
Experience of like-SJMB03 protocolin treatment of children with medulloblastomain the age group over 3 years:results of an intercenter pilot study
Levashov A., Zagidullina S., Valiev T., Stroganova A., Khochenkov D., Grigorenko V., Mikhaylova E., Tyurina E., Ryzhova M., Horielyshev S., Kadirov S., Polyakov V.
Metronomic chemotherapy in pediatric neurooncology: insight the problem. A review
Dinikina Y., Zheludkova O., Ryzhova M., Olhova L., Korneev D., Belogurova M.
Treatment of children with medulloblastoma without metastatic involvement in the age group older than 3 years: international experience and results of intercenter trial
Levashov A., Zagidullina S., Stroganova A., Khochenkov D., Ryzhova M., Gorelyshev S., Kadirov S., Babelyan S., Grigorenko V., Sidel’nikov D., Subbotina N., Daylidite V., Mentkevich G.
Modern aspects of differential diagnosis and treatment of large B-cell lymphomas with mediastinum involvement in children and adolescents
Levashov A., Kovrigina A., Stroganova A., Valiev T., Belyaeva E., Popa A., Mentkevich G.
Dermatological toxicity in the treatment of malignant tumors in children: A review
Belysheva T., Shatokhina E., Komarova A.
Modern immunological criteria for a stratification of risk groups for precursor B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children
Shervashidze M., Valiev T., Batmanova N., Tupitsyn N., Serebryakova I.
Current possibilities in diagnosis and treatment of diffuse large B cell lymphoma in children and adolescents: results of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Research Institute of N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, international experience
Levashov A., Kovrigina A., Valiev T., Belyaeva E., Popa A., Mentkevich G.
International experience by using of the SJMB protocols in treatment of children with medulloblastoma in the age group over 3 years (literature review)
Levashov A., Zagidullina S., Valiev T., Stroganova A., Khochenkov D., Grigorenko V., Mikhaylova E., Tyurina E., Ryzhova M., Horielyshev S., Kadyrov S., Polyakov V.
Quality of life and psychological status of thoracic and abdominal pediatric cancer survivors
Mikhailova S., Sachuk O., Sukhanovskaya E., Valiev T., Kazantsev A., Rubanskaya M., Pimenov R., Malakhova A., Babij E.
Diagnosis and treatment of diffuse large B cell lymphoma in children and adults (review of literature)
Levashov A., Valiev T., Kovrigina A., Popa A., Mentkevich G.
Targeted therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for relapsed/refractory Hodgkin lymphoma in pediatric and adolescent patients: a pilot protocol results
Tsaplina N., Valiev T., Kirgizov K., Varfolomeeva S.
Catamnesis of pediatric thoracic and abdominal cancer survivours
Mikhailova S., Zaeva G., Gavrilenko T., Sinyagina Y., Kazantsev A.
High-dose chemotherapy with hematopoietic stem cell rescuein children older than 3 year with medulloblastoma: results of single institution trial
Babelyan S., Subbotina N., Dolgopolov I., Gorelyshev S., Mentkevich G., Byarshinov V., Pimenov R.
The role of minimal residual disease in therapy of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a prospective cohort study
Korkina Y., Valiev T.
Targeted therapy in pediatric malignancies treatment: Pediatric Oncology and Haematology Research Institute experience
Valiev T., Levashov A., Batmanova N., Senzhapova E., Turupaev K., Tomchik U., Aleskerova G.
Renal involvement in children with non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Valiev T., Panferova T., Koshechkina N., Zakharova E., Mikhailova E., Kaminskaya I.
Physical therapy interventions, other than general physical exercise interventions, in children and adolescents before, during and following treatment for cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Sitnikova V.
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in children with hematological and oncology diseases
Delyagin V., Serdyuk O., Balashov D., Skvortsova Y., Tereshchenko G.
Ifosfamide/cyclofosfamide-induced methemoglobinemia in pediatric patients with hemoblastoses
Valiev T., Korkina Y.
Nutritional status of children with cancer and hematological malignancies during treatment in FSBI Federal Scientific Clinical Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev (screening results)
Vasilyeva E., Vashura A., Litvinov D.
Virus-associated pharynx tumors in a 16-year-old boy: the description of the clinical case
Gorbunova T., Radtsig E., Merkulov O., Bogomil’skii M., Poliakov V.
Long-term effects of pediatric cancer therapy: 35-year clinical experience
Zaeva G., Valiev T., Gavrilenko T., Moiseenko E., Medvedovskaya E., Mikhailova S., Sinyagina Y.
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