The professional universe of physician in modern Russian society

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The professional universe of physician is considered as the result of subjective re-definition of those objective specificities provided to physician by society in connection with professional activities. These are totality of social communications and relationships developing in relation to health and disease around professional role of physician. The professional universe of physician is a system of formal and non-formal interactions regulating vertically and horizontally. These interactions involve physician and such agents of social environment as administrators of medical organizations, patients, family and friendly circles, public opinion, colleges. The result of conversion of economic, cultural and social capital of professional in area of health support is an ontological content of professional universe of physician. In epistemological sense this is a complex structure (cognitive and emotional components are combined with behavioral component) developing under reflexive perception of implementation of social role. The considered concept supplements modern and classical studies of group of physicians emphasizing importance of description of existence (subjective universe) in addition to characteristic of essence (objectively specified role).

About the authors

L. E Petrova

The Ural state pedagogic university

620017 Yekaterinburg, Russia


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