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Vol 40, No 4 (2019)


Enterprise Debts Analysis Using a Mathematical Model of Production, Considering the Deficit of Current Assets

Alimov D.A., Obrosova N.K., Shananin A.A.


In this paper, we present the results of investigation of the production model that extends Houthakker—Johansen approach of distribution of capacities over technologies and takes into account financial characteristics of manufacturer that works in conditions of current assets deficit and Poisson process of demand arrivals. The model is formalized in form of Bellman equation. The solution of Bellman equation defines the value of a company in dependence on parameters of manufacturing process and economic environment (interest rates, price, cost, etc.). The closed form expression for the solution of Bellman equation and calculation of average characteristics of production activity in model terms allow developing the methodology of calculation and analysis of company’s value that bases on official company reporting data and economic environment parameters. The developed method we apply to compute and analyze the economic conditions of functioning of FCA Company (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Italy). We calculate average debt in terms of the model and analyze the dynamic of average debt of FCA. We present the results of modified model investigation that reflects the crisis management strategy of business owner and takes into account the debt load and how it affects the company’s value. The condition of uniqueness for the solution of Bellman equation in modified model is identification of coefficient of debt accounting due to the bankruptcy procedure. In terms of the model, we calculate a closed form of critical debt value that corresponds to the bankruptcy bound.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):385-399
pages 385-399 views

Transforming Calculated Schemes in Geometrically Non-linear Mechanics Problems of the Sandwich Plates with Contour Reinforcing Beams

Badriev I.B., Kholmogorov S.A., Makarov M.V., Paimushin V.N.


A numerical study of the geometrically nonlinear problem of deforming the cylindrical shape of a sandwich plate with a transversally soft core, supported in the end sections of absolutely rigid bodies, according to transforming calculation schemes as it is loaded, has been carried out. It is shown that such a transformation is necessary after the delamination of the adhesive layer connecting the end section of the core with the contour reinforcing beam, designed to ensure the transfer of external load on the carrier layers. The previously obtained equations were used, which are based on introducing into consideration, as unknown contact forces, the interaction of the outer layers with a core, as well as the external layers and the core with reinforcing bodies at all points of their interface surfaces. The problem under study required the sequential formulation and solving of two problems: on the stress-strain state of the structure until the beginning of the destruction of the adhesive layer between the core and the reinforcing beam and about determining the increments of the parameters of the stress-strain state after delamination. To simulate the delamination process, a method based on the parameter continuation method is proposed. This method provides for zeroing the tangential stresses formed in the adhesive layer at the first loading stage, by choosing the incremental tangent stresses specified above as the loading parameter. Numerical methods for solving the formulated problems were developed. They are based on a preliminary reduction of the initial problems to systems of integro-algebraic equations and the construction of their solutions by the finite sum method. To resolve the geometric nonlinearity, a two-layer iterative process is used.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):400-414
pages 400-414 views

Numerical Modeling of Ultrasound Phased Array for Non-destructive Testing of Composites

Beklemysheva K.A., Kazakov A.O., Petrov I.B.


Ulrasound transducers with phased arrays are used in multiple areas, including medical and technical applications. The numerical modeling of the composite ultrasound requires high spatial and temporal resolution with a full viscoelastic anisotropic material model. The grid-characteristic method that can provide it is demanding in terms of calculation time. A problem of optimal adjusting of the phased array requires a fast and effective numerical method. The retracing method for acoustics that is used for ultrasound and seismic problems, improved with a wavefront construction method was implemented. A technique of modeling the ultrasound of composites with good accuracy and in a reasonable time is proposed.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):415-424
pages 415-424 views

Approximations of Evolutionary Inequality with Lipschitz-continuous Functional and Minimally Regular Input Data

Dautov R.Z., Lapin A.V.


The convergence and accuracy of approximations of evolutionary inequality with a linear bounded operator and a convex and Lipschitz-continuous functional are investigated. Four types of approximations are considered: the regularization method, the Galerkin semi-discrete scheme, the Rothe scheme and the fully discrete scheme. Approximations are thoroughly studied under sufficiently weak assumptions about the smoothness of the input data. As an example of applying general theoretical results, we study the finite element approximation of second order parabolic variational inequality.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):425-438
pages 425-438 views

Identification of Non-stationary Load Upon Timoshenko Beam

Fedotenkov G.V., Tarlakovsky D.V., Vahterova Y.A.


This paper investigates an inverse non-stationary problem of the restoration of the spatial law of a homogeneous isotropic Timoshenko beam of finite length. Hinge support conditions are used as boundary conditions. Initial conditions are assumed to be zero. It is assumed that of the beam’s ends is fitted with sensors which in the course of corresponding experiment register the amount of deflection of the beam at the sensor points. The method of the solution of a direct problem is based on the principle of superposition where the deflection of the beam is associated with the space load the beam is exposed to, by means of an integral operator by the spatial coordinate and time. The kernel of such operator is so called influence function. This function is a fundamental solution of a system of differential equations of motion of the study beam. The construction of such solution represents a separate problem. The influence function is found by means of Laplace time transformation and expansion into Fourier series in a system of the problem’s eigenfunctions. The solution of the inverse problem at the first stage reduces to a system of algebraic equations for vector operator whose components are time convolutions of the coefficients of expansion series for an influence function with the desired coefficients of expansion of the load in a Fourier series. At the same time, the components of the vector of the rights parts are time dependencies registered by the sensors. The resulting system is ill-conditioned [1]. The second stage serves to resolve independent Volterra integral equations of the first kind for the desired coefficients of Fourier serials for the load.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):439-447
pages 439-447 views

Mathematical Modeling of the Coronary Circulation During Cardiac Pacing and Tachycardia

Gamilov T.M., Liang F.Y., Simakov S.S.


In this work, we consider blood flow in the coronary arteries during the abnormal heart rhythm conditions due to the cardiac pacing and pathological type of the tachycardia. We adapt the ID model of haemodynamics to the coronary circulation conditions, which are characterized by the periodic vessels contraction. The range of the convergence of the Newton’s method is studied for the boundary conditions at the outlets of the terminal vessels. Simulation of the cardiac pacing conditions supports the hypothesis, that right ventricle pacing produce the most pronounced effect to the coronary flow. We also observe, that 0.03 s delay during right ventricular pacing produce substantial increase of the systolic blood flow in the left coronary artery. Simulations of the tachycardia conditions show, that the ratio between systolic and diastolic phase is a critical parameter for the possible ischemia development. We also observe, that the supraventricular tachycardia in paediatric patients results in the distinctive decrease of the coronary flow at some heart rates.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):448-458
pages 448-458 views

A Combination of a Special Hermite Finite Element with Collocation for a Reaction-Diffusion Type Equation

Gileva L.V., Karepova E.D., Shaidurov V.V.


In the paper, we propose an efficient method based on the use of a bicubic Hermite finite element coupled with collocation for the reaction-diffusion equation with a variable coefficient. This enables one to reduce the dimension of the system of equations in comparison with the standard finite element scheme. Numerical experiments confirm a theoretical convergence estimate and demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):459-468
pages 459-468 views

Inductive Limits for Systems of Toeplitz Algebras

Gumerov R.N.


By the Toeplitz algebra we mean the reduced semigroup C*-algebra for the additive semigroup of non-negative integers. This article deals with inductive systems of Toeplitz algebras over arbitrary directed sets. For such a system the family of its connecting injective *-homomorphisms is defined by a set of natural numbers satisfying a factorization property. The motivation for the study of those inductive systems comes from our previous work on the inductive sequences of Toeplitz algebras defined by sequences of numbers and the limit automorphisms for the inductive limits of such sequences. We show that there exists an isomorphism in the category of unital C*-algebras and unital *-homomorphisms between the inductive limit of an inductive system of Toeplitz algebras over a directed set defined by a set of natural numbers and a reduced semigroup C*-algebra for a semigroup in the group of all rational numbers. The inductive systems of Toeplitz algebras over arbitrary partially ordered sets defined by sets of natural numbers are also studied.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):469-478
pages 469-478 views

Efficient Iterative Method for Solving Optimal Control Problem Governed by Diffusion Equation with Time Fractional Derivative

Lapin A., Laitinen E.


We solve finite-difference approximations of a linear-quadratic optimal control problem governed by Dirichlet boundary value problem with fractional time derivative. The state equation of the problem is approximated using locally one-dimensional difference schemes. The stability estimates of discrete state equations necessary for studying the convergence of iterative solution methods for the constructed discrete optimal control problems are proved. The rate of convergence of the proposed iterative method is obtained and the optimal iterative parameter is found. The results of numerical tests for a model problem are presented.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):479-488
pages 479-488 views

Transient Interaction of Rigid Indenter with Elastic Half-plane with Adhesive Force

Okonechnikov A.S., Tarlakovsky D.V., Fedotenkov G.V.


The transient interaction of a rigid convex indenter with elastic half-plane boundary is investigated in this paper. At the initial time point, the rigid indenter and half-plane have some distance between them. Indenter moves towards the half-plane on arbitrary law of motion. The indenter and half-plane interaction is considered in two stages: contactless interaction, which includes only adhesive forces, and the stage with mechanical contact between indenter and half-plane’s boundary. On the second stage, the adhesive force also takes place. In this paper the first stage of interaction is considered. To obtain the normal displacement of the half-plane, the superposition principle is used. For this method, the Lamb problem solution is considered as a Green function. However, the adhesive force function’s support is unknown. In this article the original numerical and analytical algorithm is constructed and realized, the solution for considered problem is obtained. Graphical results for half-plane boundary normal displacements space-time distribution are presented. Also graphical results for adhesive force support boundary position and velocity on time dependence are shown.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):489-498
pages 489-498 views

Mathematical Modeling of Spatial Wave Responses by Grid-characteristic Method on Irregular Computational Meshes

Petrov I.B., Muratov M.V.


The aim of this article is representing of mathematical modeling results in spatial exploration seismology problems, in particular the problem of seismic waves propagation in fractured layers with fractures of different dimensions. The modeling was produced by grid-characteristic method with use of irregular computational meshes (triangle in 2D-case and tetrahedral in 3D-case). The use of such numerical method takes into consideration the characteristic physical properties of describing processes and give us possibility to construct correct algorithms on boundaries and contact boundaries in integrational domain. By the use of unstructured meshes we can produce computations of wave processes in any areas of different complex shapes.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):499-506
pages 499-506 views

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Weak Separability Problem for Homogeneous Utility Functions

Shananin A.A., Tarasov S.P.


Under the assumption that the utility function is positively homogeneous (PH in the sequel), we obtain effectively testable necessary and sufficient conditions for weak separability problem.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):507-512
pages 507-512 views

The Finite Difference Approximation Preserving Conjugate Properties of the Mean-Field Game Equations

Shaydurov V., Zhang S., Karepova E.


A numerical method is presented for solving economic problems formulated in the Mean Field Game (MFG) form. The mean-field equilibrium is described by the coupled system of two parabolic partial differential equations: the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman one. The description is focused on the discrete approximation of these equations which accurately transfers the properties of MFG from the differential level to the discrete one. This approach results in an efficient algorithm for finding the corresponding grid control function. Contrary to other difference schemes, here the semi-Lagrangian approximation is applied which improves properties of a discrete problem. This implies the faster convergence of an iterative algorithm for the monotone minimization of the cost functional even with non-quadratic and non-symmetric contribution of control.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(4):513-524
pages 513-524 views

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