Clinical haracteristik and psychological profile of patients with arterial hypertension with high cardiovascular risk against the background of antihypertensive therapy with inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)

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The article in comparative aspect presents results of rating of psychological profile of 142 patients (all are men, average age 46,5±0,35 years) with arterial hypertension of stage I–III with high risk of cardiovascular complications having been studied after 6 months of dynamic observation against the background of conducted antihypertensive therapy with inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE).

About the authors

D. S Kaskayeva

Voino−Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф. поликлинической терапии, семейной медицины и ЗОЖ с курсом ПО

M. M Petrova

Voino−Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. поликлинической терапии, семейной медицины и ЗОЖ с курсом ПО, проректор по научной работе

V. V Kostina

Voino−Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф. поликлинической терапии, семейной медицины и ЗОЖ с курсом ПО

A. A Evsyukov

Voino−Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф. поликлинической терапии, семейной медици- ны и ЗОЖ с курсом ПО

E. A Tepper

Voino−Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. поликлинической терапии, семейной медицины и ЗОЖ с курсом ПО


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