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Vol 40, No 5 (2019)


Methods of Jobs Containerization for Supercomputer Workload Managers

Baranov A.V., Savin G.I., Shabanov B.M., Shitik A.S., Svadkovskiy I.A., Telegin P.N.


One of the key methods for increasing efficiency of computational resources usage is the use of containerization technology. In the process of high-performance computations, containerization makes it possible to solve the user jobs binary portability problem with minimum overhead. The article describes the choice of methods and tools for preparing a supercomputer job in the form of a Docker container with arbitrary user-defined content. The article presents the methods and recommendations for preparing of the image of container for a job, the issues of arising information security. The authors reviewed the methods and tools for dynamic reconfiguration of the networks in a supercomputer before start of a job.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):525-534
pages 525-534 views

AMGCL: An Efficient, Flexible, and Extensible Algebraic Multigrid Implementation

Demidov D.


The paper presents AMGCL—an opensource C++ library implementing the algebraic multigrid method (AMG) for solution of large sparse linear systems of equations, usually arising from discretization of partial differential equations on an unstructured grid. The library supports both shared and distributed memory computation, allows to utilize modern massively parallel processors via OpenMP, OpenCL, or CUDA technologies, has minimal dependencies, and is easily extensible. The design principles behind AMGCL are discussed and it is shown that the code performance is on par with alternative implementations.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):535-546
pages 535-546 views

High-performance Processing of Covariance Matrices Using GPU Computations

Erofeev K.Y., Khramchenkov E.M., Biryal’tsev E.V.


Practical applicability of many statistical algorithms is limited by large sizes of corresponding covariance matrices. These limitations can be significantly weakened due to effective use of the structure of covariance matrices, properties of the autocorrelation function, and advantages of the architecture of modern GPUs. This paper presents GPU implementations of the algorithms for inversion of a covariance matrix and solution of a system of linear equations whose coefficient matrix is a covariance matrix. Inversion of close to sparse covariance matrices is also considered in the work. For all the cases considered, significant accelerations were obtained in comparison with Octave mathematical software and ViennaCL computational library. For example, implemented algorithm of solution of a linear system was 6 times faster as compared with the implementation of Octave on the CPU and 3 times faster as compared with the ViennaCL implementation on the GPU for general matrices. The performance of inversion of a covariance matrix was 14 times faster than inversion algorithm of Octave on the CPU and 6 times faster than ViennaCL inversion algorithm on GPU.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):547-554
pages 547-554 views

Parallel Cluster Multiple Labeling Technique

Lapshina S.Y.


A parallel cluster multiple labeling technique, which allows simulation experiments on multiprocessor computing systems is considered in this paper. This technique belongs to the class of algorithms for substructures of a percolation cluster by definition of the percolation threshold and sizes of percolation clusters.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):555-561
pages 555-561 views

On the Issue of Multimodal Data Flow Control on Limited Communication Channels

Morin Y.N.


The article discusses methods for constructing the transmission of multimodal data in conditions of limited communication channels. The method of transmitting multimodal data using caching repeaters is considered in detail.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):562-565
pages 562-565 views

RANS/ILES Method Optimization for Effective Calculations on Supercomuter

Savin G.I., Benderskiy L.A., Lyubimov D.A., Rybakov A.A.


The article discusses the use of the RANS/ILES method for modeling gas-dynamic processes in a combustion chamber, described using an axisymmetric block-structured computational grid. For these calculations, the approaches of the linked border conditions and the fragmentation of the computational grid are used, which allows to effectively calculate this problem on a supercomputer, achieving acceleration by more than two orders of magnitude, using a total of 32 computing nodes.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):566-573
pages 566-573 views

On the Growth of the Number of Announced Subnets in the Global Routing Table

Savin G.I., Shabanov B.M., Sher A.A., Ovsyannikov A.P.


This article considers the growth of the size of the global routing table. The authors attempt to estimate the scale of the growth and its impact for research networks and telecom operators using full-size global routing tables. The article also concerns the impact of the table growth on the stability of the access to the World Wide Web.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):574-579
pages 574-579 views

Vectorization of High-performance Scientific Calculations Using AVX-512 Intruction Set

Shabanov B.M., Rybakov A.A., Shumilin S.S.


Modern calculation codes used in supercomputing are very demanding of computing resources. For their effective appliance requires the use of parallelization at all levels, starting with the use of multiprocess and multi-threaded programming, and ending with vectorization. The AVX-512 instruction set, first introduced in Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing and Intel Xeon Skylake microprocessors, opens up broad possibilities for vectorizing code and allows to speed up the execution of applications in several times. This article discusses some aspects of the application of vectorization in the program code of some kinds, which is found in high-performance scientific computing.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):580-598
pages 580-598 views

Control of The Final State of Fuzzy Dynamical Systems

Sotnikov A.N., Dzyuba S.M., Egereva I.A., Palyukh B.V., Emelyanova I.I.


The paper considers the problem of controlling the final state of dynamic systems characterized by classical fuzzy relations. The solution of the problem is reduced to solving a functional equation of the Bellman equation type. On the basis of modern methods of the general theory of dynamical systems, the asymptotic properties of the solutions of the obtained functional equation are studied. The problem of the existence and construction of a suboptimal autonomous control law with feedback is studied.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):599-605
pages 599-605 views

The English Auction Method for Scheduling Jobs in a Distributed Network of Supercomputer Centers

Tikhomirov A.I.


The article describes the problem of scheduling jobs with absolute priorities in a geographically distributed network of supercomputer centers (GDN). In this case English auction method can be efficiently applied. Classic market model considers computational resources as the goods (subject of auction trades), and resources’ owners act as sellers. Users act as buyers who participate in the auction on purpose to purchase computing resources for the execution of their jobs. This model assumes that customers have certain budgets in nominal or real money. The priority of the job is actually determined by the price, which the user can pay to finish the job by a certain time. The GDN model investigated by the authors differs from the known ones in that the jobs priorities are absolute and assigned according to uniform rules. The main goal is the earliest execution of high-priority jobs. In this case, the concept of the user’s budget becomes meaningless, and the classic auction models do not work. The authors propose a new approach where the jobs act as the goods and buyers are resource owners who paying for jobs with available idle supercomputing resources. For this approach, the authors investigate the features and characteristics of English auction, as the most preferred method for scheduling jobs with absolute priorities in GDN.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):606-613
pages 606-613 views

Poisson Limit Theorems for Number of Given Value Cells in Non-Homogeneous Generalized Allocation Scheme

Chickrin D.E., Chuprunov A.N., Kokunin P.A.


In some non-homogeneous generalized allocation schemes we formulate conditions under which the number of given value cells from the first K cells converges to a Poisson random variable. The method of the proofs is founded on some analog of Kolchin formula. As corollary we obtain a Poisson limit theorems for the number of given value cells from the first K cells in non-homogeneous allocation scheme of distinguishing particles by different cells.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):614-623
pages 614-623 views

Limit Theorems for Number of Particles from a Fixed Set of Cells

Chuprunov A.N., Kokunin P.A., Chickrin D.E.


We conceder random variables that are numbers of particles in the first K cells in a non-homogeneous allocation scheme of distinguishing particles by different cells, where K is a fixed number. It proved that under some conditions the sum of square of centered and normalized these random variables converge in distribution to a χ2-square random variable with K degrees of freedom, sums of these random variables which centered and normalized converge in distribution to a Gaussian random variable with the means 0 and the variance 1. The meathod of the proofs of our theorems founded on Kolchin representation of an allocation scheme of distinguishing particles by different cells. We give applications of these results to mathematical statistics: we consider analog of χ2-test and some S-criterion.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):624-629
pages 624-629 views

Normal Basis of the Maximal Real Subfield of a Circular Field

Galyautdinov I.G., Lavrentyeva E.E.


We find a necessary and sufficient condition on the natural number n in order that the conjugates of an entire algebraic number α = 2 cos(π/n) form a normal basis of the field ℚ(α); we show that this normal basis at the same time is fundamental.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):630-639
pages 630-639 views

Solutions to Non-linear Euler-Poisson-Darboux Equations by Means of Generalized Separation of Variables

Garra R., Orsingher E., Shishkina E.L.


This paper examines solutions to some non-linear equations which generalize well-known equations such as the Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, the Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov equation and telegraph-type equations. The method of generalized separation of variables is here used to derive new exact solutions to these equations.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):640-647
pages 640-647 views

Zeros of Holomorphic Functions in the Unit Ball and Subspherical Functions

Khabibullin B.N., Khabibullin F.B.


We continue our previous results from the functions of one complex variable in the unit disk to the functions of several variables in the unit ball. Let M be a δ-subharmonic function with Riesz charge µM on the unit ball \(\mathbb{B}\) in ℂn. Let f be a nonzero holomorphic function on \(\mathbb{B}\) such that f vanishes on Z ⊂ \(\mathbb{B}\), and satisfies the inequality ∣f∣ ≤ exp M on \(\mathbb{B}\). Then restrictions on the growth of µM near the boundary of B imply certain restrictions on the distribution of Z. We give a quantitative study of this phenomenon in terms of (2n − 2)-Hausdorff measure of zero subset Z, and special non-radial test subharmonic functions constructed using ρ-subspherical functions.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):648-659
pages 648-659 views

Games of Constraints for Complex Systems

Konnov I.V.


We propose a game problem formulation for evaluation of general composite system performance under possible external interference and in the presence of protection resources. The problem of finding the guaranteed system performance is reduced to a sequential optimization problem, which is solved by a penalty method. This enables one to find solutions of the defined game for large and complex systems.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):660-666
pages 660-666 views

Embedding Semigroup C*-algebras into Inductive Limits

Lipacheva E.V.


The note is concerned with inductive systems of Toeplitz algebras and their *-homomorphisms over arbitrary partially ordered sets. The Toeplitz algebra is the reduced semigroup C*-algebra for the additive semigroup of non-negative integers. It is known that every partially ordered set can be represented as the union of the family of its maximal upward directed subsets indexed by elements of some set. In our previous work we have studied a topology on this set of indexes. For every maximal upward directed subset we consider the inductive system of Toeplitz algebras that is defined by a given inductive system over an arbitrary partially ordered set and its inductive limit. Then for a base neighbourhood Ua of the topology on the set of indexes we construct the C*-algebra \(\mathfrak{B}\)a which is the direct product of those inductive limits. In this note we continue studying the connection between the properties of the topology on the set of indexes and properties of inductive limits for systems consisting of C*-algebras \(\mathfrak{B}\)a and their *-homorphisms. It is proved that there exists an embedding of the reduced semigroup C*-algebra for a semigroup in the additive group of all rational numbers into the inductive limit for the system of C*-algebras \(\mathfrak{B}\)a.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):667-675
pages 667-675 views

Response to the Counterexample by K. V. Storozhuk

Filippov I.E., Mokeychev V.S.


We give some explanations and objections to the counterexample to results obtained in our paper [1] proposed in [2].

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):676-676
pages 676-676 views

C*-algebra Positive Element Invertibility Criteria in Terms of L1-norms Equivalence and L-norms Equivalence

Novikov A.


We prove that the L1-norms associated with a positive elements aα is equivalent to the L1-norm associated with a positive element aβ if and only if it is equivalent to the natural norm of a C*-algebra, which means the invertibility of a in the case of unital C*-algebra. The same propositions are proved for L-norms associated with positive element aα and aβ.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):677-680
pages 677-680 views

Mathematical Averaging of the Coefficients of a System of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations in Continuum Mechanics

Plohotnikov S.P., Bogomolov V.A., Nizayev R.K., Bogomolova O.I., Malov P.V.


The problem of averaging the physical parameters (the coefficients of a system of elliptic and parabolic equations) of the continuum mechanics is studied. As an example, we consider the mathematical model of two-phase filtration. A comparative analysis of a numerical solution of the two-phase filtration in two known models averaged over the thickness of oil bed and in three-dimensional reference models is performed. The calculations are made using the linear, quadratic, and cubic initial permeability. All the calculations are performed for five-point and nine-point flooding systems.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):681-689
pages 681-689 views

Computing Intersection Numbers and Bases of Cohomology Groups for Triangulated Closed Three-Dimensional Manifolds

Yakovlev E.I., Epifanov V.Y.


We solve some computational problems for triangulated closed three-dimensional manifolds using groups of simplicial homology and cohomology modulo 2. Two efficient algorithms for computing intersection numbers of 1- and 2-dimensional cycles are developed. Using these algorithms it is possible to construct a basis of the cohomology group from a given basis of the homology group of complementary dimension.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(5):690-698
pages 690-698 views

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