Vol 9, No 3 (2018)


Correction of psychological status in patients with an arterial hypertension on a background of rehabilitation programs that include training in School of Health

Anikin V.V., Pushkareva O.V.


Many Russian and foreign research shows that violations of the personal status of, characterized by, inter alia, depression are involved not only in development but also the progression of one of the most common cardiovascular diseases - arterial hypertension (AH). In this study, carried out on a large industrial enterprise, evaluated the impact of rehabilitation activities through training programs for patients with AH on their psychological status. Patients with AH (n=185) were randomized into two groups: 125 patients constituted a core group (average age 48.6±0.75 years), the remaining 60-monitoring group (average age of 49.1±1.1 year). All the patients at baseline and after a year of observation conducted questionnaires and psychological tests with Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and psychological stress Reader. At the same time, patients in the intervention group were trained in the School of Health (5 lessons of 1.5-2 hours and 3 classes anti-stress therapy). After 12 months of training at the School of Health decreased number of respondents with clinically significant anxiety and depression, as well as the positive dynamics of the level of importance of psychological stress, both among men and among women. Thus, rehabilitation programs, including training in the School of Health has a positive effect on the psychological status of patients suffering from AH, working in a large industrial enterprise in unhealthy conditions.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Diet counseling for young people: assessment and correction of eating habits

Karamnova N.S., Izmailova O.V., Kalinina A.M.


In modern conditions, the role of active interaction between medical professionals and patients in improving health, reducing the risk of diseases, increasing adherence to a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a responsible attitude to health. The best approach is early comprehensive prevention, aimed at preventing the development of risk factors for major chronic noncommunicable diseases, especially from a young age, at a time when behavioral stereotypes, habits and skills are formed and consolidated. It is proved that the unhealthy diet is a risk factor for the development of chronic non-infectious diseases. Counseling patients on nutrition includes an assessment of the individual nature of nutrition, associated alimentary-dependent risk factors for the development of personalized recommendations. This article proposes a variant of consulting young people with the algorithm of assessment and analysis of eating habits of the patient in accordance with the principles of healthy eating.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):10-16
pages 10-16 views

The role of the insulin-like factor of growth 1 in the development of the processes of myocardial remodeling in women with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome

Zakirova N.E., Nikolaeva I.E., Zakirova A.N., Nurtdinova E.G., Galiyeva E.Z., Nizamova D.F.


Aim: to establish the role of insulin-growth factor (IGF)-1 in myocardial remodeling in female patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and metabolic syndrome (MS) and different stages of obesity Materials and methods. The study included 108 women with AH and MS, divided into 3 groups according to stage of obesity, and 28 healthy women. It was assessed the concentration of IGF-1, status of hemodynamic and types of left ventricle's remodeling. Results. Concentric remodeling and IGF-1 elevation prevailed in patients with AH and first stage of obesity. Concentric hypertrophy of left ventricle and normal level of IGF-1 were established in patients with second stage of obesity. Lack of IGF-1 were determined in women with obesity 3rd stage and eccentric hypertrophy. Correlation analysis in patients with 2-3 stages of obesity showed the linkages between concentration of IGF-1 and hemodynamic parameters. Conclusion. The level of concentration of IGF-1 in patients with AH and MS correlates with remodeling types and stage of obesity.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Stable angina and heart rate

Kirichenko A.A.


The adverse effect of high heart rate (HR) on the course of ischemic heart disease (IHD) is well known. High heart rate can lead to a mismatch between the increased need for myocardium in oxygen and the ability to adequately increase coronary blood flow. A review of the research to study the possibility of reducing heart rate to reduce the number of attacks of angina in patients with IHD, to influence the risk of death and cardiovascular complications. It is shown that the limitation of heart rate for angina pectoris improves the patients' well-being, their tolerance to physical exertion. However, not all classes of drugs affect the prognosis of IHD.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):25-29
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Progression of atherosclerosis as the cause of recurrence of angina in a patient with ischemic heart disease in the first year after angioplasty and stenting of the coronary arteries

Molokhoev E.B., Rudenko B.A., Shanoyan A.S., Drapkina O.M.


Estimation of the proportion of iatrogenic intima lesion of the coronary artery in the structure of recurrence of coronary syndrome after angioplasty and stenting is an insufficiently studied issue. Considering the continuously increasing number of PCI procedures, an increase in the degree of technical complexity (especially in multivessel coronary artery disease involving proximal segments in the atherosclerotic process), the study of this topic seems topical and practically meaningful. In clinical practice, aggressive methods of carrying out the endovascular procedure (deep intubation of the conductor catheter, the use of an extension of the conductor catheter, etc.) increasingly lead to the progression of atherosclerosis in the proximal segments of the coronary arteries, especially in the presence of their initial lesion.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):30-33
pages 30-33 views

The possibility of statusmetric model for managing general cardiovascular risk

Bovtyushko P.V., Grishayev S.L., Nikiforov V.S.


Under the control of the total cardiovascular risk means the possibility of targeted reduction of its absolute and relative values through exposure to risk factors that have been proven to affect the progression of atherosclerosis and the development of its clinical complications. The study included 81 people of socially homogeneous group of men working at the same enterprise and being on dispensary dynamic supervision within 10 years who did not have clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis according to the data of primary inspection. The median age was 45.6±2.94 years. The statistical calculations were based on the method of status measurement, which allows to analyze and assess the state of human health by a complex of genetic, immunological, physiological, biochemical, anamnetic and socio-hygienic indicators. The obtained result made it possible to propose an algorithm for assessing the risk of developing clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis for a single sample of individuals, which is simple for use in clinical practice. Thus, the classification capabilities statustitle in the separation of the men surveyed limited sample to alternative on combined endpoints for the subgroup is significantly higher than the possibility of stratification according to the SCORE model for European countries with high risk (sensitivity 73.9 per cent, a specificity of 74.7%).
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):34-40
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The importance of assessing cardiovascular risk in middle-aged patients with asymptomatic arterial hypertension (clinical observation)

Larina V.N., Fedorova E.V.


The article presents the clinical observation of a patient of middle age without active complaints, who applied for the purpose of preventive examination. The history, physical examination, laboratory and instrumental research data confirmed the patient's hypertension with low cardiovascular risk of complications according to Framingham Risk Scale, moderate - according to the SCORE scale, high - according to the survey data. The purpose of the article is to draw the attention of practicing phisicians to the need for an integrated approach and assessment of the functional state of each patient, regardless of gender and age.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):41-46
pages 41-46 views

The role of hypoglycemia in the development of cardiovascular catastrophes (experience of clinical studies)

Doskina E.V., Almazova I.I., Tanhilevich B.M.


According to the Clinical recommendations "Algorithms of specialized medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus", and receiving hypoglycemic therapy, it is advisable to start at a plasma glucose level <3.9 mmol/l. According to a prospective study, more than 85% of patients with DM1 recorded at least one confirmed hypoglycemic episode within 30 days. Numerous studies show that with DM1, an average of 0.5 to 5 severe hypoglycemic events are observed annually. The main cause of hypoglycemia is an excess of insulin in the body in relation to the intake of carbohydrates from the outside (with food) or from endogenous sources (production of glucose by the liver), as well as with accelerated utilization of carbohydrates (muscle work). Hypoglycemia causes reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, altered the morphology of the t wave, increased procoagulant state, inflammation, proterochampsa reaction, and endothelial dysfunction. Regular self-monitoring can reduce, and in some cases prevent the development of hypoglycemia.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(3):47-53
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