
Multidimensional central limit theorem for sums of functions of the trajectories of endomorphisms
Dubrovin V., Gabbasov F., Chebakova V.
Exterior point methods with adaptation of admissible set approximation for constrained optimization problems
Andrianova A.
Fourier Tools are Much More Powerful than Commonly Thought
Nersessian A.
The miles theorem and new particular solutions to the Taylor–Goldstein equation
Gavrilieva A., Gubarev Y., Lebedev M.
The Finite Difference Approximation Preserving Conjugate Properties of the Mean-Field Game Equations
Shaydurov V., Zhang S., Karepova E.
Preconditioned Uzawa-type method for a state constrained parabolic optimal control problem with boundary control
Lapin A., Laitinen E.
Efficient Iterative Method for Solving Optimal Control Problem Governed by Diffusion Equation with Time Fractional Derivative
Lapin A., Laitinen E.
Hermitian finite element complementing the Bogner–Fox–Schmit rectangle near curvilinear boundary
Dobronets B., Shaydurov V.
Approximation to Constant Functions by Electrostatic Fields due to Electrons and Positrons
Komarov M.
Error Investigation of a Finite Element Approximation for a Nonlinear Sturm–Liouville Problem
Samsonov A., Solov’ev P., Solov’ev S.
About the Optimal Replacement of the Lebesque Constant Fourier Operator by a Logarithmic Function
Shakirov I.
Approximation by matrices with simple spectra
Gumerov R., Vidunov S.
Behavior of Bi-Cubic Functions in Lipschitz Spaces
Nikoufar I.
Best Approximations of Solutions of Fractional-integral Equations with the Riemann-Liouville Operator
Agachev J., Galimyanov A., Gubaidullina R.
Modeling of radio-frequency capacitive discharge under atmospheric pressure in Argon
Chebakova V.
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