Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 10, № 5 (2019)

Physicochemical Principles of Creating Materials and Technologies

Use of Constants of Carbon and Ultrahigh-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Fiber for Calculation of Density of Unidirectional Composites

Mamonov V., Krylov I.


A method making it possible to calculate the density and matrix volume fraction of two-component and hybrid composites reinforced with unidirectional rovings of carbon fibers (CF) and ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers is presented. Experimentally found constants of the rovings were used in calculation. The values of calculated density and matrix volume fraction were compared with an actual data of samples. The samples were obtained by resin impregnation of the rovings at free air. The impregnation was implemented simultaneously with laying of the rovings. This procedure does not permit saving the prespecified sample volume without volume control. The effects of volume deviations on the actual density of sample and the actual volume fraction of matrix were investigated on the samples with uncontrolled and controlled volume. The roving volume fractions and concentrations of hybrid and two-component composites were specified as the basic data of calculations. The actual densities of samples, as well as the value of matrix volume fractions, were compared with the calculated ones. The experimental data are in good agreement with the calculated data.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1015-1022
pages 1015-1022 views

A New Approach to Development of Photochromic Composites Based on Hydrated Tungsten(VI) Oxide Particles and Cellulose Matrix

Prokopovich P., Kirillova E., Gurtov V.


Abstract—The synthesis strategy for the photochromic material containing the ultrafine dispersions of orthotungstic acid embedded in a hydrated cellulose matrix was proposed. The composite was obtained from solution of cellulose in Schweizer’s reagent with addition of a tungstate containing agent (sodium tungstate dehydrate) by acid regeneration of cellulose and hydrated tungstic(VI). The structure and phase composition were determined for substances obtained in the course of synthesis. In addition, the photochromic properties were investigated by the screen printing technique of the coating: spectral dependences of the reflection factor for the chromatic and bleached states, kinetics of the photochromic transformations, and the dependence of the coloration efficiency on the length of the radiation mode.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1023-1032
pages 1023-1032 views

Materials for Aerospace Technology

Investigation of a High-Temperature Nb-Based Composite Material Mechanically Doped with Si

Shchetanov B., Graschenkov D., Efimochkin I., Paegle S., Dvoretskov R.


Abstract—The influence of Si and uncontrolled interstitial impurities (oxygen and carbon) in trace amounts on the strength characteristics of a high-temperature composite material (HCM) based on Nb obtained by the powder metallurgy technique has been studied. It has been established that the bending strength of specimens manufactured by mechanical homogenization and mechanical alloying exceeds the strength of a material obtained from an original niobium powder by a factor of 3–4.5, with the main contribution to the increase in strength being made by mechanical homogenization of the original niobium. Optimal HCM properties were obtained during alloying of the Nb powder in a planetary mill with 1 wt % Si and uncontrolled impurities (O and C). An assumption was put forward about the mechanisms of HCM hardening: when using homogenized Nb (without silicon), the hardening proceeds by two mechanisms, both by the cold-work hardening of niobium powder (dislocation mechanism) and by the uncontrolled impurities (O and C) that form ultrafine oxides and niobium carbides (dispersion hardening); after Si introduction, an additional dispersion hardening with niobium silicides takes place. The authors do not exclude the effect of porosity on the strength of the material.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1033-1038
pages 1033-1038 views

Electronic Engineering Materials

Magnetic Field Production Abilities of Thermoelectric Materials Based on Layered Crystals of the Family [(Ge, Sn, Pb) Te]m [(Bi, Sb)2 (Te, Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2, …) with Non-Isovalent Cationic Substitution

Korzhuev M., Avilov E., Kretova M.


The dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit and magnetic field production ability of “natural” nanostructures–layered ternary alloys (TA) of the family [(Ge, Sn, Pb)(Te, Se)]m [(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n, with non-isovalent cationic substitution (Ge, Sn, Pb ↔ Bi, Sb) are investigated. In the transition from binary alloys (BA) to TA, we observed the formation of the phase “phonon glass–electronic crystal” (PGEC) and its subsequent degeneracy, accompanied by sharp increase in the carrier densities in the samples. As a result, the size ZT of samples went down, and the size X substantially increased, which speaks in the work to formation of a degenerated PGEC phase under non-isovalent cationic substitution in the samples. Comparison with known thermoelectric materials (ТEMs) (metals, semimetals, and semiconductors) used for production of magnetic fields H in contours of short-circuited ТC has shown that the investigated TA forms a new class of TEMs for magnetic field production with raised values of parameters X and Y.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1039-1051
pages 1039-1051 views

Thermoelectric and Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Irradiated with High-Energy Electrons

Mikhailova G., Nishchenko M., Pimenov V., Starostin E., Tovtin V.


Abstract—The electrical conductivity, thermo-emf, and elasticity coefficient were experimentally studied in multilayered carbon nanotubes (CNTs) exposed to room-temperature irradiation. The initial CNTs with dimensions of 18 ± 7 nm were obtained via chemical vapor deposition using propane–butane as precursor. The irradiation of CNTs was implemented on Mikrotron-ST cyclic electron accelerator at the energy of 21 MeV and electron doses of 0.3 × 1017, 0.7 ×1017, 1.1 ×1017, and 1.5 × 1017 cm–2. The characteristics of initial and irradiated samples were measured in a dielectric cylinder. The following critical parameters of dielectric–metal transition in CNTs were established: array density (ρ1), elastic strain of CNT (ρrel), maximum electrical conductivity (σmax), and elastic strain coefficient (ε). The irradiated CNTs exhibit a decrease in thermo-emf (Seebeck coefficient (α)) by 50% or more in comparison with the initial samples, which is due to the formation of radiation defects.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1052-1057
pages 1052-1057 views

The Kinetics of Growth of a Nanosized Germanium Film Deposited on the Si(001) Surface by Magnetron Sputtering

Monakhov I., Bondarenko G.


Abstract—The kinetics of growth of a nanosized germanium film deposited by magnetron sputtering on the Si(001) surface is studied using a developed experimental X-ray reflectometry technique distinguished by the joint recording of specularly reflected and diffusely scattered radiation. By using this technique, it is possible to perform in situ both the analysis of the morphology of the growing film and the control of its thickness with an accuracy to 1 nm. Dependences of the intensity of specular reflection, diffuse scattering, rate of growth, and mean square roughness and density of the film on the deposition time are obtained. According to the results of the measurement of specularly reflected radiation, the film roughness increases with time according to a power law. However, at a thickness of the film of 4 nm, a clearly defined maximum of diffuse scattering is observed, the angular position of which corresponds to the critical angle of total external reflection of germanium of 0.31°. This pattern of distribution of scattered radiation is explained by the manifestation of the Yoneda effect that consists in the anomalous X-ray scattering, the maximum of which corresponds to the critical angle θC of total external reflection from the film. It is established experimentally that, at the initial stage of growth, the film is formed by the Volmer–Weber mechanism. It is found using in situ X-ray reflectometry that the formation of a continuous layer of a germanium film occurs at its thickness of 7 nm; the subsequent growth of the film proceeds according to the power law σf ~ tβ, where β = 0.23.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1058-1064
pages 1058-1064 views

Effect of Microimpurities on the Electronic Structure and Emission Properties of Microwave Device Cathode Materials

Kapustin V., Li I., Shumanov A., Moskalenko S., Svitov V.


The effect of microimpurities on the electronic structure of barium oxide has been studied using optical and electron spectroscopy. As was shown previously, oxygen vacancies play a decisive role in the formation of the emission properties of barium oxide crystallites; however, the possible role of microimpurities in barium oxide crystallites was not considered. It has been established that some microimpurities, including nickel, scandium, and combination of calcium and strontium, order oxygen vacancies in barium oxide crystallites, which directly affects oxygen diffusion in them. Nickel and scandium impurities form additional surface states near the edge of the valence band, which is accompanied by a decrease in the electronic work function of a cathode material.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1065-1071
pages 1065-1071 views

Effect of Preparation and Reduction on Specific Surface Electrical Resistance of Thin Films Obtained from Graphene Oxide Dispersion

Kornilov D., Kasharina L.


The effect of reducing agents and reduction conditions on the electrophysical characteristics of thin transparent conductive films obtained from an alcohol dispersion of graphene oxide (GO) by spin coating at different rotation speeds of the substrate (from 5000 to 7000 rpm) is investigated. Surface morphology of the films, light transmittance, structure of chemical bonds in the films, specific surface electrical resistance, and thickness of the films are determined. Films of multilayer reduced graphene oxide (RGO) with a thickness of 10 to 60 nm and a specific surface electrical resistance of 7.7 to 26.77 kΩ/cm2 and light transmission of 74 to 88%, which can be widely used in photovoltaics and sensor electronics, are obtained. It is established that the treatment of the samples under study in saturated ammonia vapor most effectively contributes to the reduction of the specific surface electrical resistance of the films.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1072-1077
pages 1072-1077 views

Materials of Power Engineering and Radiation-Resistant Materials

Effect of Low-Temperature Ion Irradiation on the Nanostructure of 12% Chromium ChS-139 Steel

Rogozhkin S., Iskandarov N., Nikitin A., Bogachev A., Khomich A., Khoroshilov V., Lukyanchuk A., Raznitsyn O., Shutov A., Fedin P., Kulevoy T., Leontyeva-Smirnova M., Mozhanov E.


Specimens of ChS-139 steel (0.2 С–12 Cr–Ni–Mo–W–Nb–V–N–B) were irradiated up to 6 displacements per atom (dpa) with Fe ions at 250, 300, and 400°C. The radiation-induced clusters and Cottrell atmospheres enriched in Ni, Si, and Mn were revealed in irradiated samples by atom probe tomography. The typical sizes of the radiation-induced clusters were about 2–7 nm, and their number density was about (2–20) × 1023 m–3. It was shown that the highest irradiation temperature (400°C) is compliant with the lowest enrichment of clusters in Ni, Si, and Mn as well as with the largest average size of clusters (~5 nm) and the least number density (~2 × 1023 m–3). A noticeable decrease in the number density of radiation-induced clusters with an increase in the damage dose to 4 dpa at 300°C was found. At the same time, it was shown that the Cr–V–Nb–N clusters found in the initial state dissolve with the increase in the irradiation dose at all considered temperatures. The value of detected radiation-induced effects is indicative of their significant role in the low temperature radiation embrittlement of ChS-139 steel.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1078-1084
pages 1078-1084 views

Materials for Ensuring Human Vital Activity and Environmental Protection

Ceramic Porous Materials with Catalytic Properties

Kanapinov M., Kashkarov G., Novoselova T., Sitnikov A., Tubalov N.


Undoubted leadership among catalytic materials for the purification of exhaust gases is occupied by composite cermets. Creation of catalytic materials for gas purification indicates that the main problem is partial or complete replacement of rare earth metals in their composition. In this regard, the creation of new permeable catalytic materials with partial or complete replacement of rare earth metals is relevant. Selection of composition and manufacturing technology is of great importance for the production of porous materials. The basis of charge for the production of porous materials is industrial waste such as metal oxides, metal powders, and polymetal ores (bastnaesite) containing rare earth cerium. Charge composition for the production of porous permeable metal-ceramic materials based on metal oxides with the addition of ground bastnaesite is proposed. The influence of bastnaesite on the physicomechanical and functional properties of materials obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis is studied. It is shown that the neutralizer filters from materials with additives of bastnaesite have catalytic properties and can be successfully used in the purification of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1085-1092
pages 1085-1092 views

Comparison of Impregnated Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Release Kinetics from Biopolymer Scaffolds

Vasilyev A., Bukharova T., Kuznetsova V., Zagoskin Y., Minaeva S., Grigoriev T., Antonov E., Osidak E., Galitsyna E., Babichenko I., Domogatsky S., Popov V., Chvalun S., Goldshtein D., Kulakov A.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the release kinetics of impregnated recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) from different engineered scaffolds. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) matrices prepared by supercritical fluid technologies (SCFT) showed the highest biocompatibility and long-term release of rhBMP-2. There was an even release of rhBMP-2 from them for 11 days. The subsequent use of laser sintering allowed delaying the peak of the protein release for a period of 13 to 15 days. The average loss of rhBMP-2 using SCFT did not exceed 20%. The maximum release of rhBMP-2 from a collagen-fibronectin hydrogel was in the period from 4 to 6 days. But 47 ± 12% rhBMP-2 loss was shown. Highly porous polylactide-based scaffolds obtained by freeze-drying were inferior to other scaffolds in their ability to release rhBMP-2 for a prolonged period. The hydrogel and chitosan-based granules showed high cytotoxicity and a short period of protein release.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1093-1100
pages 1093-1100 views

Stereolithographic 3D Printing of Bioceramic Scaffolds of a Given Shape and Architecture for Bone Tissue Regeneration

Putlyaev V., Yevdokimov P., Mamonov S., Zorin V., Klimashina E., Rodin I., Safronova T., Garshev A.


Abstract—A standard series of ceramic scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration with Kelvin architecture was developed, providing matrix water permeability not less than 900 Darcy and relative rigidity of matrices of not more than 0.2. The possibility of producing bioceramic scaffolds is shown using stereolithographic 3D printing of light-cured slurries containing a mixed calcium sodium phosphate Ca2.5Na(PO4)2 composition. A production technology of bioceramic scaffolds is developed and tested, including the development of photocurable slurries; 3D printing modes are also worked out, as well as conditions of heat treatment of printed models and sintering. The proposed methods of stereolithography formation followed by heat treatment of printed models make it possible to produce ceramic scaffolds with lateral resolution no worse than 50 μm and 50 μm layering. The dimensions of the bioceramic scaffold differ from the reference dimensions of the initial model by no more than 10%; the degree of macroporosity is not less than 70% and the pore size is 500 μm. It is shown that the obtained bioceramic scaffolds are compatible with the human fibroblast cell culture, are not cytotoxic, do not contain components inhibiting fibroblast adhesion, spreading, and proliferation, and can be used in tissue engineering.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1101-1108
pages 1101-1108 views

Effect of t-ZrO2-Based Ceramic Samples on the Condition of Muscular and Connecting Tissues in Experimental Animals with Intramuscular Introduction

Kovalko N., Kalinina M., Suslov D., Galibin O., Yukina G., Arsentyev M., Shilova O.


A highly dispersed powder (9–10 nm) based on a tetragonal solid solution of partially stabilized zirconia (t-ZrO2) was synthesized by coprecipitation of hydroxides from salt solutions. On the basis of this powder, nanocrystalline ceramic (grain size 60–70 nm) with high physicochemical and mechanical characteristics was obtained: degree of tetragonality c/a, 1.438–1.431; flexural strength, 900–1000 MPa; Vickers hardness, 13–14 GPa; crack resistance, 10–11 MPa m1/2. The ceramic implant obtained was placed into bodies of experimental animals. The response of soft tissues of experimental animals to the introduction of zirconia-based ceramic plates was investigated. The studies showed no toxic effect of the t-ZrO2-based ceramic implant on the tissues surrounding the implant and the organism of laboratory animals in the period from 30 to 195 days from the moment of implantation. The results of in vivo studies suggest that the obtained nanoscale bioceramic can be used in restorative dentistry and endoprosthetics as dental implants, endoprostheses, and bone fragments for transplantology.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1109-1114
pages 1109-1114 views

Features of β-Phase Decay in Ti–22Nb–6Zr Alloy

Yudin S., Kasimtsev A., Tabachkova N., Sviridova T., Markova G., Volod’ko S., Alimov I., Alpatov A., Titov D.


Abstract—A compact powder Ti–22Nb–6Zr alloy was obtained by powder metallurgy methods. The initial alloy powder was synthesized by the calcium hydride method. It was shown that, after consolidation during vacuum sintering and subsequent hot isostatic pressing, the residual porosity of the consolidated material did not exceed 1%. The physicomechanical properties and structural features of the powder alloy obtained were investigated. It was established that, after hot isostatic pressing, there was no release of brittle ω phase in the structure of β-Ti alloy. In the range of heating temperatures of 550–700 K, the β phase was prone to decay with the formation of the α phase of a lamellar morphology and a small amount of the ω phase. The appearance of decay products was accompanied by dilatometric effects and an increase in Young’s modulus. It was shown that, regardless of the method of powder consolidation, the resulting alloy exhibited elinvarity (a small change in Young’s modulus with increasing temperature) in the temperature range of 200–500 K. It was determined that, at room temperature, samples with ~8% pores had Young’s modulus of about 64 GPa; when the porosity level was reduced to <1%, Young’s modulus increased to 73.5 GPa.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1115-1122
pages 1115-1122 views

General-Purpose Materials

Mechanical Properties of Structural Carbon-Carbon Layered Material at High Temperatures

Mostovoy G., Karpov A., Shishkov I.


The results of tensile and compression tests performed for a layered carbon-carbon material in the range of 20–3000°C are presented. The material has been developed using chopped high-modulus VPR-19C fiber and coke obtained by repeatable thermomechanical treatment of bakelite lacquer LBS-1 and subsequent pyropacking resulting from carbon saturation from the gas phase at 1000°C. The production technology provides a transverse anisotropy of the material structure and, accordingly, the mechanical properties. In the course of compression tests in the direction parallel to the pressing axis at room temperature, it has been found that, when the sample height increases by a factor of 6, the material elastic modulus increases by a factor of 1.4, which is accompanied by a 2.4-fold decrease in the compression strength. The material hardens with the increase in the test temperature: its tensile strength in the circumferential direction increases by a factor of 3 at a temperature of 3000°C, and the elastic modulus increases by a factor of 1.2 in the range of 1000–2000°C; however, with a further increase in the test temperature, it begins to decrease, and at a temperature of 3000°C, it is 0.3 of its value at room temperature.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1123-1128
pages 1123-1128 views

Synthesis of Cu–Cr Composite Alloys with a Layered Structure Featuring High Arc Resistance

Bodrova L., Melchakov S., Shubin A., Goida E., Marshuk L.


Cu–(20 wt %)Cr alloys with a layered structure are synthesized by liquid phase impregnation of chromium powder with copper melt. In synthesizing the alloys, the corresponding composites are subjected to pre-crystallization vibrational treatment. The layers of composites are enriched in chromium to different extents (from ~2 to 90 vol %). The layer composition and structure are shown to depend on the temperature and duration of vibrational treatment, as well as on the degree of pre-synthesis compaction of chromium powder. We study the phase composition of prepared alloys, the element composition of phases, and their microhardness. Our experiments show for the first time the formation of Cr core–(Cr + Cu) shell structures on the basis of chromium particles. These structures have a gradient distribution of the elements in the shell and form at the initial stages of interaction between Cu and Cr. At advanced stages of interaction, chromium particles are permeated with copper completely. In electron microscopy images in backscattered electrons, these formations appear as being greatly blurred and shapeless. In this way, precursors to crystallization of chromium dendrites are formed. The dendrite crystallization takes place in upper layers of the melt provided copper is present at the necessary and sufficient concentration (or at considerable superheating). The morphology of dendrites in which crystallization from precursors was incomplete is studied. The contact area of α-Cu is anticipated to be greatly reduced by the precursors that spread in the copper matrix during arcing. At the same time, contact welding will be considerably reduced, compared to similar composites with purely copper matrices (e.g., Cu–W).

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1129-1134
pages 1129-1134 views

Highly Efficient Plasticizers-Antipirenes for Epoxy Polymers

Mostovoy A., Nurtazina A., Kadykova Y., Bekeshev A.


Abstract—The possibility of using oligo(resorcinophenyl phosphate) with terminal phenyl groups (Fylolflex) and trichloropropyl phosphate as effective plasticizers for epoxy polymers has been investigated. The use of oligo(resorcinophenyl phosphate) with terminal phenyl groups and trichloropropylphosphate is an effective way to generate epoxy compositions with improved physical and mechanical properties. It has been found that the resistance of the epoxy composite to bending loads increases by 2 times, the resistance to impact increases by 2–3 times, and thermal and heat resistances also increase. Increased yield of carbonized structures when oligo(resorcinophenyl phosphate) with terminal phenyl groups and trichloropropyl phosphate are introduced in the epoxy composition results in reduced release of volatile thermolysis products in the gas phase. The latter reduces the flammability of the epoxy composite, which manifests itself in reducing the loss of mass when ignited in air from 78 to 2.3–4.7% and increasing the oxygen index from 19 to 28–31 vol %; thus, the material belongs to the class of hardly flammable materials.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1135-1139
pages 1135-1139 views

Heat Emission Kinetics and Hydration Behavior of Modified Polymer–Cement Mixtures for 3D Printing Construction

Poluektova V., Shapovalov N., Novosadov N.


Abstract—The process of heat emission is investigated during the hydration of the binder in polymer–cement mixtures and mixtures modified by phloroglucinol–furfural superplasticizer. The specific binder hydration enthalpy in the presence of a polyvinyl acetate dispersion and redispersible polymer powder is determined. It is established that the specific enthalpy of polyvinyl acetate polymer–cement systems is positive, which indicates the endothermic nature of the overall process. The dependence of the absolute heat emission values in the initial periods of material hardening on the binder hydration time in the presence of organic mixture components (polyvinyl acetate and phloroglucinol–furfural modifier) is studied. It is proved that, when modifying polymer–cement systems, there is a decrease in the heat emission peak, a reduction in the timing of the initial hydration period, and an increase in the duration of the second (induction) period. The heat emission kinetic curves of the modified polyvinyl acetate–cement mixtures are presented, and the hydration behavior of the studied systems is considered. It is established that, in the initial period of hardening, polyvinyl acetate increases and phloroglucinol–furfural superplasticizer reduces the heat emission rate, while when modifying the polymer–cement system with a polymer in the form of a polymer dispersion, this process is partially balanced.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1140-1144
pages 1140-1144 views

Cermet Plasma Coatings Based on Silicon Carbide

Kalita V., Radyuk A., Komlev D., Mikhailova A., Ivannikov A., Alpatov A., Chuyeva T., Umnova N., Titov D.


The structure, phase composition, and C, O, and N content in two cermet coatings sprayed from powders of the initial composition of 30SiC–NiCr and 30SiC–TiNi are studied. The change in the chemical and phase composition is monitored at the stage of obtaining powders and plasma spraying of the coatings. The powder is obtained by mechanical alloying and subsequent sintering of the compact. With mechanical alloying, the content of oxygen and nitrogen increases. When sintering, the content of silicon carbide is reduced by 10 times, silicides are formed, and the content of light elements at this stage changes insignificantly. After plasma deposition, the phase composition of the coatings does not qualitatively change with respect to the powder to be sprayed, but nonequilibrium crystalline and amorphous phases are formed and the content of carbon and oxygen decreases. The microhardness of coatings of 10 GPa at load on an indenter of 10 g is determined by 50% of the volume fraction of SiC in the initial powder.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1145-1152
pages 1145-1152 views

Synthetic Titanosilicate Additives for Special Cement Composites

Tyukavkina V., Gerasimova L., Tsyryateva A.


Abstract—The effect of titanosilicate powder by-products of different composition and dispersion on the cement stone hardening kinetics and the main technical properties are studied. It is shown that titanosilicate additives act as a modifier promoting cement hydration and, accordingly, hardening. Moreover, the higher the specific powder surface, the greater the initial strength of the cement stone. The titanosilicate product with the highest BET surface area (50.2 m2/g) is overactive, which contributes to an increase in the cement stone strength factor at 1 day by 39–59% compared with the reference composition. It is established that the optimal amount of the composition additive in which the cement stone is maximally strong is 1 wt %. It is shown that the presence of a photocatalytic titanosilicate additive in the cement stone provides its capacity for self-cleaning. The most intense degradation of dyes, up to complete decomposition, is observed in samples modified with powder with the highest BET surface area. No dependence of photocatalytic activity on the amount of additive in the cement stone is detected. The obtained results can be used in the technology of modern construction materials with special properties.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1153-1158
pages 1153-1158 views

Effects of Low-Modulus BN Inclusions on Properties of Y-TZP Ceramic

Buyakov A., Mirovoy Y., Buyakova S.


We investigate the structure and properties of ceramic based on tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP) containing low-modulus inclusions of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). (Y-TZP)(h-BN) ceramic samples with low h-BN content exhibit increased fracture toughness (K1C). The highest fracture toughness was observed for (Y-TZP)(0.5 wt % h-BN) ceramic: K1C = 12 ± 0.53 MPa m1/2. The increase in failure viscosity caused by incorporation of low-modulus inclusions (i.e., h-BN) is due to two dissipative mechanisms: the martensite transformation of the ZrO2 matrix and crack arrest at relatively weak interfaces between the matrix and low-modulus inclusions of h-BN. As the proportion of h-BN increases, the contribution of martensite transformation to the fracture toughness diminishes, a consequence of the grain size of tetragonal zirconia diminishing, which makes this phase stable.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1159-1163
pages 1159-1163 views

Physical and Chemical Properties of Polyporphyrin Films Based on the Mn Complexes of Amino-Substituted Tetraphenylporphyrin

Tesakova M., Balmasov A., Parfenyuk V.


The article presents the results of the study of electrochemical deposition and the physicochemical properties of polyporphyrin films deposited on glassy carbon, platinum, and ITO electrodes. Electropolymerization of Mn(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(3-aminophenyl)porphyrin chloride from different solvents and in different deposition modes is carried out. In the process of electrooxidation of porphyrin monomer in solutions of dichloromethane and ethanol, polyporphyrin films are formed on the working electrode in the potential range from 0 to +2 V. The electropolymerization process is studied using the quartz microbalance method. The physicochemical properties of the films are studied using various methods: UV-VIS spectrophotometry, IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, photo-EMF method. The number of electrons participating in the electropolymerization process is determined. Spectral methods show that a porphyrin structure is retained in the film, and in the process of electropolymerization, it is possible to incorporate μ-oxodimers into the composition of the film. It is found that the obtained polyporphyrin films possess semiconductor properties.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1164-1170
pages 1164-1170 views

Research of Titanium Saturation with Gas and Feature of Ceramic Layer Formation Using the Oxidative Constructing Approach

Zufman V., Shokodko A., Kovalev I., Ashmarin A., Ogarkov A., Ovsyannikov N., Klimov A., Klimaev S., Kochanov G., Shokodko E., Chesnokov A., Chernyavskii A., Solntsev K.


Abstract—Samples made of titanium grade BT 1-0 in the form of disks were subjected to isothermal aging at 875°C with access to atmospheric air for 2, 4, 6, 7, and 13 days. As a result of XRD, it was established that the oxide layer is rutile TiO2. The metal blank absorbs oxygen and nitrogen from atmospheric air, which are concentrated in the surface layer. The increase in the mass of oxygen going to the formation of rutile is 96–98 wt % of the total amount of gas absorbed. The rest of the absorbed gas (2–4 wt %) is contained in the metal blank in the form of solid solutions. The gas absorption rate of a titanium blank is proportional to the rate of rutile formation. The process kinetics for each of the sample surfaces (side and end), which is described by an exponential law, is determined. At the initial stage of the oxidation process, the surface geometry does not affect the rate of formation of the ceramic layer of rutile; subsequently, there is an “acceleration” of rutile growth on the end surface.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1171-1176
pages 1171-1176 views

Composite Binders for Concretes with Improved Impact Endurance

Fediuk R., Mochalov A., Pezin D., Liseitsev Y.


The chemical engineering principles of optimization of the physical and mechanical properties and performance characteristics of dispersed reinforced composite materials are proposed which consist in the integrated effect of a composite binder consisting of jointly ground Portland cement, rice husk ash, a complex of inert fillers, and a hyperplasticizer on the processes of structure formation of cement stone. Here, the effect of increasing the impact endurance increases up to sixfold. It is found that dispersed reinforced concretes with an increased ratio of static tensile strength to static compressive strength Rtens/Rcompr and ductility possess the best endurance to dynamic action. It is proved that this ratio can be increased by using dispersed reinforcement of concretes (so-called fibrous concretes). In experimental studies on penetration of both unreinforced and fiber-reinforced concrete slabs, it is noted that samples of unreinforced concrete are completely fractured into large and small pieces, while samples of fiber-reinforced concrete are not completely fractured, and only through penetration at the impact site was observed; that is, fibrous concrete possesses better impact resistance. These results can be applied to the design of various special structures, such as defense structures of civil defense and emergency situations, fortifications of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and concrete structures of nuclear power plants.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1177-1184
pages 1177-1184 views

Advanced Materials for Separation and Purification of Gas Mixtures in Cyclic Adsorption Processes

Posternak N., Ferapontov Y., Ferapontova L., Akulinin E., Dvoretsky S.


Abstract—We fabricate and study experimentally a promising nanostructured composite adsorbent based on crystalline zeolite NaX. The adsorbent exhibits improved physical mechanical and adsorption properties and is intended for use in pressure swing adsorption systems. Fluoro derivatives of ethylene are found to be the most promising for creating the matrix of block-shaped composite adsorbent materials, since these ensure a mechanical strength and good adhesion between the matrix and incorporated adsorbent. We investigate the effects that the type, ratio of starting materials, and conditions of forming have on the adsorption and mechanical parameters of prepared composite adsorbents. The choice of materials for the adsorbent filler and polymer matrix used in synthesis of block-shaped sorption-active composite materials is substantiated. Studies of the adsorption parameters of prepared materials suggest that the film constituting the polymer (fluoroplastic) matrix, a base of our block-shaped adsorbents, is not continuous, which allows adsorbate molecules to penetrate the bulk of adsorbent. A comparative analysis establishes that the dynamic activity, as measured using water vapor, was 20 to 40% higher in our samples than in conventional commercial adsorbents of the NaX-V-1G type.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1185-1190
pages 1185-1190 views

New Technologies for Design and Processing of Materials

The Influence of Aluminum Nitride Nanoparticles on the Structure, Phase Composition, and Properties of TiB/Ti-Based Materials Obtained by SHS Extrusion

Bolotskaia A., Mikheev M., Bazhin P., Stolin A., Titova Y.


Compact ceramic long-dimensional materials based on titanium monoboride modified with aluminum nitride dopants (3 and 5 wt %) were obtained via SHS extrusion. Titanium monoboride was produced using azide technology of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS-Az). Small dopants of nanoscaled aluminum nitride powder exert a strong influence on the phase composition, structure, and physicomechanical properties of samples prepared by SHS extrusion. Scanning electron microscopy data reveal the refinement of the main titanium monoboride phase grains in modified samples. The most pronounced refinement of titanium monoboride grains is observed as the AlN nanopowder content is increased to 5 wt %. The combustion characteristics (temperature and combustion rate) are measured in an installation simulating the real SHS extrusion conditions. It is established that AlN at its content of 3 wt % in the initial charge interacts with the titanium matrix during combustion with the formation of the Ti2AlN and Ti4AlN3 MAX phases. AlN at a concentration of 5 wt % undergoes decomposition during combustion with release of titanium nitrides and pure aluminum, as well as the TiB, TiB2 and Ti2AlN phases. Modified compact ceramic materials are shown to exhibit higher microhardness in comparison with samples without using nanomodified AlN dopants.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1191-1195
pages 1191-1195 views

Synthesis of Homogeneous Doping with Zinc Charge of Lithium Niobate and Comparative Study of LiNbO3:Zn Crystals of Different Genesis

Sidorov N., Bobreva L., Masloboeva S., Teplyakova N., Palatnikov M., Novikova N.


Abstract—The congruent charge LiNbO3:Zn (2.44 wt %) was synthesized using precursor Nb2O5:Zn (2.83 wt %) by the method of homogeneous doping. The LiNbO3:Zn crystal (2.12 wt %) was grown from this charge by the Czochralski method. The crystal demonstrates high chemical uniformity of Zn dopant distribution along the growth axis. The same distribution is characteristic of crystals obtained by usual direct doping. The homogeneously doped LiNbO3:Zn crystal (2.12 wt %) and the LiNbO3:Zn (2.02 wt %), LiNbO3:Zn (2.05 wt %), and LiNbO3:Zn (2.12 wt %) crystals close to this composition obtained by method of direct doping, as well as LiNbO(3cong), were compared to study defectiveness and optical and structural homogeneity. The method of IR absorption spectroscopy, photoinduced light scattering, and laser conoscopy were used for the study. All studied crystals show no photorefractive response, as can be seen from photoinduced light scattering. The conoscopic patterns of a crystal LiNbO3: Zn (2.12 wt %, homogeneous doping) are strained, which can be connected with a greater photoinduced ability to scatter light than in other crystals. The ability is caused by microstructures, clusters, and residual domain structures. However IR spectra demonstrate narrowing of bands, which can be explained by the fact that homogeneous doping of a Nb2O5 precursor with zinc contributes to the ordering of the lithium sublattice of a LiNbO3:Zn crystal and ordering of H+ protons compared to the ordering in a LiNbO3cong crystal. This effect is highly unusual at this concentration of the dopant.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1196-1203
pages 1196-1203 views

Synthesis of Composite Material in Al–Ti–B System during Combustion of Titanium and Boron Powders and Aluminum-Clad Granules of VT6 Alloy

Ponomarev M., Loryan V.


Abstract—Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) in the combustion mode was carried out in the mixtures consisting of titanium fine powders with dendritic particles and amorphous boron, Ti + 2B, with addition of aluminum-clad large spherical granules of titanium alloy VT6. The aim of the study was to obtain a composite material in one technological stage by SHS in the Al–Ti–B system. The synthesis in the combustion wave occurred stage-by-stage. Initially, a chemical reaction took place between boron and fine titanium; it resulted in a boride framework around large clad particles. Simultaneously, this reaction acted as a “chemical stove,” causing heating and melting of the cladding layer and the subsequent reaction of aluminum with titanium alloy granules. The melt appearing during the reaction in the clad granules spread along the pores and capillaries into the boride matrix. The nonmonotonic shape of the recorded thermograms reflects the stages of the synthesis process and the heterogeneity of the reacting mixtures. The synthesized material has a developed porous and composite structure, which can be seen from elemental, microstructural, and phase analyses. There are four scales in the pore size in the combustion product. Large spherical pores appear at the place of the granules. Owing to layer-by-layer compaction of the mixture, the ordered arrangement of coarse particles in the initial compacts causes an ordered arrangement of macropores in the synthesis product.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1204-1212
pages 1204-1212 views

The Formation of the Surface Layers of a VT6 Titanium Alloy by Ion Beam Mixing of Carbon Nanofilms

Vorobyov V., Kolotov A., Ulyanov A., Gilmutdinov F., Bykov P., Bystrov S., Bayankin V.


Abstract—The influence of ion beam mixing of carbon on the surface morphology, chemical composition, atomic structure, and microhardness of the surface layers of samples of a VT6 titanium alloy is investigated. It is found that conditions for the formation of titanium carbides are created in the transition layer of the film/substrate system during ion beam mixing. The formation of titanium carbides with both stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric ratios of the components occurs. The concentration of titanium carbides increases with the increase in the irradiation dose and reaches 20 at % at a dose of 4 × 1017 ion/cm2. The mixing manifests itself in the mutual penetration of carbon atoms into the target and target atoms, mainly titanium, into the film. However, a thin surface layer with a depth of about 20 nm which is mainly composed of carbon atoms remains. It is shown that, in this layer, carbon atoms are in a disordered state with both sp2 and sp3 hybridization of the C–C bonds. The formation of titanium carbides in the transition layer and the disordered structure of carbon on the surface of the film during ion beam mixing determines the hardening of the surface layer, and as a result, an increase in the microhardness of the samples by 100% or more occurs. It is shown that the growth in the microhardness is associated with the layer formed as a result of mixing rather than the influence of irradiation on the titanium alloy substrate.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1213-1219
pages 1213-1219 views

State of the Art and Prospect for Recycling of Waelz Slag from Electric Arc Furnace Dust Processing

Grudinsky P., Zinoveev D., Dyubanov V., Kozlov P.


The processing of electric arc furnace dust by the Waelz process forms the iron-containing residue called Waelz slag. In the paper, best practices for recycling of Waelz slag from electric arc furnace dust processing have been analyzed and physicochemical characteristics and microstructure of the Waelz slag obtained from JSC Chelyabinsk zinc plant have been investigated. Chemical analysis of the Waelz slag composition has shown that it contains 26.4 wt % of iron with a metallization degree of 47 and 18.7 wt % carbon. It also contains about 1 wt % of zinc unevaporated during Waelz process. It has a complex multicomponent mineralogical composition. Analysis of papers has shown that currently Waelz slag recycles mainly in the construction industry in the production of cement, concrete, bricks and for road making. There is a limited number of papers devoted to recycling of Waelz slag in metallurgy because it contains too high values of contaminants such as zinc, lead, sulfur, phosphorus and copper. It is expedient to apply for recycling of Waelz slag the reduction smelting with obtaining of pig iron, slag suitable for construction industry and zinc-lead fume.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1220-1226
pages 1220-1226 views

A Combined Method for Synthesis of Dense Nanoceramics Based on Aluminum Oxide

Morozova L., Drozdova I.


Abstract—A new technological procedure for preparation of dense ceramics based on aluminum oxide is developed. It features use of a modifying additive and mechanochemical (MCA) activation of the starting material. Use of MCA has a beneficial effect on synthesis of dispersed precursor γ-Al2O3-based powders at 600°C, with the temperature of α-Al2O3 phase formation being reduced from 1200 to 1000°C. MCA is found to affect the relative density of aluminum oxide ceramics sintered at temperatures of 1000–1500°C, the sintering process occurring more intensely in the temperature range of 1000–1300°C. The presence of MgO in the aluminum oxide matrix at a level of 1 to 3 wt % is shown to slow down the growth of α-Al2O3 phase grains owing to the formation of a boundary layer consisting of MgAl2O4 nanocrystallites in the aluminum oxide matrix. A ceramic material prepared on the basis of α-Al2O3 has a mean grain size of ~70 nm, a relative density of 0.98, a microhardness of 25 GPa, and a bending strength of 650 MPa. The proposed combined method is facile and economical and enables us to produce high-density aluminum oxide ceramic with a grain size below 100 nm and high physicochemical characteristics. This ceramic can be used in fabrication of different construction and functional materials.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1227-1234
pages 1227-1234 views

Investigation of Formation of Titanium–Copper Coatings upon Argon Arc Surfacing of Silicon Bronze on Titanium

Kovtunov A., Semistenova T., Ostryanko A., Bochkarev A.


Abstract—Automated argon arc surfacing of silicon bronze wire on titanium items providing production of heat- and wear-resistant coatings based on intermetallic copper titanium alloys was proposed. The automated argon arc surfacing was studied using copper-based filler wire of solid cross section containing up to 3 wt % silicon and titanium samples, grade VT1-0. In the course of surfacing in the considered range of modes, the coatings based on titanium copper alloys doped with silicon were obtained on the surface of samples. In this case, the copper content was 9–40 wt %, and the silicon content was 0.3–1.5 wt %. The studies revealed the influence of surfacing modes on the parameters and quality of formation of surfaced coatings as well as their chemical and phase composition, structure, and properties. The hardness and resistance of the produced samples against abrasive wear was analyzed. The heat resistance of the surfaced coatings was tested at 800°C for 250 and 500 h. The wear resistance and heat resistance as a function of chemical composition of the coatings were determined.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1235-1238
pages 1235-1238 views

Technological Characteristics of Injection Molding of Dynamic Elastoplasts Based on Thermoplastic Polyolefins and Butyl Rubber

Kakhramanov N., Huseynova Z., Osipchik V., Kurbanova R.


The influence of the butyl rubber concentration and technological mode of injection molding on the main properties of elastoplasts based on butyl rubber and thermoplastic polyolefins—low-density polyethylene and polypropylene—was considered. Initially, the influence of the butyl rubber concentration on the ultimate tensile stress, tensile stress at yield, and elongation at break of the polymer mixtures based on low-density polyethylene and polypropylene was investigated. It was found that, with the concentration of butyl rubber in the composition based on low-density polyethylene equal to 20 wt % or higher and in the composition of polypropylene equal to 40 wt % or higher, the compositions change the deformation mechanism, i.e., the transition of plastic deformation into highly elastic deformation characteristic of rubbers occurs. The use of dicumyl peroxide and sulfur as crosslinking agents made it possible to obtain dynamically vulcanized elastoplasts with improved physicomechanical and technological properties during the “monotrem” process. The original design of the worm screw on the injection molding machine of the brand DE3132.250Ts1 makes it possible to carry out on it a “monotrem” technology of obtaining elastoplastic and dynamic vulcanizates on their basis. This technology allows in a single cycle of injection molding simultaneously to implement in the material cylinder the mixing of thermoplastic and elastomeric components in the melt, followed by their vulcanization with dicumyl peroxide or sulfur to form dynamically vulcanized elastoplasts. During the investigation the technology of mechanochemical synthesis of initial polymer mixtures and dynamic elastoplasts, the influence of the temperature regime of injection molding on the cylinder zones, the injection molding pressure, the mold temperature, and the injection boost time on their ultimate tensile stress, elongation at break, and volume contraction was established. A detailed interpretation of the observed regularities in the change in the properties of composite materials was given.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1239-1244
pages 1239-1244 views

Granulated Sorption Material Based on Cellulose for Extracting Silver from Thiocyanate Solutions

Koval’skaya Y., Ageeva L., Guzeev V., Zelichenko E., Gurova O.


The ability to apply granulated materials with cellulose as sorbents for silver extraction from thiocyanate solutions in industrial technological schemes is studied. Samples extracted from sulfite unbleached pulp from coniferous wood via preactivation, dilution, chemical modification, and extraction with successive curing of granules formed are studied. The granule surface is shown to possess a developed pore system with diameter of 2–5 μm. The optimum time of silver sorption from a potassium thiocyanate solution by a cellulose-containing sorbent with a weight of 500 ± 2 mg is found to be 120 min. The silver anion complexes can be completely extracted from thiocyanate solutions with a silver content of not higher than 1 g/L. The experimentally evaluated sorption capacity of a cellulose-containing material in relation to silver is 20 mg/g.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1245-1248
pages 1245-1248 views

Chlorination of Alumina Obtained from Nepheline Concentrate Processing and Comparative Assessment of the Complete Aluminum Production Cycle

Vetchinkina T., Balmaev B.


Abstract—Extended tests of alumina fluid chlorination are performed. The implementation of the chlorine technology is possible when using alumina, which has a high reactivity with chlorine. The improved nepheline technology for obtaining such an oxide is proposed: non-desilicated aluminate liquors undergo carbonization followed by separation of aluminum hydroxide with sodium hydroaluminosilicate and its calcination at 600–800°C. The proposed upgrade, compared to the existing method, is less energy intensive. Two-stage desilication is eliminated, and more favorable conditions are created for the low-temperature digestion of sintered material, reducing the secondary losses of alumina and alkali. The technological parameters of charge chlorination, both powdered and pelleted, are worked out on a scaled-up installation in fluidized bed conditions. The operational and capital cost of a complete aluminum production cycle based on the chlorine technology are evaluated in comparison with the conventional alumina production according to the Bayer process and subsequent electrolysis of cryolite-alumina melts. The comparative cost analysis has shown the advantages of the chlorine technology at the stage of aluminum chloride electrolysis (up to 30%) and the presence of additional costs at the stage of obtaining the intermediate product for chlorination. The chlorine method of aluminum production in modern conditions has the prospects of development not as a mass technology, but as an effective process for obtaining high-purity aluminum (HPA) in small workshops.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1249-1253
pages 1249-1253 views

Synthesis of Hard-Magnetic Material of the Fe–Cr–Co System Made of a Spherical Powder

Zelenskii V., Ankudinov A., Milyaev I., Alymov M.


Abstract—A short-cut method of synthesis of a hard-magnetic material made of a spherical powder of the 25Cr–15Co–Al–Nb alloy obtained by spraying a melt with a stream of gas was proposed. It was established experimentally that uniaxial pressing of the powder in the initial state did not allow obtaining compacts without defects despite of the split die and pressing pressure up to 600 MPa. Application of powder annealing in hydrogen at 800°C decreases the hardness of the material particles. However, when compacting, the similar separation of compacts is observed as with the original powder. The use of a plasticizer gives a positive effect for improved compactibility, but it reduces the values of magnetic hysteresis characteristics. It is shown that the mechanical activation of spherical powder in a planetary mill allows obtaining the high-quality compacts and sintered specimens with high values of magnetic characteristics. The changes in the morphology of the powder particles during processing are revealed. Enlargement of powders due to cold welding is observed; the shape of particles changes dramatically as compared to the original powder. The particles size spread is substantially smaller in comparison with the original spheres; a heteraxial character is observed. Application of balls of larger diameter for grinding leads to better results. The magnetic hysteresis characteristics of hard-magnetic material synthesized from an alloy powder mechanically activated for 80 min are at a high level which ensures its technical application: residual induction Br = 1.18 T; coercive force НсВ = 43.1 kA/m; maximum magnetic product (ВН)max = 31.8 kJ/m3.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1254-1258
pages 1254-1258 views

Methods of Study of Properties of Materials

Use of Experimentally Determined Parameters of the Cohesive Zone in the Numerical Evaluation of the Resistance to Delamination of Polymer Composites Materials

Babayevsky P., Salienko N., Novikov G.


The technique of cohesive zones makes it possible to evaluate the stability of the material, both at the beginning of the crack propagation and to the appearance and development of defects in the places of stress concentration. The ability to reliably determine the parameters of fracture of polymer composite materials and to predict the behavior of structural elements from them under loading is an urgent task for the aerospace industry. It is proposed to use the length of the cohesive zone in the finite-element 3D model for mode I of interfacial delamination of the carbon fiber composite laminates in the form of a double cantilever beam (DCB). The length of the cohesive zone is calculated from the experimentally determined parameters such as the local interlayer cohesive strength of the material and the critical strain energy release rate. The determined length of the cohesive zone is used in the model to select the minimum number of finite elements at their optimum size, which ensures a higher accuracy of calculations of the main parameters of fracture toughness of carbon fiber composite laminates. As a result of the research, the main parameters of crack resistance are determined and the optimal length of the interface elements is chosen. The obtained model accurately describes the process of crack growth along the entire length of the cohesive zone, and the results of its application correlate well with the results of the experiments.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2019;10(5):1259-1264
pages 1259-1264 views

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