Encephalopathy-causes of formation and their significance from the standpoint of factor analysis

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139 patients with confirmed diagnosis of "dyscirculatory encephalopathy" (DEP) - including 120 men and 19 women, mean age - 47,1 ± 7,6 years were examined. Factor analysis showed that DEP is based on structural and functional state of the main arteries of the head. The greatest contribution to the DEP was made bythe pathologically changed intracerebral vessels (middle and posterior cerebral arteries), a slightly smaller one by vertebrates and carotid arteries (common and internal). It is shown that changes in the brain vessels are not only a consequence of atherosclerosis, but also are formed due to hemodynamic overload; vertebral influences play a role in anatomical features and functional status (angiodystonia). In most cases, hypertension in the formation of DEP is not paramount and decisive;often it only reinforces the importance of other mechanisms. Metabolic syndrome can be considered as an important component in the structure of the mathematical model of the DEP patient. Impact on its components should be included in a comprehensive treatment of these patients. Factor analysis confirmed the clinical significance of myocardial dysfunction in patients with DEP, making justified measures to improve the pumping function of the myocardium. Recommended analyses for patients with complex DEP laboratory and instrumental examination include: X-ray (X-ray, computed tomography) study of the spine, computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, Doppler ultrasound of the great arteries of the head,rheoencephalography, electroencephalography , cardiac ultrasound , biochemical blood tests (glucose, cholesterol and its fractions).

About the authors

I. M Starovoytova

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. мед. экспертизы

N. P Potekhin

BurdenkoMain Military Clinical Hospital

д-р мед. наук, проф., засл. врач России, зам. нач. ГВКГ им. Н.Н.Бурденко по мед. части

A. N Fursov

BurdenkoMain Military Clinical Hospital

Email: fursovan@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф., засл. врач России, зав. отд-нием артериальных гипертензий Кардиологического центра ФГУ ГВКГ им. Н.Н.Бурденко


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