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Vol 40, No 1 (2019)


On Two-Dimensional Power Associative Algebras Over Algebraically Closed Fields and R

Ahmed H., Bekbaev U., Rakhimov I.


In this paper we describe all power-associative algebra structures on a two-dimensional vector space over algebraically closed fields and ℝ. The list of all two-dimensional left(right) unital power-associative algebras, along with their unit elements, is specified. Also we compare the result of the paper with that results obtained earlier.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):1-13
pages 1-13 views

Classification of Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Rational Coefficients

Bibikov P.V.


In the present work we study linear ordinary differential equations of second order with rational coefficients. Such equations are very important in complex analysis (for example they include the so-called Fuchs equations, which appear in 21 Hilbert’s problem) and in the theory of special functions (Bessel function, Gauss hypergeometric function, etc.). We compute the symmetry group of this class of equations, and it appears that this group includes non-rational (and even nonalgebraic) transformations. Also, the field of differential invariants is described and the effective equivalence criterion is obtained. Finally, we present some examples.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):14-23
pages 14-23 views

On Continuous Multifunctions in Ideal Topological Spaces

Boonpok C.


The purpose of the present paper is to introduce the concepts of upper and lower *-continuous multifunctions. Several characterizations of upper and lower *-continuous multifunctions are investigated. The relationships between upper and lower *-continuous multifunctions and the other types of continuity are discussed.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):24-35
pages 24-35 views

Rings Whose Elements Are Linear Combinations of Three Commuting Idempotents

Danchev P.V.


We classify those rings in which all elements are linear combinations over ℤ of at most three commuting idempotents. Our results improve on recent publications by the author in Albanian J. Math. (2018), Gulf J. Math. (2018), Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. (2018) and Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. (2019) as well as on publications due to Hirano–Tominaga in Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. (1988), Ying et al. in Can. Math. Bull. (2016) and Tang et al. in Lin. and Multilin. Algebra (2019).

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):36-41
pages 36-41 views

Bayesian Inference for the Negative Binomial-Sushila Linear Model

Yamrubboon D., Thongteeraparp A., Bodhisuwan W., Jampachaisri K., Volodin A.


The aim of this article is to develop a new linear model for count data. The main idea is in an application of a new generalized linear model framework, which we call the Negative Binomial-Sushila linear model. The Negative Binomial-Sushila distribution has been proposed recently and applied to count data. This distribution is constructed as a mixture of the Negative Binomial and Sushila distributions. The mixed distribution is a flexible alternative to the Poisson distribution when over-dispersed count data is analyzed. The parameters of this distribution are estimated using a Bayesian approach with R2jags package of the R language. The Negative Binomial-Sushila linear model is applied to fit two real data sets with an over-dispersion and its performance is compared with the performance of some traditional models. The results show that the Negative Binomial-Sushila generalized linear model fits the data sets better than the traditional generalized models for these data sets.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):42-54
pages 42-54 views

On a Difference Equation Generated by Two “Close” Squares

Garif’yanov F.N., Strezhneva E.V.


We consider a set of two squares constructed for the primitive periods 1 and i and having four vertices on one straight line. In a neighborhood of this set, we study a four-element difference equation with constant coefficients. The linear shifts of this equation are the generating transformations of the corresponding doubly periodic group and their inverse transformations. The solution is sought in the class of functions that are analytic outside this set and vanish at infinity. We give some applications to the moment problem for entire functions of exponential type.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Comparative and Allied UP-Filters

Jun Y.B., Iampan A.


The notions of a comparative UP-filter and an allied UP-filter are introduced, and related properties are investigated. Relations between a UP-filter, an implicative UP-filter and a comparative UP-filter are discussed. Conditions for a UP-filter to be a comparative UP-filter are displayed. Conditions for a comparative UP-filter to be an implicative UP-filter are considered. We show that comparative UP-filters and implicative UP-filters coincide in a meet-commutative UP-algebra X satisfying the condition (∀x, y, zX) (x · (y · z) = y · (x · z)). Characterizations of a comparative UP-filter are stated. An extension property for comparative UP-filter is established. Conditions for a UP-filter to be an x-allied UP-filter for given xX are provided.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):60-66
pages 60-66 views

(M, N)-Soft Intersection Nearsemirings and (M, N)-α-Inclusion Along with Its Algebraic Applications

Khan W.A., Davvaz B., Muhammad A.


In this note, we introduce (M, N)-soft intersection nearsemirings (abbreviate as (M, N)-SI-nearsemirings) by utilizing the intersection operation of sets. We study the set theoretic characteristics of (M, N)-Soft intersection nearsemirings with the effects of different types of sets operations. (M, N)-SI-subnearsemirings, (M, N)-SI-ideals, and (M, N)-SI-c-ideals are also introduced and discussed. Furthermore, we introduce the notions of (M, N)-α-inclusion, soft uni-int c-products, soft uni-int c-sums and study (M, N)-SI-nearsemirings by using these operations. We also inter-relate (M, N)-SI-nearsemirings and classical nearsemirings by utilizing (M, N)-α-inclusion.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):67-78
pages 67-78 views

Approximation to Constant Functions by Electrostatic Fields due to Electrons and Positrons

Komarov M.A.


We study a uniform approximation to constant functions f(z) = const on compact subsets K of complex plane by logarithmic derivatives of rational functions with free poles. This problem can be treated in terms of electrostatics: we construct on K the constant electrostatic field due to electrons and positrons at points ∉ K. If K is a disk or an interval, we get the approximation, which close to the best. Also we get the new identity for generalized Laguerre polynomials. Our results related to the classical problem of rational approximation to the exponential function.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Monomial Ideals with Quasi-Linear Quotients

Nazir S., Anwar I., Ahmad A.


In this paper, we extend the notion of quasi-linear quotients for a pure monomial ideal (not necessarily square-free) of degree d. We introduce the notion of quasi-linear free resolution and show that if a pure monomial ideal I = (u1, u2,…, um) of degree d in the polynomial ring S = k[x1,…, xn] admits quasi-linear quotients then Lq = (u1,…, uq−1): uq admits quasi-linear free resolution for all qm. Moreover, we show that if a pure monomial ideal I of degree d admits quasi-linear quotients then It will also have quasi-linear quotients for td.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):85-89
pages 85-89 views

Determinability of Semirings of Continuous Nonnegative Functions with Max-Plus by the Lattices of Their Subalgebras

Sidorov V.V.


Denote by \(\mathbb{R}_+^\vee\) the semifield with zero of nonnegative real numbers with operations of max-addition and multiplication. Let X be a topological space and C(X) be the semiring of continuous nonnegative functions on X with pointwise operation max-addition and multiplication of functions. By a subalgebra we mean a nonempty subset A of C(X) such that fg, fg, rfA for any f, gA, \(r \in \mathbb{R}_+^\vee\). We consider the lattice \(\mathbb{A}\)(C(X)) of subalgebras of the semiring C(X) and its sublattice \(\mathbb{A}_1\)(C(X)) of subalgebras with unity. The main result of the paper is the proof of the definability of the semiring C(X) both by the lattice \(\mathbb{A}\)(C(X)) and by its sublattice \(\mathbb{A}_1\)(C(X)).

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):90-100
pages 90-100 views

Non-Linear Interpolation of the Harmonic–Geometric–Arithmetic Matrix Means

Dinh T.H., Dumitru R., Franco J.A.


Bhatia, Lim, and Yamazaki conjectured that the Kubo–Ando extensions of means of numbers satisfy a norm minimality condition with respect to unitarily invariant norms. In this short note, we introduce a symmetric Kubo–Ando mean and a non-Kubo–Ando extension that do not satisfy this property.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):101-105
pages 101-105 views

On Optimization of Complete Social Networks

Weldegebriel A.T., Stodolsky B.Y.


A balanced social network is a social network where, for any member of the social network, the following two statements are true; a friend of my friend is my friend and an enemy of my enemy is my friend. In this paper we demonstrate a polynomial time greedy algorithm that balances any complete social network with n members by changing at most ⌈n2/4 − n/2⌉ of the initial relationships between the members of the network. We also demonstrate that the problem of determining the minimum number of relationships that needs to change so that a complete social network, where each member has at least as many friends as enemies, becomes balanced is still NP-Complete.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):106-113
pages 106-113 views

Retraction Note

Retraction Note to: Factorization of Triangular Matrix-Functions of an Arbitrary Order

Primachuk L., Rogosin S.


This article [1] has been retracted by the Editor-in-Chief, because, by some technical mistake, it has been published twice: originally in issue 1 of the same journal [2]. The Editor-in-Chief and the publisher apologize for any inconvenience. The authors agree to this retraction.

  1. L. Primachuk and S. Rogosin, Lobachevskii J.Math. 39 (6), 809–817 (2018). doi 10.1134/S1995080218060148

  2. L. Primachuk and S. Rogosin, Lobachevskii J.Math. 39 (1), 129–137 (2018). doi 10.1134/S1995080218010213

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2019;40(1):114-114
pages 114-114 views

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