卷 14, 编号 2 (2015)


The Russian physicians on alterations in national health care system and mandatory medical insurance

Reshetnikov A., Stadchenko N., Sobolev K., Kazakova A.


The article presents the results of complex sociological survey carried out within the framework of research study under order of the Federal fund of mandatory medical insurance in April-June 2014. The article includes analysis of main directions, themes and approaches to realization of questionnaire surveys of medical workers in 2009-2014. The analysis of results of sociological questionnaire survey of medical workers concerning their informativeness and satisfaction of changes in health care system and mandatory medical insurance.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):3-9
pages 3-9 views

The sociology of physician: in-between ideal and real. Part I. On methodology and methods of cognition of status of physician before becoming of sociology of medicine (Literature review)

Dimov A.


The study of problem of sociology og physician accumulated significant volume of information. The attempt was made to summarize and systematize it. The main methodological defects in evaluation of physician and one's activity are considered. The pre-scientific nature of previous knowledge about physician prior to becoming of sociology of medicine is demonstrated. The data about defects of applied research methods concerning role and status of physician is presented. The analysis of different interpretations of main characteristics of physician are presented. The critical evaluation of comprehension of professional characteristics as strictly specific are given.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):9-15
pages 9-15 views

The sociological and legal aspects of mistakes making by physicians and patients

Farber E., Sergeev Y., Shurupova R.


The article discovers controversies containing in definition of notion “medical error”. The most prevalent errors committed by physicians and patients are considered. The social and legal issues of committing medical errors are analyzed.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):16-19
pages 16-19 views

The implementation of system of effective prevention and resolution of conflicts into practice of Russian health care as a response to challenge of time: main tasks and means of their solution

Shamlikashvili T., Ostrovskii A., Silnitskaia A., Kabanova E.


The article substantiates historical prerequisites of development of paternalism in physician-patient communication. The actuality of replacement of communicative paradigm in their interaction is noted. The integration of mediation in health care sphere for the purpose of effective prevention and regulation of controversies/conflicts is underlined. The listing of tasks is presented to be solved with purpose of developing system of effective prevention and resolution of conflicts related to medical care support based on application of mediation and mediative approach (original approach developed by the Center of mediation and law) and its integration into Russian health care system.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):19-24
pages 19-24 views

The opinion of personnel of research medical institution concerning system of quality management

Artamonova G., Kryuchkov D., Danilchenko Y., Kostomarova T., Shapovalov D.


In the Russian Federation more than 40 medical organizations successfully implemented principles of quality management into their common activities. One of the major conditions of successful functioning of system of quality management is involvement of personnel as a main resource of organization and major section in support of activity quality. The sociological survey covered 312 principal workers if the research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases in 2012 and 311 individuals in 2014. It is established that most of the workers saw no effect of implementation of system of quality management. At that, the percentage of workers complaining that system complicated their job diminished reliably. The percentage of positive responses concerning usefulness of implementation of system decreased from 36.3% in 2012 to 32.5% in 2014 (p=0.31). The analysis of responses of 2014 established that the greatest positive effect from implementation of system of quality management was marked by executive personnel and minimal by junior medical personnel and “research worker-physician”. The system of management is obscure to the most of junior personnel and in less degree to executive personnel. The degree of involvement of personnel determines effectiveness of any modern management system. At the initial stage of implementation of system of quality management the opposition of personnel is inevitable which requires from administration patience and commitment to principles of quality, widespread application of educational programs and moral and material reward for achievements in quality area. The application of sociological approach in evaluation of opinions of staff will permit distinguishing problems and to formulate priority tasks for their step-by-step elimination.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):25-29
pages 25-29 views

The physicians in conditions of e-health care: attitude of specialists to application of computer and Internet in professional activities

Pavlenko E.


The active penetration of Internet practically into all spheres of modern society starts development of new electronic structures. The health care is not out of the picture. The process of informatization of the national health care system is interfered with certain objective but solvable circumstances related to low rates of technical fitting out of institutions and absence of integrated information system. The willingness of specialists to work in new conditions is quite a different issue. The quantitative and qualitative studies carried out among physicians and medical students of Yekaterinburg helped to reveal level of personal PC and Internet application in professional activities. It is established that the level of skills in handling personal PC directly correlates with age of physician. The results of handled studies demonstrated that from point of view of physicians Internet provides great possibilities for sanitary education of population. In treatment of patient Internet presents rather a threat.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):30-35
pages 30-35 views

The timekeeping of working time as a tool of evaluation and development of organizational structure in medical institution

Zaitseva N., Prisiajnaia N., Bogachanskaia N., Pavlov S., Shurupova R., Dubograii E., Vorobieva G.


The results of study of summing up of implementation of managerial solutions concerning optimization of regular personnel and intensity of work of nursing staff. The information was obtained by using timekeeping of intensity of work of paramedical personnel of admitting office of typical multifield hospital of the budget sector of health care. The objective necessity was marked concerning rationalization alterations in organization of activity and positioning of medical personnel of admitting office of medical organizations of this type subject to peak periods of patient flow and related intensity of working activity and workload of personnel during full day and working week.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):35-40
pages 35-40 views

The occupational therapy as rehabilitation technology for patients after stroke

Kardash O.


The article presents theoretical empirical study concerning medical care support of patients after ischemic stroke using means of occupational therapy. The occupational therapy as mode of rehabilitation, is characterized by high degree of effectiveness because of client-centered focus of care. The client-centered technology is intended to satisfy primary needs of patients occurring after old disease. Among aftermaths of this condition is a formation of liable motivation of patient for treatment because priority expectations of resolving of developed problems are established. The means of occupational therapy help to alleviate re-socialization of patient. The study covered 5 female patients after ischemic stroke of light degree without signs of brain edema and disorder of consciousness and with dominance of focal neurological symptomatic. The patients underwent number of social medical diagnostic procedures targeted to detection of psychosomatic alterations in sphere of self-service, productive activity, leisure and law support. The analysis of study date the need of patients in desire to lead independent style of life was established. As a result, special means of occupational therapy were selected to be applied in examined spheres of activities. For example, rubberized handles for settings; soap dishes on sucker; hair combs with long handle; free and light clothes with Velcro fastener, etc. Therefore, the results of study reflect need to apply axillary means increasing effectiveness of rehabilitation activities at the expense of active inclusion of patients into process of recovery.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):41-44
pages 41-44 views

The dependence of indicators of quality of life of disabled persons with stoma from applied model of management of social rehabilitation

Sukhanov V.


The article presents the results of comparative analysis of actual system of rehabilitation of the disabled with stoma in Russia and approved sociological model of innovative management of social rehabilitation of this contingent of patients. The indicators of quality oflife of the disabled with stoma are the best criteria of evaluation of effectiveness of one or another management model and substantiated by facts. These indicators are estimated on the basis of the International classification of functioning directly determining effectiveness of social rehabilitation of the disabled. The mentioned criteria permit, after implementation of rehabilitation measures, to evaluate adaptation of the disabled with stoma to habitual conditions of life and establish degree of one's reintegration into society since they provide the most accurate estimate of conditions of such main functions of human life activity as physical, psychic, social and spiritual. The analysis demonstrated that amelioration of quality of life of the disabled with stoma and their accelerated come back to working and active life activities is conditioned by amelioration of most of the indicators of quality of life: physical functioning, role physical functioning, common health, social functioning; role emotional functioning, psychic health. It is marked that on the basis of developed and approved model of innovative management of social rehabilitation applied at the earliest period of rehabilitation process the reintegration of the disabled with stoma into socium is possible.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):44-52
pages 44-52 views

The professional universe of physician in modern Russian society

Petrova L.


The professional universe of physician is considered as the result of subjective re-definition of those objective specificities provided to physician by society in connection with professional activities. These are totality of social communications and relationships developing in relation to health and disease around professional role of physician. The professional universe of physician is a system of formal and non-formal interactions regulating vertically and horizontally. These interactions involve physician and such agents of social environment as administrators of medical organizations, patients, family and friendly circles, public opinion, colleges. The result of conversion of economic, cultural and social capital of professional in area of health support is an ontological content of professional universe of physician. In epistemological sense this is a complex structure (cognitive and emotional components are combined with behavioral component) developing under reflexive perception of implementation of social role. The considered concept supplements modern and classical studies of group of physicians emphasizing importance of description of existence (subjective universe) in addition to characteristic of essence (objectively specified role).
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):53-57
pages 53-57 views

The management of carrier of medical staff in medical organizations

Reshetnikov V., Korshever N., Dorovskaia A.


The study was carried out concerning management of carrier of medical staff in medical organizations. The anonymous questionnaire survey was implemented. The sampling consisted of 285 health professionals. The data was collected in 51 medical organizations related to development of documents of management of carrier. The analysis was applied to implementation of principles of management of carrier, conditions of its planning, ratio of roles of subjects of management, its document registration. The characteristic of formation of human resources reserve. It is established that management of carrier of medical staff in medical organizations requires optimization.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):58-61
pages 58-61 views

The position of therapists concerning issues of interaction with stomatologists under treatment of patients with cardio-vascular diseases

Maslak E., Naumova V.


The stomatological and common diseases of organism can burden one another course. There is no stomatological diseases among markers of increased risk of development of cardio-vascular diseases accepted in Russia. The main stomatological diseases (dental caries and diseases of periodontium) are not considered ans socially significant though their prevalence in children and adult population is very high. The pilot study was carried out in the form of questionnaire survey of therapists (internists) of Volgograd, Astrakhan and Moscow. The position of internists (cardiologists and therapists) was analyzed concerning issues of interaction with stomatologists. The study demonstrated that major barriers before interdisciplinary interaction of professionals of different profiles are inadequate awareness of internists about interrelationship of cardio-vascular diseases and stomatological pathology, inadequate activity in case of appointment of patients to stomatologists and control of compliance of patients.
Sociology of Medicine. 2015;14(2):62-64
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