
Calibrating Time-Dependent One-Year Relative Survival Ratio for Selected Cancers
Xie X., Wang M., Ng V., Volodin A.
Workflow-Based Internet Platform for Mass Supercomputing
Biryal’tsev E., Galimov M., Elizarov A.
Optimal Strategy for Modelling Turbulent Flows with Ensemble Averaging on High Performance Computing Systems
Krasnopolsky B.
Simplified Model to Estimate Productivity of Horizontal Well with Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing
Mazo A., Potashev K., Khamidullin M.
Parallel Computational Structure of Noisy Quantum Circuits Simulation
Chernyavskiy A., Voevodin V., Voevodin V.
Numerical Simulation of Convergence of Nonspherical Shock Waves in a Cavitation Bubble
Aganin A., Khalitova T.
Simulation of virtual time profile in conservative parallel discrete event simulation algorithm for small-world network
Shchur L., Ziganurova L.
Parallel Cluster Multiple Labeling Technique
Lapshina S.
Simulations of short pulse laser-matter interaction in case of tight focusing onto thin film
Inogamov N., Zhakhovsky V.
High-Performance Computations in Multi-agent Simulation Problems of Percolation Cluster’s Behavior
Lapshina S.
Numerical simulation of a one-phase steady flow towards a multistage fractured horizontal well
Khamidullin M., Mazo A., Potashev K.
High Performance Computing in Multiscale Problems of Gas Dynamics
Polyakov S., Podryga V., Puzyrkov D.
Local transition to turbulence behind an obstacle for a nominally laminar flow
Mazo A., Okhotnikov D.
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