Stable angina and heart rate

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The adverse effect of high heart rate (HR) on the course of ischemic heart disease (IHD) is well known. High heart rate can lead to a mismatch between the increased need for myocardium in oxygen and the ability to adequately increase coronary blood flow. A review of the research to study the possibility of reducing heart rate to reduce the number of attacks of angina in patients with IHD, to influence the risk of death and cardiovascular complications. It is shown that the limitation of heart rate for angina pectoris improves the patients' well-being, their tolerance to physical exertion. However, not all classes of drugs affect the prognosis of IHD.

About the authors

A. A Kirichenko

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав каф. терапии №2 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Barrikadnaia, d. 2/1


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