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Vol 39, No 4 (2018)


Parallel Implementation for Some Applications of Integral Equations Method

Aparinov A.A., Setukha A.V., Stavtsev S.L.


In this article authors analyse the specifics of parallel implementation of numericalmethods based on integral equations. The necessity to create original parallel subroutines implementing fast matrix algorithms for efficient work with big dense matrices is stressed out. Specifics of parallel algorithms and calculating capabilities of integral equations method for some aerodynamics and electrodynamics problems are shown.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):477-485
pages 477-485 views

Parallel CPU- and GPU-Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Nondestructive Testing

Bazulin E.G., Goncharsky A.V., Romanov S.Y., Seryozhnikov S.Y.


This paper is concerned with developing efficient methods for solving inverse problems of ultrasonic nondestructive imaging in the framework of a scalar wave model, which describes the propagation, diffraction and refraction of longitudinal ultrasonic waves. The problem of recovering the velocity of a longitudinal wave in a solid is formulated as a coefficient inverse problem, which in this formulation is nonlinear. The proposed scalable numerical algorithms can be efficiently parallelized both on CPU- and GPU-equipped supercomputers. The efficiency of the algorithms is illustrated by applying them to model problems. The computations were performed on the “Lomonosov” supercomputer at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):486-493
pages 486-493 views

Parallel Computational Structure of Noisy Quantum Circuits Simulation

Chernyavskiy A.Y., Voevodin V.V., Voevodin V.V.


We present the detailed description of parallel computational structure of quantum circuits modeling. The deep theoretical and experimental analysis of corresponding algorithms and relations of their features to the nature of quantum computations are considered. Special attention is paid to the extension of modeling to the case of noisy circuits, which appear in realistic quantum computers.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):494-502
pages 494-502 views

Parallel Versions of Implicit LU-SGS Method

Chikitkin A., Petrov M., Titarev V., Utyuzhnikov S.


Different parallel distributed-memory versions of Lower-Upper Symmetric Gauss–Seidel (LU-SGS) method for solution of discrete equations in finite-volume framework are compared in terms of parallel structure of algorithms. New version based on multilevel recursive decomposition is proposed.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):503-512
pages 503-512 views

The Extension of the Monte Carlo Method for Neutron Transfer Problems Calculating to the Problems of Quantum Mechanics

Danshin A.A., Gurevich M.I., Ilyin V.A., Kovalishin A.A., Velikhov V.E.


There are several methods of numerical solution of eigenvalue problems by the Monte Carlo method, which are used in the calculation of nuclear reactors. This paper is devoted to the investigation of the possibility of using such methods for solving the stationary Schrodinger equation. The latter equation can easily be transformed into the form of an integral equation of the first kind, very similar to those integral equations that arise in problems of nuclear power. The Monte Carlo method for this form of the stationary Schrodinger equation looks very attractive, since it naturally parallels and is very convenient for calculations on multiprocessor systems. In addition, in this case it is necessary to operate with functions defined on a large-dimensional space. This is also natural for the Monte Carlo method. It is described how the methods long used for the calculation of nuclear reactors are transformed for this case. The main problem is that the wave function of fermions changes its sign under a permutation of identical particles, and can not be nonnegative. The proposed approach is significantly different from the known methods of applying the Monte Carlo method to quantum mechanical problems. In this paper, several examples of the successful application of the proposed new method are given.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):513-523
pages 513-523 views

Parallel Algorithm of the NOISEtte Code for CFD and CAA Simulations

Gorobets A.


This paper describes the parallel algorithm of the NOISEtte code for computational fluid dynamics and aeroacoustics simulations. It is based on a family of higher-accuracy numerical schemes for unstructured hybrid meshes. The multilevel MPI + OpenMP parallelization is described in detail. Performance results are presented for various supercomputers and applications.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):524-532
pages 524-532 views

Optimal Strategy for Modelling Turbulent Flows with Ensemble Averaging on High Performance Computing Systems

Krasnopolsky B.I.


The high-fidelity modelling of turbulent flows is one of the actual problems, actively performed on high performance computing systems. The main issue for these simulations is related to the need of long time averaging to obtain reliable statistics of interest for scientists and engineers. The two recent publications deal with the problem of long time integration, suggesting an ensemble averaging approach, which allows to replace the single long time integration with multiple simulations of much shorter time intervals. These papers provide two different simulation scenarios to perform the simulations. The current paper proposes the generalized approach combining them all together. The paper provides the criterion to choose the optimal scenario, minimizing the overall simulation time for a given number of computational resources. The proposed generalization substantially extends the range of applicability for the suggested ensemble averaging methodology. The validation results considered in the paper demonstrate additional 20% simulation speedup for the generalized approach compared to the basic ones proposed earlier.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):533-542
pages 533-542 views

An Efficient Optimization of Hll Method for the Second Generation of Intel Xeon Phi Processor

Kulikov I.M., Chernykh I.G., Glinskiy B.M., Protasov V.A.


In this paper, a new approach to vectorization of algorithms of computational fluid dynamics to simulate the dynamics of astrophysical objects is presented. A co-design of a computational model, from the formulation of equations to software tools, is described. The code performance is analyzed. A speed of 245 gigaflops on Intel Xeon Phi 7250 accelerator and 302 gigaflops on Intel Xeon Phi 7290 accelerator is reached. The code developed is used to solve a problem of interaction of different astrophysical objects such as galaxies, gas clouds, stars clusters.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):543-551
pages 543-551 views

Locally Recursive Non-Locally Asynchronous Algorithms for Stencil Computation

Levchenko V.D., Perepelkina A.Y.


LRnLA algorithms provide many advantages for stencil computations. In contrast to the traditional stepwise approaches, the performance efficiency does not decrease with the problem data size and the parallel scaling is close to linear. This is achieved by tracing the data dependencies of the problem, taking into account the finite information propagation speed in the numerical scheme. The optimal traversal rule is found from the requirement to use all memory hierarchy levels and all levels of parallelism with higher efficiency. Stencil computing is applied, among others, in wave modeling (FDTD scheme for optics; Levander scheme for seismic waves; finite difference scheme for acoustics), gas and fluid dynamics (RKDG scheme, Lattice–Boltzmann method), plasma physics (particle-in-cell). The experience of the application of LRnLA algorithm approach in all mentioned fields aided the development of its theory. Firstly, for a given computer, given simulation problem, and a given method the achievable performance may be estimated. Secondly, based on these estimates the optimal algorithmmay be found. The conclusions provide a guidance on how to apply the LRnLA method to any local stencil scheme on any relevant computer, to achieve new breakthroughs in the performance efficiency.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):552-561
pages 552-561 views

Parallel Algorithms for Astrophysics Problems

Rybakin B., Goryachev V.


The algorithm and the mathematical modeling package for 3-D gravitational gasdynamics problems with ultra-high resolution meshes are described. The modeling results of filamentary formations, i.e. concentrated areas with high gas density in molecular clouds (MC), and the nonisothermic compression calculation data are discussed. The spatial mesh resolution required for satisfying Jeans conditions in modeling is substantiated. The programming code developed uses dynamic gridding called local adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) at several (up to 10) resolution levels. To provide adequate resolution themeshes are added automatically and dynamically as well as destroyed as needed. The computation paralleling algorithm withOpenMPand CUDA is given. The programming language chosen to compute the problems of gravitational gas dynamics efficiently is justified and substantiated. The practice of applying algorithms for modeling the MC fragmentation after collisions, the filament and protostellar clouds formation, the star formation stages is analyzed.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):562-570
pages 562-570 views

Analytical Estimation of the Scalability of Iterative Numerical Algorithms on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors

Sokolinsky L.B.


This article presents a new high-level parallel computational model named BSF "— Bulk Synchronous Farm. The BSF model extends the BSP model to deal with the computeintensive iterative numericalmethods executed on distributed-memory multiprocessor systems. The BSF model is based on the master-worker paradigm and the SPMD programming model. The BSF model makes it possible to predict the upper scalability bound of a BSF-program with great accuracy. The BSF model also provides equations for estimating the speedup and parallel efficiency of a BSF-program.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):571-575
pages 571-575 views

Generalized Parallel Computational Schemes for Time-Consuming Global Optimization

Strongin R.G., Gergel V.P., Barkalov K.A., Sysoyev A.V.


This paper addresses computationally intensive global optimization problems, for solving of which the supercomputing systems with exaflops performance can be required. To overcome such computational complexity, the paper proposes the generalized parallel computational schemes, which may involve numerous efficient parallel algorithms of global optimization. The proposed schemes include various ways of multilevel decomposition of parallel computations to guarantee the computational efficiency of supercomputing systems with shared and distributed memory multiprocessors with thousands of processors to meet global optimization challenges.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):576-586
pages 576-586 views

Structure and Algorithms of SL-AV Atmosphere Model Parallel Program Complex

Tolstykh M., Goyman G., Fadeev R., Shashkin V.


We present recent modifications of the SL-AV global atmosphere model parallel structure and algorithms. The modification of the hybridMPI+OpenMP parallelization structure as well as new parallel I/O system is described. The new multigrid algorithm for solving the linear algebraic equations systems arising from discretization at the reduced latitude-longitude grid is introduced and the convergence results for this method are presented.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):587-595
pages 587-595 views

GPU Based Acceleration of Parallel Block Lancoz Solver

Zamarashkin N.L., Zheltkov D.A.


The block Lanczos method for huge sparse linear systems over large prime finite fields is accelerated on GPU. Calculations on GPU are used for the operations with the dense matrices and blocks. The achieved acceleration of block operations significantly increases the parallel resource of the entire method, expanding the scalability area close to linear. The numerical experiments were carried out on supercomputers Lomonosov and Lomonosov-2.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):596-602
pages 596-602 views

Structure of Highly Parallel, Efficient, Scalable, True Robust Pseudomultigrid Technique for Black-Box Solving a Large Class of the Boundary Value Problems on High Performance Computing Systems

Volokhov V., Toktaliev P., Martynenko S., Yanovskiy L., Varlamov D., Volokhov A., Amosova E.


In this paper, we discuss the true robust pseudomultigrid technique (RMT) for blackbox solving a large class of the boundary value problems on high performance computing systems. RMT has the same number of the problem-dependent components as Gauss-Seidel method and close-to-optimal algorithmic complexity. First, an algebraic approach to parallelization is introduced for a parallel smoothing on the fine levels. The algebraic approach is based on a decomposition of the given problem into a number of subproblems with an overlap. Second, a geometric approach to parallelization is introduced for a parallel smoothing on the coarse levels to avoid communication overhead and idling processes on the very coarse grids. The geometric approach is based on a decomposition of the given problem into a number of subproblems without an overlap. After that we discuss a combination of the algebraic and the geometric approaches for parallel RMT.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(4):603-608
pages 603-608 views

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