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Vol 13, No 5 (2023)

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History and Theory of Politics

Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Social Consensus

Filippov A.R., Novikov O.G.


This article presents, understands, analyzes and classifies the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of social consensus in the history of philosophical, social and political thought. Using a comparative approach, extrapolation and content analysis, the authors reveal the conceptual principles of social consent, consider it through the categories of inequality and hierarchy, identify the grounds for an optimistic view of social consensus, establish the key factors of lability (instability) of social consent from the point of view of the psychology of mass behavior, comprehend a skeptical approach to the perception of social consensus, study public consent through the prism of formal and informal norms, dissect public consent in terms of political culture and the legitimacy of power. The definition of public consensus is formulated as a situation in which individuals, institutions and subjects of public authority have certain common points of contact, which become the basis of political integration and cooperation. At the end of the material, a conclusion is made about the relative importance of public consensus, depending on the specific type of political culture and the ideological and theoretical direction of political, social and philosophical science.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):13-28
pages 13-28 views

Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies

Russian Society and Socio-Political Risks of the Digital Era in the Global Dimension

Gorlov K.N., Rogachev S.V.


In the modern world, global crises such as economic instability, social tensions, and political challenges are exacerbated by the rapid development of digital technologies. These technologies, being dual in nature, can both contribute to solving many problems and intensify them. In this complex and dynamic situation, Russian society faces a series of socio-political challenges and risks, driven by both external factors and internal processes. The article conducts a systematic study of the causes and consequences of crises, which has identified the key factors of each crisis in their interrelation with the processes of global digitization. The issues of Russia’s position and role in the new global processes are explored, including the risks it faces in the context of digital transformation, how it can counter modern geopolitical challenges, and utilize digital innovations to strengthen its political and economic position on the international stage.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):29-37
pages 29-37 views

The Dialogue Between the Government and Society in the Mechanism of Social Transformation

Ilyicheva M.V., Huseynov R.S., Ilyicheva L.E.


The democratization of relations between the state and society provides for the creation of an atmosphere of trust and harmony, including on the basis of public dialogue between public authorities, citizens and public institutions representing their interests. Effective interaction between the State and civil society is one of the important prerequisites for the development of democracy. The success of this interaction is predetermined by constant dialogue, improvement of the practice of mutual relations, active participation of citizens in the system of state decision-making. The authors have determined the levels of interaction between government and society in modern Russia.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):38-45
pages 38-45 views

The Impact of International Sanctions Pressure on the Consolidation of Russian Society (2014–2023)

Mustakimov A.V., Rogachev S.V.


Purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of socio-political consolidation and rallying of Russian citizens around the figure of the head of state in the conditions of unprecedented sanctions pressure of the collective West on the Russian economy and limited opportunities for Russian citizens.

Methodological basis of the study. The work used general scientific methods based on a systematic approach, namely analysis, synthesis, generalization, deduction, induction. When analyzing the specifics of the impact of international sanctions on the political process in Russia and the dynamics of mass political consciousness, the theory of sanctions (sanction theory) is used, which is based on the hypothesis of the existence of a correlation between sanctions measures and the transformation of politics in the recipient country.

Research results. The authors concludes that the international anti-Russian sanctions did not meet the expectations of their initiators and led to the “reverse” effect, contributing to the appearance of the so-called “Rally Round the Flag” effect. The key phenomenon of the mass political consciousness of Russians in this context is the so-called “Crimean consensus”, characterized by a sharp increase in the approval ratings of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian government after the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol. This consensus has been successfully maintained for several years now, despite the next economic crisis that started in the fall of 2014, the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the general decline in the socio-economic standard of living of Russians and unprecedented sanctions pressure against Russia after the start of a Special military operation in Ukraine in 2022.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):46-56
pages 46-56 views

Yemen: General Characteristics of the Development of the State in Conditions of Political Conflict

Penkov V.F., Aldaheri A.A., Al-Arosi Z.М.


The article analyzes the state of the socio-economic standard of living in Yemen in the context of political conflicts associated with the existence of contradictions between the South and the North of the state. United at the end of the XX century, South and North Yemen, even after a 20-year period, could not actually become a single state, which significantly affects the quality and standard of living of citizens and the development of the state as a whole. At the same time, it is the conflict situation that influences the impossibility of achieving sustainable development and the formation of the state as a single Arab state.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):57-61
pages 57-61 views

International Relations, Global and Regional Studies

A Special Historical Path of Russian Civilization in the Context of the Modern World Order

Kazanina L.Y., Koltsov D.E.


This article provides a comprehensive historical-legal, historical-philosophical and socio-political analysis of Russian statehood, taking into account its historical development. Such categories as “Russian world” and “Russian civilisation” are studied. The question of Russia’s special path throughout its history is raised, and a comparison is made between Western and Russian civilisation models. Separate attention is paid to the historical and legal aspects of Russian sovereignty. The authors come to the conclusion that the preservation of the memory of the historical past and the development of an independent system of regulation of social relations through law and morality helped Russia for a thousand years to remain a distinctive country and to acquire unique features that characterise it as a separate sovereign state-civilisation.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):62-71
pages 62-71 views

Spain’s European Policy During its Presidency of the Council of the EU

Shahbazov A.S.


The article examines the main aspects of the Spain’s European policy as the President of the EU Council. The further course of the Kingdom’s European policy depends on the effectiveness of the Spanish government’s work in the Council in the second half of 2023. In addition to the main topic of the European agenda – geopolitical challenges – such important issues as energy independence and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, migration, as well as taxation rules were touched upon. In addition, the integration process is discussed in the context of the new expansion policy. The Spanish government will have to balance a neutral position in the Council and the national interests of the country.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):72-76
pages 72-76 views

Public Diplomacy and the Role of the Azerbaijani Diaspora in its Promotion

Bayramli N.S., Pogodin S.N.


The article is devoted to the concept and significance of “public diplomacy” in the system of modern international relations and the role of the Azerbaijani Diaspora in the foreign policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The purpose of the article is to reveal the concept of “public diplomacy” and analyze the functioning of the policy of the Azerbaijan diaspora abroad. The work uses a logical and comparative analysis, a method of working with legal acts. The authors reveal the concept and significance of “public diplomacy” in the modern system of international relations and the efforts of the leadership and government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to strengthen and promote the Azerbaijani diaspora in the international arena. It can be said that in the last decade Azerbaijan has been actively investing in the formation of a positive international image of the republic, in the popularization and dissemination of Azerbaijani culture, and in public diplomacy. The Azerbaijani diaspora has become one of the main instruments for popularizing the Republic of Azerbaijan in the international arena.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):77-82
pages 77-82 views

Features of International Cooperation of Universities. Experience of Russia and Kazakhstan

Ostashova Y.V.


The purpose of this research is to determine the characteristics of international cooperation between universities, identified based on studying the experience of two specific states: Russia and Kazakhstan. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated: consideration of the processes of internationalization and integration of higher education in the modern global world, as well as the study of international cooperation between universities in Russia and Kazakhstan, implemented on the basis of these processes. As a result of the study, appropriate conclusions were drawn. It was found that today universities are implementing international cooperation programs, identifying this work as a priority. This is due to the realities of the modern world, whose global processes stimulate the internationalization of higher education. The experience of universities in Russia and Kazakhstan demonstrates these trends. The development of universities in these states involved work to build up international contacts. Russian universities began to integrate into the international educational system earlier. At the same time, current realities have ensured a certain shift in the vectors of their activities. Currently, the scope of their cooperation is extremely wide and affects various regions and states of the modern world. At the same time, “developing” and post-Soviet countries can be considered dominant. Universities of Kazakhstan are also active in international work. It finds its expression both in participation in educational programs and in active cooperation with Asian and post-Soviet states, one of the leaders among which is the Russian Federation.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):83-89
pages 83-89 views

Economic Sociology

Sociological Analysis of the Concept of Innovation-oriented Motivation and its Impact on the Development of Small and Medium-sized Businesses

Kuleshov S.M., Tsaryuk D.A.


The purpose of this study is to conduct a sociological analysis of the concept of innovation-oriented motivation and its impact on the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Within the framework of this scientific work, the essence of the concept of innovation-oriented motivation was studied, the main components forming this approach to staff motivation were identified, and the impact of this concept on small and medium-sized businesses was determined. This research work is based on the works of domestic and foreign sociologists, on the results of international research. In addition, to increase the reliability and relevance of conclusions and recommendations, the author conducted an empirical study, the results of which became the basis for the formation of the theoretical and practical scientific novelty of this article. Based on the analysis of primary and secondary sociological information, the author has formed certain conclusions and recommendations regarding the application of the concept of innovation-oriented motivation in the framework of the functioning of small and medium-sized businesses.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):90-95
pages 90-95 views

The Role of Import Substitution in Providing Support for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Razov P.V., Prokhorova I.G.


The purpose this scientific article is devoted to the study of the role of social entrepreneurs on sustainable regional development in conditions of economic instability. The relevance of the chosen topic is justified not only by the fact that in the conditions of sanctions pressure and geopolitical destabilization, the domestic economy is forced to cope with various crisis phenomena, but also by the fact that against the background of current events, the level of social tension in society increases, social problems become even more urgent and new ones arise. Sustainable development covers a wide range of issues, including environmental protection, social equality, economic growth and cultural preservation. This requires a holistic and integrated approach that recognizes the interdependence of these issues and seeks to ensure their balance. Together with the analysis of the concept of sustainable development, which should be implemented both at the federal and regional levels, the authors suggest that social entrepreneurs have a significant beneficial impact on the sustainable development of regions. Sustainable development covers a wide range of issues, including environmental protection, social equality, economic growth and cultural preservation. This requires a holistic and integrated approach that recognizes the interdependence of these issues and seeks to ensure their balance. In conditions of economic instability, the state should pay special attention to the development of the institution of social entrepreneurship, since in conditions of increasing social tension and economic destabilization, the level of social problems increases, and social entrepreneurs share the state’s capabilities in solving these problems. Responsibility for the development of the regions lies not only on the state and social entrepreneurs, but also on every member of our society.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):96-101
pages 96-101 views

Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture

Spiritual and Moral Foundations of Christian Doctrine and its Development in the History of Russian Orthodox Thought

Borzova E.P., Kovalev A.A.


This article examines the key stages of the evolution of spiritual and moral education based on Orthodox Christian values, starting from the early days of Christianity and ending with the present period, when the Church becomes one of the most important institutions influencing the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of young people.

The purpose of the research is to study the fundamental foundations of spiritual and moral Christian teaching, their reflection in the historiosophy of the Orthodox religion. and their significance in the formation of a person’s worldview of the present time. The conclusions drawn in the course of the study allow us to reliably assert that the spiritual and moral values of Orthodoxy are natural and organic to the Russian mental character in any period of its development. That is why, in the XXI century, a return to traditional values by redirecting education and upbringing as mutually dependent sides of a single process into a spiritual and moral traditional path will allow the Russian people to find their own path in world history.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2023;13(5):102-110
pages 102-110 views

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