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Vol 37, No 3 (2016)


On the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of a class of non-selfadjoint operators

Aleroev T.S., Aleroeva H.T.


In present paper we proved that the operator generated by the differential expression of second order with fractional derivative in lower terms, does not generate associated functions and that the system of eigenfunctions of this operator forms a basis in L2(0, 1).

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):227-230
pages 227-230 views

A uniqueness theorem for linear elliptic equations with dominating derivative with respect to \(\bar z\)

Bikchantaev I.A.


The interior uniqueness theorem for analytic functions was generalized by M.B. Balk to the case of polyanalytic functions of order n. He proved that, if the zeros of a polyanalytic function have an accumulation point of order n, then this function is identically zero. M.F. Zuev generalized this result to the case of metaanalytic functions. In this paper, we generalize the interior uniqueness theorem to solutions of linear homogeneous elliptic differential equations of order n with analytic coefficients whose senior derivative is the n-th power of the Cauchy–Riemann operator.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):231-233
pages 231-233 views

Towards an operad-based cryptography: Applications of commutative operads

Gaynullina A.R., Tronin S.N.


In this paper we show the use of commutative operads in public-key cryptography. Commutative operads were introduced by S.N. Tronin in 2006. They are a special case of algebraic operads and a natural generalization of commutative algebraic theories. We consider some cryptographic protocols based on commutative operads. For the protocol of the creation a common secret key, we describe and investigate its implementation and cryptographic security in particular cases.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):234-239
pages 234-239 views

Approximation by matrices with simple spectra

Gumerov R.N., Vidunov S.I.


This note deals with a problem on approximation of a matrix tuple by a finite family of diagonalizable matrices with simple eigenvalues. In addition, for a given tuple of matrix functions, it is required that the product of their values at those diagonalizable matrices has a simple spectrum. We solve this problem making use of topological properties of the full matrix algebra.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):240-243
pages 240-243 views

Efficiency of genetic algorithm for subject search queries

Ivanov V.K., Palyukh B.V., Sotnikov A.N.


The article presents and generalizes the results on some performance indicators of genetic algorithm developed by authors and applied to effective search queries and selection of relevant results after document subject search. It is shown that the developed technology expands opportunities of semantic search and increases the number of the found relevant results. In particular, we made an effort to show the ability of the developed algorithm to achieve the neighborhood of the fitness function in a finite number of steps, to provide higher precision of search in comparison with the well-known search engines of the Internet as well as to provide the acceptable semantic relevance of the found documents.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):244-254
pages 244-254 views

Join decomposition based on fragmented column indices

Ivanova E., Sokolinsky L.B.


The paper is devoted to the issue of decomposition of the join relational operator with the aid of distributed column indices. Such decomposition allows one to utilize the modern manycore accelerators (GPU or Intel Xeon Phi) to speed up the query execution for very large databases. Column indices are the new kind of index structures, which exploits “key-value” technics. The paper describes themethods of column index fragmentation based on domain intervals. This technic allows organizing the parallel query processing without exchanges. All column index fragments are stored in main memory in compressed form to conserve space. This approach can be implemented as a coprocessor for relational database systems. The database coprocessor is able to perform resourceintensive operations much more faster than a conventional DBMS.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):255-260
pages 255-260 views

An application of fuzzy ideals techniques to the level subsets of ordered Γ-groupoids

Kehayopulu N.


We characterize the fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals, the fuzzy ideals and the fuzzy prime (resp. semiprime) ideals of an ordered Γ-groupoid M in terms of level subsets and we prove that the cartesian product of two fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals of M is a fuzzy left (resp. right) ideal of M × M, and the cartesian product of two fuzzy prime (resp. semiprime) ideals of M is a fuzzy prime (resp. semiprime) ideal of M × M. As a result, if μ and σ are fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals, ideals, fuzzy prime or fuzzy semiprime ideals of M, then the nonempty level subsets (μ × σ)t are so.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):261-265
pages 261-265 views

Analytical formula for integral whose kernel containing error function

Kosterin A.V., Skvortsov E.V.


The analytical formula for definite integral whose kernel containing error function is obtained. The result is expressed through elementary functions.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):266-267
pages 266-267 views

Solution of stokes flow problem using biharmonic equation formulation and multiquadrics method

Mardanov R.F., Zaripov S.K.


The biharmonic equation formulation of the Stokes flow problem for multiquadrics method is developed. The main advantage of the approach is the iteration free method to find the solution. The numerical method is applied for the problem of steady incompressible fluid flow past a cylinder in the periodic cell of the Kuwabara model. The comparison with known analytical solution and the analysis of absolute and relative errors show that proposed approach gives satisfactory accuracy. The nonmonotonic dependence of the relative errors on the shape parameter typical for multiquadrics method is observed.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):268-273
pages 268-273 views

Hardy type inequalities with weights dependent on the bessel functions

Nasibullin R.


We obtain a new sharp Hardy type inequality with an additional term. Using the Bessel functions we prove one dimensional inequality and their multidimensional analogs in domains with a finite inradius. The weight functions depend on the Bessel functions and Lamb’ s constants.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):274-283
pages 274-283 views

RSA cryptosystem for dedekind rings

Petukhova K.A., Tronin S.N.


May soon be invented quantum computer and some known cryptosystems (such as RSA) will be threatened breaking. This paper is aimed at establishing necessary conditions for the maximum possible algebraic generalization of the classical RSA algorithm. We substitute ideals of a Dedekind ring for integers. Ideals in Dedekind rings allow the unique decomposition into a product of maximal ideals, but may not be the principal ideals. Also we define Euler’s ϕ-function for ideal of a Dedekind ring and describe some properties of this function. We hope that our proposed method will help to develop algorithms for encryption, which is hard to crack using a quantum computer.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):284-287
pages 284-287 views

Lines of curvature on quadric hypersurfaces of ℝ4

Sotomayor J., Garcia R.


We describe the geometric structures of the lines of principal curvature and the partially umbilic singularities of the three-dimensional non compact generic quadric hypersurfaces of R4. This includes the ellipsoidal hyperboloids of one and two sheets and the toroidal hyperboloids. The present study complements the analysis of the compact ellipsoidal hypersurfaces carried out in [9].

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):288-306
pages 288-306 views

An intermediate value theorem for face polytopes

Matveev M.N.


The paper proves a theorem on polytopal fans and face polytopes that can be treated as an intermediate value theorem for face polytopes. According to this theorem if all fans FS obtained from a fan F by replacing one of its cones K with a subdivision S of K in some set H are polytopal, then the fan F is polytopal as well. Moreover, if PS, SH, are arbitrary face polytopes of the fans FS, then some positive combination of PS, SH, is a face polytope of the fan F. The reverse of the theorem is not true.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):307-315
pages 307-315 views

On socle chains of semiartinian rings with primitive factors artinian

Žemlička J.


The dimension sequence forms an invariant describing semisimple slices of regular semiartinian rings with primitive factors artinian. Several necessary conditions on dimension sequences are proved under assumption GCH in the paper.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):316-322
pages 316-322 views

On generalizations of ADS modules and rings

Hai P.T.


A rightmodule M over a ring R is said to be ADSif, for every decomposition M = ST and every complement T' of S, we have M = ST'. In this article, we study and provide several new characterizations of new class of essential modules and generalization of ADS modules. We prove that M is semisimple if and only if every module in σ[M] is generalized ADS if and only if every generalized ADS module in σ[M] is M-injective.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):323-332
pages 323-332 views

Applying the potential method to solving main boundary-value problems for a degenerate elliptic equation

Askhatov R.M., Abaydullin R.N.


Fundamental solutions of a degenerate elliptic equation are found. Potentials of the double-layer type and single-layer type are constructed by means of fundamental solutions. Main boundary-value problems for a degenerate elliptic equation are reduced to equivalent Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. The solvability of the said integral equations is proved.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):333-341
pages 333-341 views

Finding minimal polynomials of algebraic numbers of the form tan2(π/n) using Tschirnhausen’s transform

Galyautdinov I.G., Lavrentyeva E.E.


Solutions of two problems are proposed based on the Tschirnhausen transform. The first problem is connected with the construction of minimal polynomials of the numbers of the form tan2(π/n) by means of the Tschirnhausen transform for all natural n > 2. The second problem consists in finding the exact roots of the equation x3 − 7x − 7 = 0. A solution of the problem is obtained from the fact that the roots of the equation produce the cyclotomic field Q7. Examples of construction of minimal polynomials are provided.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):342-348
pages 342-348 views

Interpolation of a function of two variables with large gradients in boundary layers

Zadorin A.I.


The paper is concerned with the interpolation of a function of two variables with large gradients in the boundary layers. An underlying function is assumed to be the sum of the regular componentwith derivatives bounded up to some order and two boundary layer components, the latter are known up to a multiplicative factor. Such a representation is typical for the solution of a singular perturbed elliptic problem. A two-dimensional interpolation formula exact on the boundary layer components is put forward. The formula has an arbitrary number of nodes in each direction. An error estimate is obtained which is uniform on the gradients of the underlying function in boundary layers. Results of numerical experiments are provided.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):349-359
pages 349-359 views

Local transition to turbulence behind an obstacle for a nominally laminar flow

Mazo A.B., Okhotnikov D.I.


The mechanisms of transition to turbulence in the middle wake behind an obstacle on the channel wall for a laminar flow have been studied. Using DNS, it has been shown that the transition to turbulence is mainly caused by the interaction of paired helical vortices generated at the side walls of the channel behind the rib. If the transverse size of these vortices reaches a half of the channel width, their contact causes periodic generation and separation of smaller vortex structures in the interaction area; here, the middle wake behind the obstacle is characterized by transition to turbulence. If the channel width is sufficiently large, the flow remains laminar. The influence of the distance between the side walls on the laminar-turbulent transition for Reynolds numbers ranging from 1500 to 3000.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):360-367
pages 360-367 views

Design of optimal control for motions of elastic bodies: Variational approaches

Saurin V.V., Kostin G.V.


For the forced motion of elastic bodies, we provide the variational and projection statements of initial-boundary problems. In the framework of the spatial linearmodel, we investigate the optimal control problem for an elastic rectilinear beam with a rectangular cross-section. Using the proposed generalized formulations, we develop a design algorithm for optimal displacements of elastic beams. Results of the numerical simulation and the analysis of the dynamics are provided.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(3):368-380
pages 368-380 views

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