issues of Building China’s Foreign Policy Through the Prism of “Soft Power” and Public Diplomacy
Qu C.
Family policy as the basis for preserving and ensuring values in the Russian Federation
Letova N.
The Teachings of Jesus Christ as an Alternative to Modern Western Liberalism in Politics and Government
Kovalev A., Katanandov S.
From Incredible to a New Norm: Delusions and Realities in World Politics
Gromyko A.
Problems and Prospects for Multiculturalism Policy in East Asia
Andreeva E.
Shaping China’s Arctic Policy
Bo L.
Influence of political and legislative innovations of the XX–XXI centuries on religious views of society: experience of cross-national research
Zubov V.
Analysis of the Tools Used in the Implementation of Effective Language Policy
Yudina N., Khachatryan A.
Japan’s Foreign Policy Towards China (2001-2006)
Tian Q., Zeleneva I.
Modern Tools of Direct Democracy in the US Public Life
Markushina N., Parfenenok N., Fyodorov R.
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