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Vol 37, No 4 (2016)


Exterior point methods with adaptation of admissible set approximation for constrained optimization problems

Andrianova A.A.


In this paper we consider one approach implemented for solving constrained optimization problems with a given accuracy based on the use of approximation of the admissible set. This approach is applicable to the suquential unconstrained minimization methods, but can be adapted to other optimization methods. At each iteration of the algorithm, designed on this approach, the admissible set of the problem is replaced by its approximation. As a result of the adaptation parameters of approximation in finitely many iterations used approximation becomes satisfactory that guarantees the given accuracy of solution for the initial optimization problem.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):381-386
pages 381-386 views

On multivariate countermonotonic copulas and their actuarial application

Ko B., Ahn J.Y.


Extreme positive dependence, also known as comonotonicity or the Fréchet upper bound, has been an important concept in insurance since it describes the most dangerous financial behaviors. However, there is no generally agreed upon definition for extreme negative dependence because the corresponding Fréchet lower bound does not exist. To resolve this, a set of copulas under the name of d-Countermonotonicity (d-CTM) has been proposed to define extreme negative dependence rather than a single copula. The set of d-CTM copulas can be quite useful in various optimization problems. In this paper, we investigate various properties of d-CTM with more emphasis on the practical issues of actual optimization problems. As an application to insurance, we explore the effect of risk pooling under extreme dependence by adopting the so-called measure of uncertainty.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):387-396
pages 387-396 views

Integrable products of measurable operators

Bikchentaev A.


Let τ be a faithful normal semifinite trace on von Neumann algebra M, 0 < p < +∞ and Lp(M, τ) be the space of all integrable (with respect to τ) with degree p operators, assume also that \(\widetilde M\) is the *-algebra of all τ-measurable operators. We give the sufficient conditions for integrability of operator product \(A,\;B \in \widetilde M\). We prove that ABLp(M, τ) ⇔ ABLp(M, τ) ⇔ AB* ∈ Lp(M, τ); moreover, ||AB||p = |||A|B||p = |||A||B*|||p. If A is hyponormal, B is cohyponormal and ABLp(M, τ) then BALp(M, τ) and ||BA||p ≤ ||AB||p; for p = 1 we have τ(AB) = τ(BA). A nonzero hyponormal (or cohyponormal) operator \(A \in \widetilde M\) cannot be nilpotent. If \(A \in \widetilde M\) is quasinormal then the arrangement μt(An) = μt(A)n for all n ∈ N and t > 0. If A is a τ-compact operator and \(B \in \widetilde M\) is such that |A| log+|A|, ep|B|L1(M, τ) then AB,BAL1(M, τ).

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):397-403
pages 397-403 views

A conditional version of Chebyshev’s other inequality

Golikova N., Kruglov V.


Under the conditions of integrability the conditional version E(f(X)G)E(g(X)|G) ≤ E(f(X)g(X)|G) a.s. of Chebyshev’s other inequality is proved for monotonic functions f and g of the samemonotonicity, for any random variable X, and for any σ-algebra G. An improved conditional version of the Grüss inequality is also proved.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):404-408
pages 404-408 views

Multidimensional central limit theorem for sums of functions of the trajectories of endomorphisms

Dubrovin V.T., Gabbasov F.G., Chebakova V.J.


We study the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem for vector-valued sequences generated by endomorphisms of a multidimensional torus. In the proved theorem for sums of functions of the trajectories of endomorphisms of s-dimensional Euclidean space it is obtained almost optimal rate of convergence to the normal distribution. In the proof we use “method of successive approximations”, developed by us earlier (see Dubrovin V.T., Moskvin D.A. Theory of Probability & Its Applications, 1980, V. 24, Is. 3, P. 560–571) to prove limit theorems taking into account the rate of convergence for the sums of functions of sequences that satisfy a mixing condition.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):409-417
pages 409-417 views

Inconsistency of tests based on extremal values

Fetisova T.A.


The goal of this article is to show, that quality control based on extremal observation values is inconsistent in situations, when quality of statistical procedure is the average error rate of those experiments which ended with the adoption of some decision. Thanks to L.N. Bolshev this concept of risk procedures was introduced in the 70s–80s of the last century (see [1, 2], where such risk was called d-posteriori). In this article we analyze two probabilistic models, in which distributions of observations and output parameter are exponential. Using the asymptotic analysis methods of Laplace integrals we can show, that values of d-posteriori probabilistic errors do not reach arbitrary limitation for the procedure based on the first (last) order statistics.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):418-421
pages 418-421 views

On upper bounds for the variance of functions of random variables with weighted distributions

Goodarzi F., Amini M., Mohtashami Borzadaran G.R.


Cacoullos and Papathanasiou (1989) obtained a characterization for the distribution of a random variable via the upper bounds for the variance of a given function of that random variable. In this paper, on the basis of their works, we derive a characterization for the weighted distribution. Subsequently, by using the characterization and in terms of Chernoff-type inequalities, we find the upper bounds for the variance of a given function of the weighted random variable. Moreover, assuming that X is IFR [increasing failure rate] we compute an upper bound for the variance of this function.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):422-435
pages 422-435 views

Orthogonal decomposition of the Gaussian measure

Haliullin S.G.


The ultrapower of real line, RU, where U is a nontrivial ultrafilter in the set the N of natural integers, is some realizations of the “non-standard expansion” *R of the set of real numbers. Due to “good” properties of the factorization of cartesian productwith respect to ultrafilter, ultraproducts hold a number of considerable value properties from the algebraic point of view. At the same time it is not any good “natural” (i.e. determined by the topology of factors) topology. In this article some properties of the Gaussian measure defined on ultraproduct of linear measurable spaces are investigated. In particular, we will give an example of a Gaussian not extreme measure. It will be defined on the linear measurable space which doesn’t have any topological structure. For the proof of many statements of the work the technics of the ultraproducts developed in work [1] is used.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):436-438
pages 436-438 views

Spectral order on AW*-algebras and its preservers

Hamhalter J., Turilova E.


We study the spectral order on the set of positive contractions in an AW*-algebra. We introduce the concept of lattice theoretic center of the resulting spectral lattice and show that it coincides with the algebraic center of the underlying AW*-algebra A if A is finite. By applying this result we generalize hitherto known characterizations of preserves of the spectral order by showing that any bijection φ acting on the spectral lattice of a finite AW*-algebra that preserves spectral order and orthogonality in both directions is a composition of function calculus and a Jordan *-isomorphism. We show that this result holds in a wide context of all AW*-algebras provided that φ preserves in addition the multiples of unity.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):439-448
pages 439-448 views

Width of the Gakhov class over the Dirichlet space is equal to 2

Kazantsev A.V.


Gakhov class G is formed by the holomorphic and locally univalent functions in the unit disk with no more than unique critical point of the conformal radius. Let D be the classical Dirichlet space, and let P: fF = f″/f′. We prove that the radius of the maximal ball in P(G)∩D with the center at F = 0 is equal to 2.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):449-454
pages 449-454 views

Lower bounds for the expected sample size of sequential procedures for selecting and ranking of binomial and Poisson populations

Kareev I.


In this paper we consider selection and ranking problems for the cases of binomial and Poisson populations. Our main goal is to construct lower bounds for the expected sample size of sequential selection and ranking procedures for the aforementioned problems in the setting of the indifference zone approach. Established lower bounds are investigated and their explicit estimates are obtained. After we investigate the efficiency of some sequential selection and ranking procedures with respect to our lower bounds.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):455-465
pages 455-465 views

Confidence intervals for a ratio of binomial proportions based on direct and inverse sampling schemes

Ngamkham T., Volodin A., Volodin I.


A general problem of the interval estimation for a ratio of two proportions p1/p2 according to data from two independent samples is considered. Each sample may be obtained in the framework of direct or inverse binomial sampling. Asymptotic confidence intervals are constructed in accordance with different types of sampling schemes with an application, where it is possible, of unbiased estimations of success probabilities and also their logarithms. Since methods of constructing confidence intervals in the situations when values for the both samples are obtained for identical sample schemes (for only direct or only inverse binomial sampling) are already developed and well known, the main purpose of this paper is the investigation of constructing confidence intervals in two cases that correspond to different sampling schemes (one is direct, another is inverse). In this situation it is possible to plan the sample size for the second sample according to the number of successes in the first sample. This, as it is shown by the results of statistical modeling, provides the intervals with confidence level which closer to the nominal value. Our goal is to show that the normal approximations (which are relatively simple) for estimates of p1/p2 and their logarithms are reliable for a construction of confidence intervals. The main criterion of our judgment is the closeness of the confidence coefficient to the nominal confidence level. It is proved theoretically and shown by statistically modeled data that the scheme of inverse binomial sampling with planning of the size in the second sample is preferred. Main probability characteristics of intervals corresponding to all possible combinations of sampling schemes are investigated by the Monte-Carlo method. Estimations of coverage probability, expectation and standard deviation of interval widths are collected in tables and some recommendations for an application of each of the intervals obtained are presented. Finally, a sufficient and complete review of the literature for the problem is also presented.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):466-496
pages 466-496 views

Measures on orthoideals and L1-spaces associated with positive operators

Novikov A.A., Tikhonov O.E.


We study measures on orthoideals in the set of projections in von Neumann algebra, which appear within a framework of L1-spaces associated with positive operators in the algebra. We show that there exists a positive measure on orthoideal, which cannot be extended to a normal weight on the algebra, but can be represented as a difference of two positive measures extendable to normal weights.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):497-499
pages 497-499 views

A sequential d-guaranteed test for distinguishing two interval hypotheses

Salimov R.


In this paper we consider a sequential d-guaranteed “first crossing” test for distinguishing hypotheses H0: θ Θ0 = [a, b] under alternative H1: θ Θ0 for the mean of a normal distribution N(θ, σ2). Unknown value θ is a realization of the random variable ϑ with a prior normal distribution N(μ, τ2). The continuation region of the experiment is written implicitly and also its graphical illustration is given. We suggest a modification of this region, which understate guarantee of the sequential test, but has an explicit form. Also, our goal is to explore the characteristics of the moment of stopping of the statistical experiment(sample size) using statistical modelingmethod and to illustrate matching the characteristics of a modified test to nominal values of d-risk.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):500-503
pages 500-503 views

Eigenvalue problem for partial differential equations with deviating arguments and perturbation theory

Sidorov A.M.


In this paper we formulate a spectral problem for partial differential equations with deviating arguments and give a justification of the perturbation method for this problem.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):504-508
pages 504-508 views

Empirical estimation of d-risks at distinguishing one-sided hypotheses

Simushkin D.S.


This paper deals with problem of distinguishing between the two hypotheses H0: θ ≤ 0, H1: θ > 0 based on a fixed volume sample with a normal distribution N(θ, 1), θR. It is considered by suppose that the true value θ is a realization of a random value ϑ with some unknown a priori density g(θ). An empirical estimate g(θ) based on the estimate of archive data of prior distribution characteristic function is suggested for the d-risk of the optimal criteria (conditional probability of justice of hypothesis Hj in condition that it is rejected, j = 0, 1). Consistency of empirical estimators of d-risks and appropriate critical values are studied. The rate of convergence is discovered from obtained estimates.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):509-514
pages 509-514 views

On asymptotic expansion of posterior distribution

Zaikin A.A.


The paper suggests a new asymptotic expansion of posterior distribution, which improves the known normal asymptotic. The main difference from the previous works on this subject is that the suggested expansion is calculated for the deviation from the true parameter value and not from the value of the maximum likelihood estimator, as it has been done before. This setting is more appropriate for Bayesian and d-posterior [1] approaches to a statistical inference problem. The new expansion can be derived under weaker assumptions than the previously known. Moreover, an asymptotic expansion for the moments of posterior distribution is also presented. The accuracy of the expansion is tested on binomial model with beta prior and results are compared to the Johnson’s expansion [2].

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(4):515-525
pages 515-525 views

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