
Avastin in clinical chemotherapy of malignant tumors
Gorbunova V.A.
Efficacy and safety of pemetrexed maintenance therapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a review of phase III studies
Kit O.I., Vladimirova L.Y., Sholokhova E.A.
Dual immunological blockade in the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: reality and perspectives
Yudin D.I., Laktionov K.K., Laktionova L.V., Breder V.V.
Osimertinib for the first-line treatment of EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer
Reutova E.V., Laktionov K.P., Iudin D.I., Neliubina L.A., Gorokhova G.K., Egorova A.V.
Diagnostic significance of CA-62 cancer antigen for early detection and differential diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer: results of the blind clinical trials
Tcherkassova J.R., Prostyakova A.I., Tsurkan S.A., Suganov N.V., Boroda A.M., Zhilenkova A.V., Pirogova J.N., Sangadzhieva Z.D., Rusanov A.S., Rozhkov A.A., Fatyanova A.S., Nikitina N.M., Bagmet N.N., Sekacheva M.I.
Tartseva (erlotinib) v terapii rasprostranennoy adenokartsinomy legkogo pri nalichii mutatsii retseptora epidermal'nogo faktora rosta
Orlov S.V., Dvorakovskaya I.V., Mosin I.V., Stel'makh L.V., Gorokhov A.A., Martynenko O.N., Poltoratskiy A.N.
Vliyanie na prognoz estrogenovykh retseptorov a v opukholevykh kletkakh u patsientov, radikal'no operirovannykh po povodu nemelkokletochnogo raka legkogo
Novikov D.V., Polotskiy B.E., Bogush T.A., Davidov M.M., Ahmedov B.B., Rotobelskaya L.E.
Do cancer vaccines help people with advanced non-small cell lung cancer? (Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)
Editorial B.
Detection of disseminated tumor cells and their relationship with a population of bone marrow lymphocytes in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Djumanazarov T.M., Chulkova S.V., Tupitsyn N.N., Chernysheva O.A., Allakhverdiev A.K., Palladina A.D., Kupryshina N.A., Kolbatskaya O.P., Kononetz P.V., Akhmedov B.B., Gerasimov S.S.
The evolution of views on the possibilities of drug therapy in overcoming acquired resistance not associated with Т790М mutation to anti-EGFR drugs in non-small cell lung cancer
Karabina E.V., Lubchenko L.N., Garunov A.N.
The ways of erlotinib resistance overcoming in treatment of patients with eGFr mutated nsClC
Orlov S.V.
New possibilities in the treatment of EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer patients after the progression on a 1st and 2nd generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Laktionov K.K., Reutova E.V., Nelyubina L.A., Pitkevich M.Y., Okruzhnova M.A., Ardzinba M.S., Yudin D.I., Demidova I.A., Zaretsky A.R.
Gefitinib – terapiya vybora 1-y linii nemelkokletochnogo raka legkogo u bol'nykh s nalichiem mutatsiy v gene EGFR
Bolotina L.V.
Atezolizumab in the first-line treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. Clinical experience of the drug application. Case report
Ognerubov N.A., Antipova T.S.
Prospects for the development of adjuvant therapy for non-small cell lung cancer
Laktionov K.K., Kazakov A.M., Reutova E.V., Ardzinba M.S., Arzumanian A.L.
The treatment of patients with advanced lung cancer associated with EGFR mutation
Bolotina L.V.
Osimertinib and routine practice: the experience of the drug application in different clinical situations in case of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer with an EGFR mutation. Case report
Orlov S.V., Baldin P.L., Diuzeva N.V., Krechetova A.V., Mordovskiy A.A., Moskovchenko A.N., Musaeva N.E., Romanchuk O.V.
Clinical case of long-term use of osimertinib in the treatment of EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma
Odintsova S.V., Sviridenko M.A., Cheremnykh A.O., Filippova E.A., Urtenova M.A., Orlov S.V.
The comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis of tyrosine kinase inhibitor Iressa® (gefitinib) with TKI Giotrif® (afatinib) as first-line therapy for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer associated with mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor
Ryazhenov V.V.
Targeted therapy of brain metastases in patients with ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer: A review
Sakaeva D.D., Bulavina I.S.
Adjuvant targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer
Laktionov K.K., Kazakov A.M., Gordiev M.G., Kononets P.V., Akhmedov B.B., Maevskaia J.N.
Clinico-economic evaluation of different treatment strategies in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and mutations in the EGFR gene
Ryazhenov V.V., Gorokhova S.G.
Rol' pemetrekseda (Alimta) v lechenii rasprostranennogo neploskokletochnogonemelkokletochnogo raka legkogo
Poddubnaya I.V.
Durvalumab in the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer after chemoradiotherapy in a real practice
Sakaeva D.D., Ruchkin V.V., Goncharova O.V., Abbasova R.R., Mufazalov F.F.
Russian multicenter retrospective study: preliminary data concerning clinical and molecular genetic characteristics in long-term responders to erlotinib
Smolin A.V., Gorbacheva A.V.
Znachenie klinicheskikh i molekulyarno-geneticheskikh prediktorov otveta na terapiyu ingibitorami tirozinkinazy v vybore lechebnoy taktiki pri nemelkokletochnom rake legkogo
Smolin A.V., Konev A.V., Solovey T.G., Nikolaeva S.N., Shamanskaya Y.E.
Antiangiogenic therapy in pretreated patients with lung adenocarcinoma without activating mutations: new features
Reutova E.V., Laktionov K.K.
Pharmacoeconomic usefulness of the drug Giotrif® (afatinib) in first-line treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer with a mutation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
Kolbin A.S., Kurylev A.A., Pavlysh A.V., Proskurin M.A., Balykina Y.Y.
Samoe masshtabnoe sravnitel'noe issledovanie III fazy iz vsekh ranee opublikovannykh pokazalo, chto IRESSATM (gefitinib) tak zhe effektivna, kak i dotsetaksel u patsientov s rasprostranennym nemelkokletochnym rakom legkogo posle neudachi predshestvuyushchey terapii
Comparison of the efficacy of first-line therapy with different generations of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with advanced EGFR-associated non-small cell lung cancer: a network meta-analysis of overall survival data
Bogdanov A.A., Moiseenko F.V., Egorenkov V.V., Bogdanov A.A., Volkov N.M., Fedyanin M.Y.
Vliyanie immunomodulyatora Galavit na immunologicheskiy status bol'nykh nemelkokletochnym rakom legkogo II-III stadii
Vel'sher L.Z., Gabuniya Z.R., Grishina T.I., Germanov A.B., Korobkova L.I., Platonov D.A., Argun V.M., Gens G.P.
1 - 31 of 31 Items

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