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Vol 39, No 5 (2018)


On Asymptotics of the Sharp Constants of the Markov–Bernshtein Inequalities for the Sobolev Spaces

Aptekarev A.I., Draux A., Tulyakov D.N.


The Sobolev spaces with continuous and discrete coherent pairs of weights are considered. The positivity of the inner product is equivalent to the Markov–Bernstein inequality for the weighted integral norm. Asymptotics of the sharp constants for these inequalities, when the degree of polynomials goes to infinity, are obtained.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):609-622
pages 609-622 views

Topological Invariants of Principal G-Bundles with Singularities

Arias Amaya F.A., Malakhaltsev M.


principal G-bundle with singularities is a principal bundle π: \(\bar P\)M with structure group \(\bar G\) which reduces to a subgroup G\(\bar G\) on the set M \ Σ, where M is an n-dimensional compact manifold and Σ ⊂ M is a k-dimensional submanifold. For example, a vector field on an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold M defines reduction of the orthonormal frame bundle of M to the subgroup O(n − 1) ⊂ O(n) on the set M \ Σ, where Σ is the set of zeros of this vector field. The aim of this paper is to construct topological invariants of principal bundles with singularities. To do this we apply the obstruction theory to the sectionM\(\bar P\)/Gcorresponding to the reduction and obtain the topological invariant as a class in Hn−k(M,M \ Σ; πn−k−1(\(\bar G\)/G)). We study the properties of this invariants and, in particular, consider cases k = 0 y k = n − 1.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):623-633
pages 623-633 views

On the Problem of Definability of the Computably Enumerable Degrees in the Difference Hierarchy

Arslanov M.M., Yamaleev M.M.


Questions of definability of computably enumerable degrees in the difference hierarchy (degrees of sets from finite levels of the Ershov difference hierarchy) are studied. Several approaches to the solution of this problem are outlined.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):634-638
pages 634-638 views

Rellich Type Inequalities with Weights in Plane Domains

Avkhadiev F.G.


We determine some special functionals as sharp constants in integral inequalities for test functions, defined on plane domains. First we prove a new one dimensional integral inequality. Also, we prove some generalizations of a classical Rellich result for two dimensional case, when there is an additional restriction for Fourier coefficients of the test functions. In addition, we examine a Rellich type inequality in plane domains with infinite Euclidean maximal modulus. As an application of our results we present a new simple proof of a remarkable theorem of P. Caldiroli and R. Musina from their paper “Rellich inequalities with weights”, published in Calc. Var. 45 (2012), 147–164.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):639-646
pages 639-646 views

Workflow-Based Internet Platform for Mass Supercomputing

Biryal’tsev E.V., Galimov M.R., Elizarov A.M.


An experience of designing integrated hardware and software solutions for highperformance computing in solving modern geophysical problems on the basis of full-wave inversion is described. Problems of designingmass high-performance software systems intended for extensive use in industry are discussed.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):647-654
pages 647-654 views

Differential Invariants for Spherical Flows of Inviscid Fluid

Duyunova A.A., Lychagin V.V., Tychkov S.N.


Symmetries and the corresponding algebras of differential invariants of inviscid fluids on a sphere are given. Their dependence on thermodynamical states of media is studied, and a classification of thermodynamical states is given.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):655-663
pages 655-663 views

Generalized Reduced Module of a Domain Over the Unit Disc with Circular and Radial Slits

Elizarov A.M., Kazantsev A.V., Kinder M.I.


For (n + 1)-ly connected planar domain D with analytic boundary we construct the function F(w,w0) = (ww0)f(w,w0) which maps D conformally onto the unit disk with circular and radial slits. We show that if n ≥ 2, then Mityuk’s function, M(w) = −(2π)−1 ln |f(w,w)|, representing the generalized reduced module of the domain D has at least one stationary point in D.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):664-672
pages 664-672 views

Reductions of the Universal Hierarchy and rdDym Equations and Their Symmetry Properties

Holba P., Krasil’shchik I.S., Morozov O.I., Vojčák P.


We consider the equations

\({u_{yy}} = {u_y}{u_{xx}} - ({u_x} + u){u_{xy}} + {u_x}{u_{y,}}{u_{yy}} = ({u_x} + {u_y}){u_{xy}} - ({u_{xx}} + 2){u_y}\)
that arise as reductions of the universal hierarchy and rdDym equations, respectively, and describe the Lie algebras of nonlocal symmetries in the infinite-dimensional coverings naturally associated to these equations.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):673-681
pages 673-681 views

Uzawa-type Iterative Solution Methods for Constrained Saddle Point Problems

Lapin A.


For finite-dimensional saddle point problem with a nonlinear monotone operator and constraints on direct variables, iterative methods are developed, which in the potential case can be viewed as preconditioned Uzawa methods or as Uzawa-block relaxation methods. Convergence conditions of the iterative methods are formulated in the form of operator inequalities connecting the operator of the problem and the preconditioning matrix. When applied to mesh problems, this allows us to construct suitable preconditioners that ensure the convergence and effective implementation of iterative methods and to obtain the admissible intervals of iterative parameters which don’t depend on mesh parameters. The presented results are based on the general theory developed by the author with co-authors in recent years.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):682-698
pages 682-698 views

Boundary-Value Problems for the Helmholtz Equation for a Half-Plane with a Lipschitz Inclusion

Lipachev E.K.


I consider the problems of diffraction of electromagnetic waves on a half-plane, which has a finite inclusion in the form of a Lipschitz curve. Boundary value problems, modeling the process of wave diffraction, are constructed in the form of Helmholtz equations and boundary conditions on the boundary, formulated in terms of traces, as well as the radiation conditions at infinity. I carry out research on these problems in generalized Sobolev spaces. I proved the solvability of the boundary value problems of Dirichlet and Neumann. I have obtained solutions of boundary value problems in the form of functions that by their properties are analogs of the classical potentials of single and double layers. Boundary problems are reduced to integral equations of the second kind.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):699-706
pages 699-706 views

Systems with Partially Freezed Components

Pilyugin S.Y.


We study a particular class of switching systems called systems with partially freezed components. Fix an autonomous system of differential equations and consider a family of systems obtained from it by replacing some of components of the right-hand side by zeros (thus, “freezing” some components of a solution). We obtain the flow of a system with partially freezed components by fixing a sequence of switching times and of the corresponding sets of “active” components (i.e., the components that are not “freezed”). Such a sequence is called a freezing sequence. Systems with partially freezed components appear, for example, in the study of generalized Turing machines. In this paper, we are mostly interested in stability properties of such systems; our main goal is to relate such properties to properties of the generating system and freezing sequences.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):707-712
pages 707-712 views

Elementary Considerations for Classes of Meromorphic Univalent Functions

Ponnusamy S., Wirths K.-.


In this articlewe consider functions meromorphic in the unit disk. We give an elementary proof for a condition that is sufficient for the univalence of such functions. This condition simplifies and generalizes known conditions. We present some typical problems of geometrical function theory and give elementary solutions in the case of the above functions.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):713-716
pages 713-716 views

Average Dimension of Shift Spaces

Vinogradov O.L.


Recently the author obtained a series of sharp estimates of convolution classes by spaces of shifts of a single function. Those estimates generalize the well-known classical inequalities of Favard, Akhiezer and Krein. In the present paper we compute the average dimension of shift spaces. It appears that this dimension coincides with the average dimension of the spaces of entire functions of exponential type and of equidistant splines.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):717-721
pages 717-721 views

Calibrating Time-Dependent One-Year Relative Survival Ratio for Selected Cancers

Xie X., Wang M., Ng V., Volodin A.


We provided proof of the relationship between cumulative relative survival ratio (RSR) and RSR at each time unit. Based on published five-year RSRs for all cancers and selected cancers in Canada, we demonstrated five methods to calibrate one-year RSR, conditional on having survived years.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(5):722-729
pages 722-729 views

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