卷 15, 编号 3 (2016)


The specific changes in the activity of the antioxidative system of blood under the influence of courses of treatment with the use of mineral water from the Pyatigorsk source modified by nano-scale particles of selenium (an experimental study)

Efimenko N., Abramtsova A.


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the courses of intake of Pyatigorsk spring water characterized by the level of mineralization up to 5.01 g / l (weakly acidic, containing sulfates, bicarbonates, chlorides, calcium, and sodium) modified by nano-scale particles of selenium. The experiments were carried out on 46 male Wistar rats allocated into 6 groups of 8 animals each (1 control group and 5 experimental groups). The animals of the former group were given native drinking mineral water during 21 days while those of the latter ones drank the same water modified by nano-scale particles of selenium added at two doses, either 40 mg / kg or 20 mg / kg. Some animals received water containing dissolved nanoparticles of selenium at the same doses. The parameters measured included the leukocyte blood profile, the level of glutathione peroxidase, and indicators of metabolic stress (aminotransferase and malone dialdehyde levels, i.e. modified oxidized low-density lipoproteins, total protein and glucose levels in blood). It was shown that the levels of malone dialdehyde and modified oxidized low-density lipoproteins did not change in the animals of experimental groups compared with those in the control group. It suggested resistance of lipids to free radical oxidation under the conditions of the course drinking of natural water and the water modified by nano-scale particles of selenium. Native mineral water proved to increase the level of glutathione in blood to above the control values in 50% of the test animals whereas mineral water modified by selenium nanoparticles caused a similar increase in 75% of the experimental animals regardless of the selenium concentration. It is concluded that the enhancement of the activity of the antioxidative system under effect of addition of the selenium nanoparticles into mineral water at the doses of 20mg/kg and 40mg/kg limits the production of organic hydroperoxides. The data obtained can be used to choose the optimal amount of selenium nanoparticles for the introduction into mineral water for the purpose of increasing its biological potential.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):116-120
pages 116-120 views

The state of the vegetative nervous system, characteristics of muscular electrogenesis, peripheral hemodynamics, and their changes under the influence of the procedure of hydrodynamic tablet therapy (HDTT) in the children presenting with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Lagunova N., Golubova T., Polenok I., Kurganova A.


The clinical, neurological, and functional studies in the children suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus have demonstrated that practically every fourth patient presented with the complaints and symptoms of this pathology associated with the development of diabetic polyneuropathy, the reduced bioelectrical activity, and the changes of peripheral blood circulation strongly depending on the duration and the quality of compensation of the disease. Under the influence of the treatment under the conditions of a spa and health resort facility with the inclusion of hydrodynamic tablet therapy, the positive dynamics of the parameters of interest was documented in the form of the improvement of the state of carbohydrate metabolism, clinical and neurological characteristics, and the effectiveness of the functional methods for the examination of the children presenting with type 1 diabetes.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):120-124
pages 120-124 views

Physical rehabilitation of the patients during the early postoperative period after coronary artery bypass surgery

Bazylev V., Gal’tseva N.


The purpose of the study. To estimate efficacy and safety of controlled cardio workouts on a treadmill in the early postoperative period for patients, who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS). Materials and methods. In the study there were109 patients having coronary artery disease and preserved systolic function of the left ventricle, who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. The first group consisted of 59 patients who underwent not only standard cardiac rehabilitation activities in the early postoperative period, but also controlled cardio workouts on a treadmill. The second (control) group consisted of 50 patients with standard activities of physical rehabilitation. Cardio workouts with intensity of 3-6 MET were carried out on a running track before discharge of a patient from hospital, starting on the third-fourth day after surgery. At the same time thorough monitoring of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), ECG were performed. At the end of the stationary phase of physical rehabilitation the patients in both groups filled the questionnaire «SF-36 Health Status Survey». The results. Initially, according to clinical and demographic and perioperative characteristics the compared groups did not differ authentically. At the end of the program of physical rehabilitation for the average value of the total post-operative bed day in the first (8,14 ± 0,99) and the second group (9,22 ± 1,64) statistically significant differences were obtained (р<0,0001), which are in favor of the studied population. According to the results of the questionnaire «SF-36» in the group of patients who underwent cardio workouts, the average indexes of physical, role functioning, mental health were significantly different from the results in the control group (accordingly р = 0,0038, р < 0,0001, р = 0,033). Conclusion. Carrying out ofcontrolled cardio workouts on a treadmill with a low intensity level at a stationary stage of rehabilitation of patients after CABS did not increase the risk of cardio - vascular events, did not cause attacks of stenocardia, significant changes in ECG and blood pressure, wound sequel, that is why we can consider that introduction of this method is safe.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):124-130
pages 124-130 views

Peculiarities of rehabilitation of the patents presenting with coxosteoathritis and gonosteoathritis

Sidorov V., Darinsky K.


Under the term of osteoarthritis (OA) is currently meant the clinical condition with the predominant syndrome that manifests itself as the combination of joint pain and compromised functional activity leading to the deterioration of the quality of life for the affected patients. The principal objective of rehabilitation of the patients presenting with OA which practically all of them strongly need after each next aggravation of the pathological process consists in the reduction of the pain syndrome, elimination of synovitis, restoration of the functional ability of the joints lost during the exacerbation, and, eventually, the improvement of the quality of life in the patients experiencing the constantly progressing degenerative process in the musculoskeletal apparatus. The effectiveness of the rehabilitative treatment was evaluated based on the following criteria: the degree of pain alleviation, the increase in the levels of joint functional activity, and the improvement of the general condition of the patients. These criteria were chosen according to the recommendations of the OMERACT (Outcome measures in Rheumatology) international working group. Also, the quality of life related to the health status and side effects of the rehabilitative measures were estimated. One of the most important aspects of the treatment of the patients with osteoarthritis bearing in mind frequent cases of co-morbidity is the scientifically-sound substantiation of the application of the non-medicinal technologies of physical therapy, remedial gymnastics, and massage for the management of the secondary aseptic inflammatory process and the subsequent rehabilitation for the restoration of the compromised locomotory stereotype and, as the result, the improvement of the quality of life in these patients. One of the effective methods for physical therapy used in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with OA is hyperbaric gas cryotherapy (HBGCT). This method is based on the rapid withdrawal of heat from the organism that responds by the compensatory and/or reflective activation of the heat production processes in the tissues as a consequence of stimulation of metabolic processes, vascular, neuroendocrine and immune systems of regulation of homeostasis producing the desirable therapeutic effect in the form of elimination of secondary aseptic inflammation and progression of the OA-associated degenerative process. In this context, the objective of the present research consisted of the scientific substantiation of hyperbaric gas cryotherapy as a component of the combined treatment of the patients presenting with gonosteoathritis and coxosteoathrosis. The article was designed to report the results of the combined treatment of 110 patients (22 men and 88 women) at the age from 40 to 75 years suffering gonosteoathritis and coxosteoathrosis of the II-III stages (based on the classification of Kellgren). They were randomly divided into two groups (each comprised of 55 patients). The patients of the main group, unlike those in the control one (group of comparison) were given, in addition to the traditional treatments such as instrumental physical therapy, balneotherapy, remedial gymnastics, and massage, hyperbaric gas cryotherapy with the assessment of the results based on the Lequesne, WOMAC, Likert international indexes. Such an approach allowed to identify the predictors for the use of hyperbaric gas cryotherapy and to raise by 33%, in comparison with controls, the effectiveness of the combined treatment of the patients with osteoarthrosis of the large joints. The dispersion analysis has demonstrated the high clinical efficiency of the proposed therapeutic modality in 90% of the cases of gonosteoathritis and in 64% of the patients presenting with coxosteoathritis. These data were not statistically different from those characterizing the effectiveness of HBGCT in the patients with coxosteoathritis included in the group of comparison.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):130-136
pages 130-136 views

The approach to the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with central dysphagia on an individual basis

Sidyakina I., Voronova M.


Disorder of the swallowing act occurs in 25-50% of patients in the acutephase of stroke. The presence of dysphagia in a patient notonly can develop life-threatening complications, such as aspiration pneumonia, exhaustion and dehydration, but al so significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. Thus, the correction of thes wallowing act disorders after brain damage is a quite significant challenge for neurorehabilitation. For a long time logopedic correction remained the only method of rehabilitation inneurogenic dysphagia, and now different stimulation techniques such as surface and intra pharynx electro stimulation are widely used. Evaluation of swallowing by scintigraphy indicates that each patienth as a unique pattern of disorders of the swallowing act. Depending on which elongation phase of swallowing is essential, we have developed an individualized approach to there habilitation of patients with dysphagia, which improves the efficiency of there habilitation process.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):137-141
pages 137-141 views

Distant rehabilitation: the sources, current state-of-the-art, and further prospects

Snopkov P., Lyadov K., Shapovalenko T., Sidyakina I.


Medical rehabilitation is now a priority of the Russian Healthcare [Skvortsova V.I., 2012]. Rehabilitation centers are usually located in big cities and are not available for most patients. Therefore, one of the modern trends in the development of rehabilitation is a distantly controlled rehabilitation. We have developed a program of distant rehabilitation in Russia, based on our own achievements and experience of foreign colleagues. The article provides an overview of methods according to world literature studies. The survey shows that the problem of distant rehabilitation is relevant in our time, and requires additional clinical research and technological development.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):141-145
pages 141-145 views

Correction of arterial hypertension in the young patients with obesity

Luk’janov V., Raigorodskiy Y., Bolotova N., Posokhova N.


The study included 90 patients with obesity I-III and arterial hypertension (AH) I of 16-30 years. Evaluated lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, the condition of the autonomic nervous system, circadian blood pressure, pulse wave velocity in the aorta (PWV), and the effectiveness of the running magnetic field with the help of apparatus «MAGNETIC SIMPATOKOR» in order to reduce blood pressure (BP). The patients were divided into 2 groups: basic - 50 people who underwent magnetic simpatokorrektsiya and control - 40 people received placebo physiotherapy. According to a survey in the group allocated to two subgroups - 1A and 1B. Subgroup 1A amounted to 26 patients with hypersympathicotonia who at repeated definition SPV after simpatokorrektsii noted its significant reduction. In the subgroup 1B included 24 patients with a normal tone and parasimpatikotoniey who SPV has not changed much. After 6 months in patients subgroups 1A BP was on normal numbers, DBS remained at baseline values. In the subgroup 1B patients remained elevated blood pressure. The risk of developing hypertension in a subgroup 1A was 22% in the subgroup 1B - 80% or more. Sympathy correction using magnetic field exposure on the cervical sympathetic ganglion is an effective treatment and prevention of hypertension associated with increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):146-150
pages 146-150 views

The pathogenetic substantiation for the application of systemic magnetic therapy in the treatment of the patients presenting with chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction

Tereshin A., Bakurov E., Dolaev R., Dmitrenko G., Efimenko A.


Currently, therapeutic interventions for erectile dysfunction in chronic prostatitis encounter a number of obstacles due to the lack of system-structural approach to sex pathological syndromes so new possibilities of correction of sexual disorders should be explored adequately influencing all the hierarchical levels to ensure the copulatory cycle. The aim of the study is a pathogenetic substantiation of the system magnetic therapy in treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis with erectile dysfunction. Materials and methods. Monitoring of 40 patients with chronic prostatitis with erectile dysfunction aged 22 to 45 years was carried out. All patients taking physical therapy, prostate massage, psychotherapy correction of sexual maladjustment had a course of system magnetic therapy on Magnitoturbotron «EOL» in the «Standard» mode, the rotational speed of the magnetic field of 100 Hz in 1 Hz steps, the direction of rotation of the magnetic field was direct, clockwise, the maximum value of the magnetic field - 1.5-2.0 mT for 15 minutes a day in an amount of 15 procedures. Results. Application of the system of magnetic therapy for chronic prostatitis with erectile dysfunction has a direct effect on the prostate, helping to reduce edema, leukocyte infiltration and glands venules thrombosis and has antiplatelet activity, improving peripheral blood circulation and lymph flow, on the other hand, it increases the duration of erections, improves psychophysical and emotional state. The result is a normalization of the frequency of regular coitus, with the final phase of ejaculation, an improvement of mental and physical and emotional health, which is fundamental in terms of pathogenetic therapy of CP with erectile dysfunction. In addition surveys’ matrix correlation analysis carried out on a scale IIEF showed a clear relationship of the life quality improvement and the disappearance or significant decrease in the severity of pain, increased duration of erection and improvement of the functional status of the prostate.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):151-154
pages 151-154 views

The modern aspects of the application of magnetic stimulation in the clinical practice

Kulikov A., Voronina D.


This article was designed to describe the magnetic stimulation technique, its biological and therapeutic effects. Based on the publications in the scientific literature, the currently available data concerning the potential of magnetic stimulation for the combined treatment of somatic disorders and post-operative rehabilitation of the patients are reviewed and discussed with special reference to their application in the pediatric practice. Special attention is given to the use of magnetic therapy for the stimulation of the neuromuscular apparatus of the pelvic floor. Moreover, the article provides information on the innovative medical devices being used to magnetically stimulate neuromuscular tissue of the pelvic floor; their basic technical characteristics are considered.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):155-159
pages 155-159 views

The experience with the distant remote rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with the severe injury and multiple lesions of the musculo - skeletal system: a review of the clinical reports

Lyadov K., Shapovalenko T., Snopkov P., Koneva E.


The problem of providing a continuous staged rehabilitation treatment of patients with severe associated injuries musculoskeletal system is an urgent and important task. This article describes two clinical cases of successful comprehensive medical rehabilitation of disabled persons with severe combined trauma and multiple injuries skeleton in need of long-term continuous rehabilitation program which was successfully launched at the stage of hospital care and continued remotely, through on - line technologies in a familiar patient home medium. As a result of rehabilitation treatment was observed: increased mobility of patients and level of independence in daily life, increased range of motion in the affected joints, increase muscle strength of the affected limbs, improving psycho - emotional status of patients resocialization and adaptation to the familiar home environment.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):160-164
pages 160-164 views

The educational course "Management of the combined rehabilitation of the vertigo-associated conditions"

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(3):165-168
pages 165-168 views
