卷 4, 编号 4 (2013)


Comparative characteristics of hemodynamics in the right and left main arteries in elderly patients with hypertension and its change in complex treatment involving physical training

Efremushkin G., Lomakina N.


The aim of the following work was to study the hemodynamics in symmetric main arteries (MA) and its changes in elderly patients with arterial hypertension (AH) under the complex treatment involving physical training (PT).Materials and methods. The study included 122 hypertensive patients aged 60-90 years (76,8 ± 1,3 years). Common carotid (CCA), femoral (FA) and the shoulder (SA) arteries with the definition of velocity and volumetric hemodynamic parameters in them were examined using complex dopplerography.Results. In elder hypertensive patients the MA were increased in comparison with healthy intima-media and the diameter of the arteries at lower speed and volume of blood flow indices mainly in the CCA. Drug treatment of several patients improved these figures only in the FA and SA. PT, when included in the medical complex of elderly patients with hypertension proved to have positively influenced the hemodynamics not only in the FA and SA, but in the CCA as well.Conclusion. Complex treatment of elderly hypertensive patients using PT improves blood circulation of the limbs and brain, increasing the oxygen supply of the latter.
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Clinical and medico-social effectiveness of therapeutic training of patients with atrial fibrillation

Muromkina A., Nazarova O., Intyakova Y.


Lack of efficacy of treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) is partly due to their low adherence, stipulatedby a lack of disease awareness among the patients. The article describes a technique of therapeutic training of patients with atrial fibrillation, developed on the basis of Ivanovo State Medical Academy and its influence on patients' awareness about the disease, their treatment adherence and quality of life. Schooling for patients with atrial fibrillation also led to a decrease in the number of applications for inpatient and outpatient medical care due to the worsening of arrhythmia. Positive dynamics of these indicators was noted early after training, and also 3 years after its closure.
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):10-13
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On pathoautokinesis of hyperlipoproteidemia and its clinical significance

Kalinkin M., Volkov V.


The aim: to detect the presence of pathoautokinesis signs in development and maintenance of hyperlipoproteidemia (HLP) in experiments on intact rabbits and the rabbits after long-term intravenous injection of lipoproteids (LP).Material and methods. 3 series of experiments on rabbits which received for 60 days intravenous homologous apo-Bcontaining LP (25–30 mg LP per 1 kg of the body mass) were carried out. Correspondence of calculated and true values of injected LP, duration of HLP maintenance after LP injection termination and the body response to single injection of interlipin as well as character of elimination with J 131 apo-B-LP from blood alteration of the liver homogenates have been studied.Results. It has been shown that in 50% of rabbits with experimental HLP, the true values of intravenously injected LP were higher than calculated ones. In rabbits after LP injection termination HLP arisen lasts for 30–40 days and intralipid injection induces prolonged HLP. The values of radioactivity of plasma LP in HLP testify to their difficult elimination from blood and their accumulation in the liver.Conclusion. Mechanisms of pathoautokinesis are present in HLP development and maintenance.
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):13-16
pages 13-16 views

Self-management of diabetes

Nedogoda S., Salasyuk A., Barykina I., Khripaeva V.


The theory based on the supposition that for the effective treatment of diabetes patients should largely take responsibility for their health, is of no doubt. This is only possible if patients are properly trained to perform continuous monitoring of their disease and have at their disposal some modern easily manageable blood glucose meters that meet international standards and. The present article highlights the changes in the last revision of national guidelines related to the treatment of self-control, as well as existing modern demands in instrumentation for glycemic control.
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):17-20
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Myocardial metabolic background on chemotherapy and means of their correction

Vasyuk Y., Shkolnik E., Nesvetov V., Shkolnik L., Varlan G., Pilschikov A.


Recent years have seen significant progress in the treatment of many oncologicaldiseases associated with the development of new chemotherapeutic agents. Typically, they are used in combination with classical chemotherapy regimens that in-clude doxorubicin. In the background of this combined treatment significant prolongation of life of the patients was noted, but at the same time the risk of cardiotoxicity was considerably increased. The survey provides information about the cardiomyocytesmetabolic disorders during therapy with anthracyclines, discussing the possibility of pathogenetic treatment and prevention.
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):20-24
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Clinical use of the III generation calcium antagonist Amlotopin the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease

Zadionchenko V., Shehyan G., Yalymov A.


Despite the facts, revealing the mechanisms of pathogenesis and enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the latter continues to be the leading cause of death and disability in the population. In this regard, the search for new treatments for CVD remains the most relevant in modern cardiology. In the treatment of CVD many classes of drugs are used, among which are calcium antagonists (AA). This class of drugs has been successfully used in the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and coronary heart disease [1-3, 5].CA are a heterogeneous group of drugs that have the similar actionmechanism, but differ in a number of properties, including pharmacokinetics, tissue selectivity, effect on heart rate, etc. The main feature of all is the ability of CA to reversibly inhibit calcium current through the slow calcium channels. These funds are used in cardiology from the end of the 1960s and have since become so widely popular that in most developed countries they hold one of the first places on the prescription rate of drugs used for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. This is due, on the one hand, to the CA high clinical efficacy, and on the other to a relatively small number of contraindications to their purpose and the comparatively small number of side effects. [1, 2, 4, 5].
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):25-32
pages 25-32 views

The possibilities of usage of ivabradin (Coraxan) in elderly and senile patients with the syndrome of polymorbidity

Ilnitskij A., Proshchaev K., Priadko L.


The article presents the results of own researches, according to which the syndrome of polymorbidity in people of elderly and senile age in the face of contraindications to use of b-adrenoblockers, may be an alternative to the appointment of the drug ivabradin (Coraxan). He contributes to a significant decrease of the heart rate, improve anginose status and quality of life. In terms of prospects of the further introduction of the drug into clinical practice seems advisable to identify his protective neuroimmunoendocrine effects, which, probably, will allow to expand the indications to its application.
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):33-36
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Clinical haracteristik and psychological profile of patients with arterial hypertension with high cardiovascular risk against the background of antihypertensive therapy with inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)

Kaskayeva D., Petrova M., Kostina V., Evsyukov A., Tepper E.


The article in comparative aspect presents results of rating of psychological profile of 142 patients (all are men, average age 46,5±0,35 years) with arterial hypertension of stage I–III with high risk of cardiovascular complications having been studied after 6 months of dynamic observation against the background of conducted antihypertensive therapy with inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE).
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):36-39
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The role of circulating autoantibodies in relation to proteins in structural cardiomyocytes and functional changes of the heart in patients with chronic myocarditis

Gladysheva E., Grishaev S., Nikiforov V., Svistov A., Solntsev V.


Evidence that has been progressively gathered implicates an important role of the immune system in the course of heart failure. In the majority of heart disease patients, disturbances of humoral immunity with production of cardiodepressant antibodies may play a functional role in cardiac dysfunction. This study evaluates the role of autoantibodies to the cardiac myosin. We examined 52 patients (from 14 till 61 years) with chronic myocarditis. The main examination methods were clinical and biochemical blood tests, ECG, ambulatory Holter ECG monitoring, echocardiography. Autoantibodies to the cardiac myosin were determined by ELISA. These autoantibodies correlate with myocardial inflammation. Also they are associated with structural changes of the heart (hypertrophy, dilation) and cardiac dysfunction (contractility, rhythm and conduction). The degree of expression of these disorders is related to the severity of chronic heart failure.
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Encephalopathy-causes of formation and their significance from the standpoint of factor analysis

Starovoytova I., Potekhin N., Fursov A.


139 patients with confirmed diagnosis of "dyscirculatory encephalopathy" (DEP) - including 120 men and 19 women, mean age - 47,1 ± 7,6 years were examined. Factor analysis showed that DEP is based on structural and functional state of the main arteries of the head. The greatest contribution to the DEP was made bythe pathologically changed intracerebral vessels (middle and posterior cerebral arteries), a slightly smaller one by vertebrates and carotid arteries (common and internal). It is shown that changes in the brain vessels are not only a consequence of atherosclerosis, but also are formed due to hemodynamic overload; vertebral influences play a role in anatomical features and functional status (angiodystonia). In most cases, hypertension in the formation of DEP is not paramount and decisive;often it only reinforces the importance of other mechanisms. Metabolic syndrome can be considered as an important component in the structure of the mathematical model of the DEP patient. Impact on its components should be included in a comprehensive treatment of these patients. Factor analysis confirmed the clinical significance of myocardial dysfunction in patients with DEP, making justified measures to improve the pumping function of the myocardium. Recommended analyses for patients with complex DEP laboratory and instrumental examination include: X-ray (X-ray, computed tomography) study of the spine, computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, Doppler ultrasound of the great arteries of the head,rheoencephalography, electroencephalography , cardiac ultrasound , biochemical blood tests (glucose, cholesterol and its fractions).
CardioSomatics. 2013;4(4):45-50
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