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Vol 14, No 2 (2024)

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History and Theory of Politics

Value Policy and Human Rights: Experience of Political and Philosophical Analysis

Zubov V.V.


In the proposed publication, the author, using philosophical reflection, the dialectical method, the discursive approach, the formal legal method, political and legal comparative studies, analytical and descriptive techniques, comprehends the doctrinal and factual relationship of the value-oriented course with human rights within the framework of the current state of Russian domestic political systems. The political and legal structure of human rights in the Russian political field is outlined, the philosophical foundations underlying the doctrine of human rights are revealed, the limits and possibilities of spiritual reception of the idea of human rights in a non-European society are determined, the metaphysical and axiological basis of value-oriented Russian politics as a consistent implementation of the metaphilosophical idea of patriotism is revealed, an intellectual synthesis of the doctrine of human rights with value narratives is carried out. A clear connection between the institution of human rights and the directions of political thought and political practices that defend or pursue the idea of gradually reducing state interference in the private lives of individuals and the functioning of social entities within civil society is affirmed. It is suggested that the further development of a value-oriented course in the Russian Federation will inevitably raise the question of replacing the bourgeois-individualistic approach to the institution of human rights with a moral approach, where freedoms and warrants are orchestrated by the spiritual carcass of Russian civilization. The necessity of revising the approaches used in political and legal theory to defining leading state powers by replacing them with a definition of the state through the perspective of sovereign power, which can deviate from normally operating formulas of law in extraordinary situations, is substantiated. In conclusion, an inference is drawn that value policy sets the moral focus of interpretation, comprehension and approaches to the implementation of constitutionally enshrined rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and acts as a kind of explication of existing normative legal institutions of a general order.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):15-23
pages 15-23 views

The Concept of “Just War”: Horizon, Structure, Criticism

Maltsev K.G., Maltseva A.V.


The concept of “just war” has become politically and scientifically relevant due to the collapse of the “European international system of sovereign states”; in the modern situation of “world disorder” (R. Haas), it becomes an instrument of public rhetoric; the inevitable consequence is the degradation of meaning – philosophical research, thus aimed at the formation of the concept, becomes relevant. Understanding the structure, meaning and scope of the concept of “just war” involves putting it in context; the goal, therefore, is to construct a horizon. The main task is to clarify the meaning of the concept of “just war” as a phenomenon of modernity. The concept of “just war” belongs to the field of ideas, that is, understanding presupposes going beyond the methodological framework of disciplinary science – the trans-boundary can be ensured by using methods developed by philosophical hermeneutics to analyze and identify the meaning of ideas and concepts, as well as understanding the ways in which they have power and determine reality. It is revealed that the reduction of the political to morality and the direct application of moral principles to politics necessarily leads to the degradation of war: the rejection of the “non-discriminatory concept of war” in favor of the concept of “just war” removes any restrictions from armed violence. It is demonstrated that war remains necessary on its periphery as normalization, police operation, “humanitarian intervention; the concept of ’just war’ is a tool for ensuring security. It is concluded that the anti-terrorist war as a police operation to ensure the security of the global liberal political order is the conceptual core of the modern concept of “just war”.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):24-32
pages 24-32 views

Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies

Political Structure and Typology of Russian Emigration

Lebedeva M.L.


The purpose of the research. One of the issues relevant to political history is the study of the political legacy of post-revolutionary Russian emigration. The purpose of the study is a theoretical and legal understanding of the political structure of Russian emigration. This is necessary because scientific research on citizens who left Russia after the revolutionary events of 1917 has not been fully studied and is often presented in a distorted form. The modern development of historical and political knowledge reveals not only the need for a deep comprehension of scientific research on the issues raised by Russian emigration, but also a traceable reception within the framework of the evolution of political changes. Conclusions. As a result of the research, the author believes that addressing the issue of studying the evolution of the political structure of the heritage of Russian emigration is justified and relevant. The role and importance of the cultural and political heritage of Russian emigrants has been evaluated and studied ambiguously by researchers. The analysis of the historiography of the issue, the allocation of periods of political transformation of post-revolutionary emigration made it possible for the author to identify the main characteristics of three periods of the evolution of cultural heritage and the structuring of political institutions in relation to a certain segment of the population, namely, Russian emigration.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):33-37
pages 33-37 views

The Decline of Information Resistance as a Prerequisite for the Practice of Political Manipulation

Filippov A.R.


In this publication, based on the behavioral approach, conceptualization and discursive method, a study is carried out of the possibilities and characteristics of the influence of an objectively developing information array, distributed in accordance with modern communication trends, on the cognitive and emotional processes of the mentality of consumers of an information product in general and on the function of information resistance in particular. As a hypothesis, a statement is formulated according to which, in conditions of objective growth of generated information and the introduction of information (digital, network) addictions into the psyche, in combination with the inertia of perception inherent in the human brain, information resistance decreases, which increases the likelihood of the successful use of manipulative practices as a variation of suggestive communication. A definition of information resistance is given as resistance to the effects of unverified and/or unreliable information. The determinants of the vector of falling information resistance are revealed and studied, such as inertia of perception, pandemic dispersion of digital dependence, information overload. The validity of the correlation between the rate of decrease in information resistance and the effective dispersion of manipulations is substantiated. The leading varieties of modern manipulative practices, which are generated, among other things, by a decrease in information resistance, are characterized – the spread of deepfakes, the synthesis of cybersimulacra (including astroturfing and sockpuppeting), the imposition of behavioral patterns of reference groups, the cultivation and popularization of ersatz culture. Based on the results of the study, a position is formulated according to which a decrease in the level of information resistance, associated with a decline in the intellectual functions of human consciousness, activates primitive archaic forms of consciousness. It is noted that due to the reduction of cognitive methods of adaptation to the surrounding world to the simplest irrational forms, space opens up for the implementation of power relations through emotionally charged manipulations.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):38-44
pages 38-44 views

Syrian-Israeli Relations in the Context of Modern Crises in the Arab East

Antoshchenko D.V.


The purpose of the study. The article examines the positions and interests of Syria and Israel in the Syrian crisis; the problems of the impact of Israel’s new war with HAMAS on the Middle East. The current situation in the Syrian conflict and Syrian-Israeli relations are analyzed; trends and prospects for the development of relations between the SAR and Israel in the context of the escalation of the conflict. The purpose of the study is to establish and identify the role and significance of the consequences of the war between Israel and HAMAS for the Middle East, as well as its impact on Syrian-Israeli relations and their further development in the Middle East region. Conclusions. The paper presents the results of a study of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the prism of the Syrian crisis. The author of the work examined the prerequisites and causes of the Palestinian-Israeli and Syrian conflicts, as well as analyzed the internal and external actors of the conflict in Syria. This work examines the role of Palestinians and Palestinian organizations in the Syrian civil war, examines the impact of the Syrian crisis on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, determines the degree of mutual influence of the two conflicts and shows the prospects for the development of the regional situation in their context.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):45-54
pages 45-54 views

Public Administration and Sectoral Policies

Reducing Poverty Among Large Families: Directions of Russian State Policy

Bochanov M.A.


Analysis of modern policies in the field of support for large families and its effectiveness is key to the development of further strategies and programs in order to ensure decent living conditions for these families and reduce poverty. Considering the importance of the family for social development and the demographic situation, the fight against poverty among large families is becoming a strategic priority of state policy. The purpose of the research work was to analyze modern Russian state policy to support large families. The study reflects a number of socio-economic aspects, such as the reproductive attitudes of young spouses, the demographic situation, updated support programs and social measures, assessment of the effectiveness and problems of existing support measures. The study revealed that existing measures to support large families in Russia, although implemented, still do not ensure the complete elimination of income inequality and poverty among these families. The low level of financial security remains the main problem hampering the life and development of large families. The main findings and recommendations of the study emphasized the need to improve social programs and support measures, and also proposed specific steps to improve the situation of large families in society. Further research and improvement of measures of social support for large families require an integrated approach and joint efforts of the state, public institutions and the active participation of the family itself. Important areas for improving the situation of large families are increasing income, access to education, employment support, housing and infrastructure development for families with children.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):55-61
pages 55-61 views

Implementation of Legislation on Educational Activities on the Territory of “New Subjects” in the Russian Federal State

Pavlikov S.G.


The article analyzes the process of integration of the educational system of the “new subjects” (DPR, LPR, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions) into the Russian educational system. On this basis, on the one hand, the specifics are revealed, on the other hand, the universal possibilities of implementing Russian laws, taking into account regional and “profile” specifics, including on the territory of “new subjects” where martial law is in effect.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):62-66
pages 62-66 views

International Relations, Global and Regional Studies

Cooperation between Russia and the Indian Ocean Rim Association

Zeleneva I.V.


Purpose of the study: to identify the features of international cooperation between Russia and the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in the field of maritime security. Methodology. The author, based on a wide range of the latest domestic and foreign sources, studies the political and legal foundations for Russia’s activities in the Indian Ocean region, and conducts a step-by-step analysis of the structure and priorities of the IORA activities. The main methodology of the study consists of systematic and comparative approaches, contributing to an objective and comprehensive analysis of international cooperation between the Russian Federation and IORA in the Indian Ocean region. Conclusions. It is shown that Russia, based on its accumulated experience with the multilateral regional systems, advocates the development of cooperation between the system of interstate interaction mechanisms formed in the Asia-Pacific region around ASEAN, and multilateral structures of the Indian Ocean zone. It has been revealed that Russia, like other IORA countries, sees the advantages of further developing maritime transport and navigation, coastal areas and tourism, sustainable fishing, the fight against marine pollution, and the joint study of ocean resources. Particular attention is paid to international cooperation projects in the field of the “blue economy”, which are carried out by the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the state corporation Rosatom and IORA. Russia’s international cooperation with IORA will help expand Russia’s strategic presence and influence in the Indian Ocean.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):67-74
pages 67-74 views

The Rivalry of Regional and Non-Regional Actors in Central Asia in the Context of the Concept of Eurasianism

Shangaraev R.N., Nogmova A.S., Ivochkina A.S.


The purpose of this research paper is to study Central Asia in the geopolitical space of Eurasia and the influence of extra-regional actors in the context of the “big game”. As a result of modern global political and socio-economic transformations in Russian science, forgotten ideas are being renewed, which marked the guidelines for the further development of the state, aimed at combating global challenges of our time, preventing interfaith and interethnic conflicts, uniting peoples, preserving national and territorial unity, and creating a vast and strong state. After the cold War, cultural geopolitical concepts were reinterpreted. Among them was the concept of Eurasianism, which has deep historical roots for the peoples of the region, including Central Asia in the context of the “Big Game” in Eurasia. The authors concluded that after the collapse of the USSR, the geopolitical situation in Central Asia underwent drastic changes. The importance of this region is reflected in the geopolitical theories of various world scientists, including the classics of geopolitics, including the concept of Eurasianism. The existing contradictions in the region and the struggle between the great powers for leadership are shaping global and regional instability in Central Asia.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):75-82
pages 75-82 views

Strategic Interaction Between Russia and Turkey Within the Framework of the Turkish Stream Construction Project

Vinogradova K.A.


Turkish Stream is a difficult-to-implement and large-scale engineering project in gas pipeline construction, which is located at a depth of more than 2,000 meters in the Black Sea. The creation of the project was conditioned by the possibilities of establishing new routes for gas export, strengthening of international relations between Russia and Turkey, energy security of Turkey and European countries, as well as consolidation of Russia’s status of energy leader. The article considers the peculiarities of international relations between Russia and Turkey, characterizes the Turkish Stream project, identifies the economic benefits of the countries from the construction of the Black Sea gas pipeline, defines the role of Turkish Stream in strengthening political cooperation, analyzes the risks associated with the construction of the Russian-Turkish gas pipeline, and develops the concept of international strategic interaction within the framework of Turkish Stream in modern conditions.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):83-89
pages 83-89 views

The Republic of Kazakhstan’s Public Diplomacy: Main Features and Prospects

Meshcheryakov K.Е., Leksyutina Y.V., Rozmetov A.S., Kuanyshbek A.K.


The article aims to create a comprehensive view of Kazakhstan’s public diplomacy among the readership. It concludes that this phenomenon originated in the first decades of the existence of the Kazakh Khanate. At a time when the Kazakh lands were part of the Russian Empire and the USSR, the Kazakh people had no opportunity to pursue an independent foreign policy, the only element of which was public diplomacy. The revival of national public diplomacy became possible after Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991. For the last three decades, the main objective of Kazakhstan’s public diplomacy has been to create a positive international image of a newly independent Kazakhstani State and help its economy attract foreign investments. Such guidelines were designed to make favorable conditions for ensuring the socio-economic development of the country and the implementation of its foreign policy goals. Nowadays, Kazakhstan’s public diplomacy has three dimensions: political, economic and cultural, the main one of which is political. In the foreseeable future, Astana will remain interested in the active use of public diplomacy tools, in strengthening its status as one of the world’s best masters in this field.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):90-99
pages 90-99 views

Approaches to Defining Artificial Intelligence in International Research and Law

Zagaynov M.R.


We can see a real explosion in the development of artificial intelligence. This is the most progressive and rapidly developing direction in modern science. However, although the active development of artificial intelligence began in the middle of the last century, its complete and unified definition has not yet been given. The concept of artificial intelligence has serious implications both for the development of regulations and for assessing opportunities and risks. In the article we will consider approaches to defining artificial intelligence in the works of researchers and laws of the Russian Federation, the USA, the European Union and China. And we will come to the conclusion that a single and complete concept of artificial intelligence cannot currently be formulated due to rapid development and the need to embrace what has not yet been created.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):100-105
pages 100-105 views

Shaping China’s Arctic Policy

Bo L.


The author of this article aims to identify the main directions of China’s policy in the Arctic in the 21st century. The author analyzes the change in China’s strategy and its relations with the countries of Northern Europe and Russia as important foundations of China’s activities in the Arctic region. The author notes how the policy in the region and issues of cooperation have changed, but at the same time notes the role and importance of China among non-Arctic countries. Of course, China cannot compete in the Arctic state, at least on the basis of geographical location. Nevertheless, China has huge potential to develop its participation in the Arctic region, from science to political and economic issues. The author concludes that China’s foreign policy aimed at peace and prosperity undoubtedly includes cooperation in the Arctic. Despite the policy changes of the leading Arctic and near-Arctic states, China will continue its work and has already come a long way in developing its Arctic path. In particular, one of the most important policy tools for China is the search for allies.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):106-112
pages 106-112 views

China’s Public Diplomacy at the Present Stage

Mengjiao Y.


The purpose of the research. The article examines the current state of public diplomacy research in China. The subject, object, method and purpose of public diplomacy are analyzed. As a resource of national soft power, culture is an important means of implementing public diplomacy. In the article, we analyze the specific Chinese practice of implementing public diplomacy from the point of view of cultural public diplomacy. Results. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that the status of public diplomacy in Chinese national diplomacy has increased rapidly. First, with regard to the current state of research, in recent years, the research of Chinese scientists in the field of public diplomacy has focused more on applied research than on theoretical ones, such as the role of public diplomacy in shaping the country’s image and strengthening its soft power. Secondly, with regard to the definition of public diplomacy, Chinese scientists hold different views on the subject, object and method of public diplomacy, but on the purpose of public diplomacy, Chinese scientists believe that public diplomacy, like other types of traditional diplomacy, is aimed at protecting and strengthening national interests. Thirdly, humanitarian exchanges have always been an important part of Xi Jinping’s socialist diplomatic thought with Chinese specifics in the new era and an important pillar of Chinese diplomacy. China has enriched Chinese public diplomacy with the opening of Confucius institutes, exchanges, large-scale cultural events and large-scale sports events, promoted the popularization of Chinese culture, strengthened mutual understanding and cooperation with the peoples of other countries and achieved good results.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):113-124
pages 113-124 views

Human Rights

Legal Status of National Minorities in the People’s Republic of China

Ermakov D.N.


We live in a world of different ethnic groups and peoples. About 3,000 ethnic groups live in more than 200 countries and regions of the modern world. The vast majority of countries are populated by multi-ethnic groups. Since the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China by the central government, about 56 ethnic groups have been identified and verified, namely Han, Mongols, Hui, Tibetans, Uyghurs, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buei, Koreans, Manchus, Dong Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani , Cossack, Dai, Li, Lisu, Wa, She, Gaoshan, Lahu, Shui, Dongxiang, Nasi, Jingpo, Kyrgyz, Tu, Daur, Mulao, Qiang, Blang, Salar, Maonan, Gelao, Shibe, Achang, Pumi, Tajik , Well, Uzbek, Russian, Evenki, Deang, Bonan (also Baoan), Yugur, Jing, Tatarsky, Derung, Oroken, Hezhe, Monpa, Lhoba and Gino. The article, for the first time, comprehensively sets out the foundations of the constitutional law of the People’s Republic of China, highlights the experience of the formation and development of legal regulation of the status of national minorities in the PRC, formed since its formation and developing in connection with the reform of the country and the establishment of a political system “with Chinese characteristics.”

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):125-130
pages 125-130 views

Theory, Methodology, and History of Sociology

Digital Fraud: What Students Know about it (Experience in Conducting a Focus Group Interview)

Dadaeva T.M., Burkova S.A.


The article, based on statistical data and sociological research from a focus group interview conducted among students, updates the problem of cyber fraud. The dynamics of stolen funds of Russians over five years, the level of awareness of students about cyber fraud, the types and forms of fraud schemes that informants have encountered are shown. The most common forms of fraud are deception associated with the transfer of money for a purchase/service on the Internet with or without priority links, phishing sites and hacking of a page (account), with the subsequent demand for money for its return. This may be due to the fact that young people are active users of social media (social networks, instant messengers, games, marketplaces, etc.) and most often use online shopping. Next come less popular forms of cyber fraud, such as “raising” funds for SVO participants, the “anti-cafe” scheme, and telephone calls under the “relative in need” scheme. A number of signs to identify a fraudster (assertiveness, aggressiveness in response to the desire to check information, commanding tone, top secrecy during a call, etc.) have been identified. The reasons and factors (internal and external) contributing to the deception of a potential victim have been established (low awareness, lack of experience in dealing with digital fraud schemes, personal qualities (excessive gullibility, pliability, fear of public condemnation, greed), the use of external factors (SVO), social technologies engineering by attackers). In the context of simulated situations of cyber fraud, algorithms for the safe behavior of potential victims were identified, and students proposed measures to prevent digital fraud.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):131-140
pages 131-140 views

Economic Sociology

Sociocultural Foundations of Economic Behavior in Modern Russia

Yurasov I.A., Zamiralova T.A.


This article is devoted to the study of the influence of socio-cultural foundations on the economic behavior of people in modern Russia. The conducted research revealed significant differences in which sociocultural factors influence the values, preferences and choices of respondents from different age groups. At the next stage, the influence of various traditions on different age groups was investigated. It turned out that almost all people in their economic behavior are influenced by certain traditions, while different groups of people are more or less influenced by different traditions. At the final stage, the perception of innovations and new technologies by different age groups, as well as people’s attitude to entrepreneurship, was investigated. The obtained research results are useful for predicting the course and outcome of economic behavior of Russian citizens of different ages. They should be taken into account when developing or adapting various economic programs or strategies that take into account the needs of various socio-cultural groups.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):141-148
pages 141-148 views


Thalassocratic Tendencies and Their Possible Influence on the Formation of Identity Among Residents of the Far Eastern Cities of Post-Soviet Russia

Кuzmina O.V., Bulakh E.V., Vasilyeva T.A., Manapov S.S.


The article is the result of an analysis of factors in the formation of collective identity at points of economic growth. Thalassocratic tendencies that determine the identity of residents of port cities are of particular interest for socio-political research. The Russian Federation has access to sea communications from the north, south, west and east. An assessment of thalassocratic trends in the USA, Canada, Germany and Turkey allows us to assume that the unified identity that emerged during the Soviet period will not retain its integrity. The political activity of the population in the port cities of the Russian Far East will take on different characteristics than in the cities of the continental part. The work used: a comparative method necessary to identify qualitative differences between local and regional thalassocratic and tellurocratic identities. Particular attention is paid to aspects that determine the presence, possible manifestation and dynamics of the formation of signs of thalassocratic identity in the south of the Russian Far East.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):149-158
pages 149-158 views

Social Structure Social Institutions and Processes

Communicative Competence of a Public Relations Specialist

Goryacheva O.N.


The article explores communicative preparedness as a fundamental competence of a public relations specialist necessary for achieving professional goals and successful work in the modern world. They are responsible for the strategic management of communications and relations of the organization with the key public, play an important role in shaping and promoting the image and reputation of the organization, as well as in building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with key stakeholders. The relevance of the topic is in line with the new age challenges of modern Russia, which have paved the way for the institutionalization of the corpus of advertising and public relations. The purpose of the paper is related to the realization that there is a range of new educational opportunities for PR specialists leading to meaningful formation of communicative competence. The article uses the empirical method of work with the source base of FSES HE in the direction of training 42.04.01 “Advertising and public relations, comparative analysis of competence characteristics of PR-specialist’s activity”. Effective communication with the target audience, quality customer service, providing a wide range of media services, social responsibility increases the recognizability of the company and create a positive image that helps to manage reputational risks. The practical significance of the work is manifested in the definition of the competence approach to the professional activity of a public relations specialist through the study of his communicative skills expressed in the strategy of reputational improvement. Communicative investments in image and reputation allow companies to gain a number of benefits, including customer loyalty, employee engagement, investor confidence and enhanced competitive advantage.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):159-165
pages 159-165 views

Family Memory as a Factor in the Formation of Civic Identity of Youth. Sociological Analysis

Bogatova O.A., Dadaeva T.M.


The article analyzes and summarizes the results of a qualitative sociological study of the family memory of young people. generation of “centennials”, using the example of students of Mordovian State University, implemented by the method of in-depth interviews in order to identify the main characteristics of the family memory of young people in the context of the formation of their civic identity. Regular interaction of the family with wider communities of memory, as well as institutional “places of memory”, in modern Russia has been established, including the exchange of information and material evidence of memory through digital and traditional archives, museums, local history publications, the media, etc., construction “assemblage points” between significant people and events in the history of the family, on the one hand, and the country, on the other, through which the historical past of the country is included in the family narrative, and the family’s past in the public memorial culture. The similarities and differences between the basic structure of informants’ family memory narratives and the official narrative of Russian memory policy are shown. It was revealed that the family memory of “centennials” mediates the individual’s connection not with individual social groups, formed in the form of mnemonic communities, but with the community of memory of an indefinite set of people, which can be correlated with the category of “people” as a state-civil community.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):166-176
pages 166-176 views

Sociology of management

Development of the Potential of Intelligent Technologies in Managing the Security of a Modern City

Garaganov A.V.


The article examines current challenges related to ensuring security and efficient functioning of urban infrastructure. The author analyzes the potential of smart technologies, such as video surveillance, data analytics, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things, in the context of creating innovative solutions for the management and development of the urban environment. The history of urban safety management, ethical and legal issues, as well as prospects for the development of smart technologies in this area, including smart transport management, the use of Big Data and analytics, the development of drones and autonomous systems, and the creation of ethical standards are briefly described.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):177-182
pages 177-182 views

Social Aspects of the Adaptation of the Russian Education System to the Digital Economy: Challenges and Prospects

Denikina Z.D., Trubina J.A.


The digital economy is bringing significant changes to the social and economic environment, requiring new approaches and strategies from the education system. The article analyzes the impact of the digital economy on education and the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies and innovations. Based on the conducted research, several key challenges faced by the Russian education system have been identified, such as the need to develop digital competencies, changing the content of curricula and skill requirements. At the same time, the article also highlights the prospects and opportunities that the digital economy opens up, such as expanding educational opportunities and innovative teaching methods.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):183-190
pages 183-190 views

Territorial Public Self-Government: Regional Experience

Bulakh E.V.


Theoretical concepts that make it possible to describe certain models of local self-government focus on the community as the main subject of local processes. Russian legislation provides for the legal fixation of the community in the form of territorial public self-government. The article is a review and comparative analysis of the practice of local self-government carried out by the population in the form of territorial public self-government. An assessment of social performance allows us to make the assumption that territorial restrictions on the implementation of self-government entail a decrease in the initiative activity of residents. Restrictions are a consequence of the refusal by municipal authorities to perceive territorial public self-government as an equal participant in local self-government.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):191-197
pages 191-197 views

Ways to Optimize Regulation of Social Adaptation Management for Cadets

Zhukov D.V., Evenko S.L.


Research objective. The article examines the issues of regulating the management of social adaptation of cadets of higher military schools of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Young people entering higher military educational institutions (military universities) not only change the level of the educational institution, as higher military education requires significantly higher levels of autonomy, personal responsibility, and self-organization, along with motivation to study more complex and difficult professional areas of knowledge, but also the social environment. During their training in military universities, cadets pass through a stage of forming the main professional characteristics of social adaptation. It is during this period that the institutional development of the university’s activities to support students in socio-psychological support of the processes of their adaptation and regulation of its management in the university occurs. Such an institutional system should include, at least, three aspects of the development of the system for managing the social adaptation of a cadet and its regulation – goal setting, processes and structures. The article concludes on the expediency of solving the problem of institutional development of adaptation through the creation of a monitoring and regulation service for managing the social adaptation of cadets.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):198-203
pages 198-203 views

Sociology of Culture

Social Technologies of Patriotic Education in Modern Russia

Denikin A.V., Denikina Z.D.


This article studies social technologies used in modern Russia for patriotic education. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of techniques of patriotic education and to assess the attitude of the population of different age groups to this type of education. The study is based on the results of a survey conducted among different age groups. The results of the survey allow us to get an idea of the opinion of the population of different age groups regarding patriotic education in modern Russia. They are applicable for the development and adaptation of patriotic education programs that take into account the preferences and opinions of different age groups, as well as for a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of the activities carried out.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):204-210
pages 204-210 views

Ontology and theory of cognition

The Teaching of Double Effect and Artificial Intelligence

Goryachev A.Y., Smirnov S.V.


This paper explores the possibility of applying existing ethical principles to artificial intelligence learning algorithms. The processes controlled by artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on the lives of all people in the future. Decision-making without consideration of moral and ethical principles may lead to catastrophic consequences not only as direct damage, but also in the form of degradation of certain ethical norms in general. An attempt to directly transfer universal moral principles to the ethics of artificial intelligence may lead to insurmountable obstacles due to the nature of artificial intelligence.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):211-215
pages 211-215 views

Social and Political Philosophy

The Image of Russia and its Army in the Context of Modern Information Warfare

Petrukhin A.S.


The article provides a general analysis of the nature of the new active phase of the Cold War of the West against Russia. The manifesto of this war was the report “The Russian Challenge” prepared by the British Chatham House. In the technologies of information warfare, psychohistorical weapons, social construction, and post-truth are singled out. One of the objects of defeat is the historical and spiritual image of Russia and its army. To do this, Russophobia is used, in the implementation of which the technologies of modern warfare are used. In addition, modern information warfare intrudes directly into the sphere of religious practices and traditional spiritual values, destroying the direct organic connection of a person with the world and his own kind. And behind the image of the West, there are subjects of globalization that seek to establish their own project of world order by dismantling nation-states and local civilizations. In order to survive, Russia must revive the practices of comprehending and embodying objectively existing meanings, taking into account its historical and spiritual experience and the nature of modern challenges and threats of a new information war.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):216-221
pages 216-221 views

Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture

Orthodoxy in the Perspective of the Formation of Compliance Between Secular and Church Academicism in the First Quarter of the 19th Century (Based on Materials from the National Corpus of the Russian Language)

Markova N.M., Arinin E.I., Golenko V.V.


The first quarter of the 19th century became an era of rapid geopolitical changes, and the number of texts with the lexeme “Orthodoxy”, according to the materials of the linguistic academic resource “National Corpus of the Russian Language”, was almost equal to their volume for the entire 18th century. The formation of an academic tradition of respectful and objective description of confessional, ethnic, ethno-confessional and religious communities in a multi-confessional country of the Enlightenment continues, while Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants could be understood as “members of a single Christian people” (Act of the Holy Alliance, 1815). In search of compensation (harmony) between secular and church elites, new denotations and connotations are formed (for example, “Parnassian Orthodoxy” by A.S. Pushkin), and the normative Cyrillic spelling of the “Russian faith” that is familiar today is unified. The article outlines the position and approaches of modern philosophical religious studies.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(2):222-230
pages 222-230 views

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