Vol 19, No 3 (2022)

General psychology

Comparative analysis of the psychological content of the «time perspective», «image of the future» and «goal» concepts

Mikheeva E.V.


Semantic and systematic (psychological) analysis of scientific and specialized literature allowed to conduct mental reality research which is hidden behind the concepts of «time perspective», «image of the future» and «goal». It is proved that the main «bearing», mostly unconscious formation is the «image of the future», while the «time perspective» turns out to be a strategic characteristic that sets the ultimate guidelines of the image of the future, and the «goal» is the «point» of transcending this image from subjective reality into objective reality, which is accomplished starting with verbalization the idea. From this point of view, the goal acts as a tactical aspect of transcendence (self-realization). According to the results of the theoretical study, a hypothesis was put forward that in a situation of uncertainty, the formation of an image of the future is mostly heuristic and reliable process, which was verified in a preliminary study in the form of a formative experiment using the T-IGR method. In this experiment, perspective acted as a qualitative characteristic of the image of the future. His results confirmed that by itself the formulation of the desired future in the form of a goal does not provide support for resisting the flow of random events. Whereas the connection of the image of the future makes a person face the need for integration, coordination of the image at all levels of subjective regulation, starting with mental representation and ending with the adequacy of actions.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):5-22
pages 5-22 views

Developmental psychology

The importance of developing healthy personal boundaries of students for building a sustainable work-life balance

Volkova M.S., Silivonenko A.A., Fialkina L.V.


The research deals with the importance of formation of students’ personal boundaries to build sustainable work-life balance in their future careers. The paper investigates types of personal boundaries and ways of defending them. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks: learning the main theoretical approaches to describing the concept of students’ personal boundaries; identifying types and functions of personal boundaries; analyzing violations of personal space; considering ways of defending boundaries. Emphasis is placed on identifying the presence of personal space and the ability to defend social boundaries among students. Students are in the age of their personality development, somewhere between childhood and adulthood, and therefore their psychological state is especially contradictory: the foundations laid down by their parents are fading into the background, and everything left unsaid is replenished through personal ambitions and personal study of the world around them. Often, the wrong parents’ approach to bringing up children in the past is reflected in the present and can sometimes become the main cause of the violation of personal boundaries, which often has a significant impact on students’ life and future work. Therefore, the study of the topic of sovereign space among students becomes relevant. The following methods for studying this problem were used: a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical foundations of the topic of personal boundaries and the survey’s results, which confirmed the assumption of importance, its deeper coverage and further research. In future, such methods can be useful for implementing a competent approach to raising people with a stable and healthy psyche, which will have a positive impact on their position in a society and ability to work.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):23-34
pages 23-34 views

Theory and methodology of education

Usage of the foreign websites on foreign language practical classes for development of students’ communicative competence

Pushkareva I.A.


The paper is devoted to considering the usefullness of authentic materials when teaching a foreign language in order to form the communicative competence of students. The author analyzes the concept of «authenticity,» highlighting its types, states and characteristics, as well as features of the use of authentic materials in the educational process. Classifying foreign official websites of law-enforcement bodies as authentic materials, the author considers them as one of their effective means of forming communicative competence in the absence of a natural linguistic environment. The author developed and methodically substantiated a system of working with authentic materials in the form of foreign official websites of law-enforcement bodies, which was tested in a practical lesson in a foreign language at the Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The analysis of the experimental lesson allowed the author to come to conclusions about the feasibility and effectiveness of organizing work with authentic materials on the basis of a methodically developed task to form the communicative competence of students, expand their socio-cultural and professional knowledge and motivate them to study a foreign language.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):35-48
pages 35-48 views

Educational psychology

Sources of psychological and emotional discomfort of students and methodological ways to overcome it

Maksimyuk E.V.


The paper analyzes the results of a survey of first-year students of the Siberian State Automobile and Highway University, conducted to identify the problem areas and factors provoking psycho-emotional discomfort among students at the initial stage of education. The prospect of the study is the further development and implementation of effective methods for leveling factors that are sources of psycho-emotional discomfort during the educational process, and creating a comfortable educational environment that provides cognitive and emotional-reflexive inclusion of students in the educational process. The study was carried out in several stages. The results of the first survey made it possible to assess the degree of psycho-emotional comfort of students in 26 different disciplines. At the second stage, the presence of psychological comfort among students in the classroom was analyzed, depending on the nature of the discipline. The third stage of the study was aimed at identifying sources of discomfort. The identified sources were divided into external, associated with the personality of the teacher, and internal, associated with the student himself. Then a further survey was conducted to reveal factors that cause psycho-emotional discomfort. As external factors, the respondents indicated the language personality of the teacher, the manner of presenting the material and the nature of the requirements. Internal factors are the level of respondents’ own knowledge, self-doubt and uncertainty about the prospects. At the last stage of the study, the respondents had to suggest ways to overcome discomfort in the classroom. An analysis of the answers showed that the majority of respondents are ready to independently solve the problems of psycho-emotional discomfort by improving knowledge, more thorough preparation for classes, raising self-confidence, as well as by timely solving emerging issues and constructive dialogue with the teacher. In the final part, based on the identified sources and factors, methodological recommendations are formulated on how to eliminate the psycho-emotional discomfort of students in the classroom.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):49-64
pages 49-64 views

Theory of pedagogy

Pedagogical monitoring of the moral culture of a preschool child

Beznosova O.A., Allagulov A.M.


The paper is devoted to the problem of complex pedagogical monitoring of the development of moral culture of preschool children. The issues addressed in the paper are updated by the contradiction existing in psychological and pedagogical research between the extensive attention of science to the issues of moral education, the moral development of the personality and the uncertainty of the assessment criteria and the corresponding means of pedagogical monitoring of the development of moral culture among preschoolers. The options for monitoring the moral culture of children proposed by researchers do not reflect a general understanding of moral culture, focusing on its individual aspects (national values, Orthodox moral categories, various moral qualities, etc.), which is undoubtedly significant for science and practice. However, the tasks of preschool education, dictated by modern standards, require a qualitatively new approach to a holistic and comprehensive assessment of the results of the education of moral culture, which emphasizes the need to create, describe and empirically test a model of integrated pedagogical monitoring of the development of moral culture among preschoolers. Within the framework of the model of complex pedagogical monitoring of the development of moral culture among preschoolers described in the paper, a three-stage monitoring procedure is proposed. It allows to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the moral development of children according to cognitive, emotional-evaluative and behavioral criteria. Empirical testing has shown that the proposed monitoring procedure corresponds to the solution of the tasks set, makes it possible to assess both individual criteria and the general level of development of the moral culture of preschoolers, and the results obtained are correlated with expert assessments and observations of teachers and educators.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):65-80
pages 65-80 views

Modern trends in education

Prognostic model of socio-pedagogical assistance to employment of university graduates

Pak L.G., Kameneva E.G., Kochemasova L.A., Sokolova Y.A.


The paper presents theoretical and methodological grounds that update the development of a prognostic model of social and pedagogical assistance to the employment of university graduates. Problems and risks have been identified that objectively impede the entry of young people into the labor market and the negative consequences (effects) of the employment of young specialists for themselves, educational organizations of higher education, and in general, the state. On the basis of interdisciplinary analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, advanced pedagogical experience, the basic concepts of research were clarified and the block structure of the prognostic model of social and pedagogical assistance to the employment of university graduates was substantiated. The paper describes the interrelated target, methodological, meaningful, organizational and technological, productive blocks of the author’s model. A target block of the model is presented, reflecting the target guidelines for providing social and pedagogical assistance to the employment of university graduates on the basis of analyzing the social order of society for productive primary employment of university students, studying regulatory documents in the fields of education, labor, economics, and employment centers. The methodological block of the author’s model was characterized, reflecting the conceptual ideas of acmeological and activity scientific approaches, patterns and the general scientific principles arising from them (professional orientation; focus on self-development of key competencies; subjectivity; expediency and conscious perspective; activity polyphonism). A meaningful block of the prognostic model is presented, aimed at the phased implementation of semantic guidelines (subjectivity, facilitation, partnership), strategies (updating the professional and personal potential of young specialists; socio-pedagogical orientation of students to successful self-presentation; activating professional self-determination and granting the right to choose; scaffolding), methods and forms of prognostic orientation of the studied phenomenon. The organizational and technological unit of the author’s model describing the set of organizational conditions of the optimal functioning of the model is considered. An effective block of the prognostic model of social and pedagogical assistance to the employment of university graduates is presented, which performs feedback functions and allows, during the justification of the criterion and diagnostic tools, to determine the dynamics and level of formation of the culture of employment of university graduates (as a result of the author’s model).

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):81-98
pages 81-98 views

Higher school education

Experience of using the interactive form of masters’ midterm assessment in a foreign language

Igumnova O.V.


A foreign language in a master’s degree course is a tool for conducting research and development in certain problem areas determined by the educational program. The reasoning ability and the ability to report the main facts of the work done in a foreign language reflect the student’s communicative competence. The success of foreign language communication on professionally-oriented topics should be estimated by means of objective descriptors and in a form that allows the examinee to show his readiness for foreign language communication. The purpose of this paper is to identify the optimal forms of master students’ midterm assessment on Foreign Language in the sphere of Law. The author suggests discussing the practicability of using three forms of the exam: traditional and innovative with the use of two options for organizing interactive work of students in the master’s program at the exam in the form of a presentation and discussion of advanced research directions related to criminology, criminal and penal law. The discussion can be conducted collectively or individually in the «student – teacher» mode. The paper presents the evaluation system for masters’ midterm assessment, evaluation technique and the experience of conducting an exam using all three mentioned above organizational forms of work. The advantages and disadvantages of each midterm assessment form are outlined. Statistical methods (Mann-Whitney U-criterion) for evaluating the effectiveness of the exam indicate that it is advisable to use an interactive form such as an individual presentation of a scientific problem. At the same time, the qualitative characteristics of the results show that the collective discussion of scientific presentations makes it possible to check all the subcompetencies of the student’s communicative competence in the best and objective way, while the traditional form and the exam in the model of the individual presentation of a scientific problem allow assessing the examinees’ competence on its separate components partially. Thus, this paper makes the issues of the selection of measurable indicators for the foreign language competence of students actual and allows to intensify the discussion about the methodological component of the procedure for assessing master students’ ability to communicate.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):99-114
pages 99-114 views

Formation of the student civic position at the present stage of society development

Miroshina T.A.


Democratic principles and values must be learned by every generation in order to solve pressing problems. The purpose of this study was to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the civic position of students at higher educational institution. The object of research is the civic position of students. We have created and tested pedagogical conditions in experimental work. The sample consisted of 90 teachers, including 22 curators, 260 students of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy. The survey was carried out from 2016 to 2020. The paper presents the results of the pedagogical experiment, confirmed by the data of a comprehensive assessment of the formation level of the student civic position at the present stage of society development. The substantive component of the activities of teachers, students in classroom and extracurricular activities, based on the principles of citizenship, democracy, tolerance, involvement in the experience of civic action is considered. The course of organizing the activities of curators on the formation of student civic position, the development of self-government in student groups is presented. The work of the academy on the development of partnerships with the public, educational institutions, government, and business is described. Analysis of the results allows us to state that this process is controlled. The pedagogical conditions are: interaction of all subjects of the academy in classroom and extracurricular activities, their professional training, interaction with the public; the formation of temporary working teams from teachers to highlight special topics in the disciplines studied by students, issues that affect the development of student civic consciousness and behavior and the widespread use of active teaching methods in the educational process; organization of curators’ activities aimed at the formation of student civic position; monitoring the process of student civic position formation.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):115-128
pages 115-128 views

Organization of the educational discipline «Pedagogical rhetoric» in university

Protsenko E.G.


The paper discusses the content and specifics of the discipline «Pedagogical rhetoric», which is mandatory in the preparation process of future teachers. The problem of rhetorical skills level associated with training at university, active practical activities, as well as with independent work of students is actualized. The content analysis of the speech training of a future teacher is presented. The purpose of the research is a theoretical substantiation of the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of communication principles knowledge in the professional ethics of a teacher, communication technologies in professional interaction. The theoretical significance of the study is that its results complement the scientific understanding of the pedagogical conditions for the effective development of the necessary skills of communicative influence and interaction among students in order to form a successful communicative personality being able to communicate productive in the professional pedagogical field. The results also enrich the theory and methodology of professional education in the field of the oratory and acting skills development of future teachers. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research is personal, individual, culturological, activity, psychodramatic approaches. The experience of teaching the discipline «Pedagogical rhetoric» at Sevastopol State University is reflected. The features of the organization of classes, the implementation of practical tasks by students, the variety of forms, methods and teaching aids used are presented. The paper emphasizes the importance of providing conditions for the creative activity of future teachers.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):129-140
pages 129-140 views

Teaching activity in the digital environment of the university

Selezneva M.V., Aksenova V.Y.


The rapid spread of information technologies that radically influence our life and educational space, the change in the structure of needs and activities as a psychological consequence of the development of information technologies for a person — all these factors entail changes in the roles and functions of the teacher in the new digital environment of the university, sharpen questions about their competence, competitiveness, and improving the quality of education in Russian university. The purpose of this research is to identify empirically the professional and psychological difficulties and problems in the teaching activity of military university staff (n = 100) related to their readiness to transform according to a new standard focused on e-learning. The methodological basis of the study was the theoretical model of the unified information environment of the university (N.V. Tikhomirova). The author’s questionnaire of the teacher was used as the research method. During the study, data were obtained on three groups of teachers who differ in their willingness to carry out pedagogical activities in conditions of uncertainty associated with the nature and tasks in the digital environment of the university. Statistical processing of the obtained results using the method of discriminant analysis showed that these groups statistically significantly differ in their potential capabilities, willingness to be subjects of the information educational environment, results and achievements in e-learning. The main internal obstacle/difficulty is the unwillingness to take a position within the information educational environment, lack of understanding of their new role in it, that is, certain problems in professional self-awareness. It was found that the position of the teacher (active, passive or external) is neither related to the teaching experience at university, and to their age, nor to their scientific status and position. The predictor of the effectiveness of the teacher’s educational activity in the digital environment is military-technical education. The applied aspect of this work is that it makes a certain contribution to the understanding of the difficulties and problems of the university teacher in the conditions of digitalization of education.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):141-154
pages 141-154 views

Formation of axiological views of bachelors during their professional training in e-learning circumstances

Nosova T.M., Ermakova J.D.


A sudden sprout of the COVID-19 pandemic all over the world has changed the life of millions of people. Paradigm shift in thinking for adoption of digital learning of learners and teachers is difficult. This is a situation when sometimes it is inevitable necessity in todays’ circumstances to switch some educational activities adopting digital education. It may be difficult to suddenly changed their mindset and turn to new digital methods of learning and teaching. The aim is to find out the level of effective formation of axiological views of bachelors during their professional training using new e-learning technologies in higher educational institutions and estimate with statistical significance correlations between the level of e-learning and the level of formation of axiological views of bachelors. The result is very logical since the more effective the e-learning, the lower the individual’s feeling that his accomplishments are insufficient and that he is not satisfied with them. On the other hand, it has a strong indication that e-learning is one of the factors causing shrinking the formation of axiological views during professional training among students of practical specialties, who need real professional training, dealing with real problems and searching for their solutions.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):155-166
pages 155-166 views

«Management of a pharmaceutical organization» – practical communicative lectures in English

Efimova A.A., Liashko A.I., Tsitlionok E.A.


The conditions of the modern pharmaceutical market determine a number of additional requirements to the list of professional competencies of pharmaceutical employees who must be fluent in key aspects of management, search for new active substances, pharmaceutical development, preclinical and clinical studies, registration, as well as marketing and post-marketing research. Taking into account a rather wide and specific range of tasks of the pharmaceutical industry, today there is an urgent need to improve the training of future international-level pharmaceutical specialists with a focus on a more complete realization of their personal potential. The aim of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed methodology of a new format of training a special discipline in a foreign language at a non-linguistic pharmaceutical university. The paper presents the content and structure of the discipline «Management in Pharmacy» in a foreign language (English), as well as the features of the students groups formation and approaches to teaching, including the provision of materials in accordance with the level of language proficiency of students. The key points of interaction with residents for more efficient work and increasing their motivation in the educational process have been identified. The methodology for effective training of theoretical material in the discipline «Management in Pharmacy» was developed on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education SPCFU of the Ministry of Health of Russia, which combines the simultaneous study of theory and the possibility of practicing a foreign language. This method was called «practical communicative lectures». The methodology was tested on university residents in the first term of the 2021-2022 academic year. Evaluation of the results of preliminary and final testing shows that absolutely all the students who took part in the experiment have improved their level of English proficiency. This indicates the high effectiveness of the course and methodology for the practice of a foreign language in terms of listening, speaking and reading of professional literature, as well as reducing the language barrier.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(3):167-178
pages 167-178 views

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