Problems and Prospects for Multiculturalism Policy in East Asia

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The purpose of the research. The present article examines the main difficulties encountered in the implementation of multiculturalism policies in East Asian countries. In the context of globalization, reflecting numerous economic, political and cultural transformations, one can notice that many Asian countries effectively implement the policy of multiculturalism. However, in some of them the changes do not proceed according to a standard pattern, which is due to cultural specifics. States such as the People’s Republic of China and Japan were considered as examples. Despite the external readiness to change and the acceptance of multiculturalism, in these countries there are still restraining factors (political isolation, language, preservation of cultural values) that delay the prospects of transforming society from monolithic to multicultural. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the attempts to implement the policy of multiculturalism; in addition, a forecast is offered regarding the prospects for further development of its models in the states under consideration. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that the observations and conclusions presented within the framework of the article can be used in comparing different models of multiculturalism in modern Eastern states. The methodology of the research includes the method of synchronic analysis and the method of contextual analysis. General scientific methods of research are represented by concretization, systematization, analysis and synthesis of information.

About the authors

Ekaterina Yu. Andreeva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9953-4958
SPIN-code: 6669-4487

Candidate of Philology, lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the Faculty of International Economic Relations

Russian Federation, Moscow


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