The pathogenetic substantiation for the application of systemic magnetic therapy in the treatment of the patients presenting with chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction

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Currently, therapeutic interventions for erectile dysfunction in chronic prostatitis encounter a number of obstacles due to the lack of system-structural approach to sex pathological syndromes so new possibilities of correction of sexual disorders should be explored adequately influencing all the hierarchical levels to ensure the copulatory cycle. The aim of the study is a pathogenetic substantiation of the system magnetic therapy in treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis with erectile dysfunction. Materials and methods. Monitoring of 40 patients with chronic prostatitis with erectile dysfunction aged 22 to 45 years was carried out. All patients taking physical therapy, prostate massage, psychotherapy correction of sexual maladjustment had a course of system magnetic therapy on Magnitoturbotron «EOL» in the «Standard» mode, the rotational speed of the magnetic field of 100 Hz in 1 Hz steps, the direction of rotation of the magnetic field was direct, clockwise, the maximum value of the magnetic field - 1.5-2.0 mT for 15 minutes a day in an amount of 15 procedures. Results. Application of the system of magnetic therapy for chronic prostatitis with erectile dysfunction has a direct effect on the prostate, helping to reduce edema, leukocyte infiltration and glands venules thrombosis and has antiplatelet activity, improving peripheral blood circulation and lymph flow, on the other hand, it increases the duration of erections, improves psychophysical and emotional state. The result is a normalization of the frequency of regular coitus, with the final phase of ejaculation, an improvement of mental and physical and emotional health, which is fundamental in terms of pathogenetic therapy of CP with erectile dysfunction. In addition surveys’ matrix correlation analysis carried out on a scale IIEF showed a clear relationship of the life quality improvement and the disappearance or significant decrease in the severity of pain, increased duration of erection and improvement of the functional status of the prostate.

About the authors

A. T Tereshin

Federal state budgetary institution “Pyatigorsk State Scientific and Research Institute of Balneology”, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Pyatigorsk, Russia, 357500

E. E Bakurov

Federal state budgetary institution “Pyatigorsk State Scientific and Research Institute of Balneology”, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Pyatigorsk, Russia, 357500

R. K Dolaev

Federal state budgetary institution “Pyatigorsk State Scientific and Research Institute of Balneology”, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Pyatigorsk, Russia, 357500

G. D Dmitrenko

Federal state budgetary institution “Pyatigorsk State Scientific and Research Institute of Balneology”, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Pyatigorsk, Russia, 357500

Aleksandr Pavlovich Efimenko

Federal state budgetary institution “Pyatigorsk State Scientific and Research Institute of Balneology”, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

cand. med. sci., urologist and andrologist for the state autonomous healthcare facility of Stavropol region “Regional Clinical Specialized Andrological Centre”, assistant of the Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology with the course of roentgenology, Institute of Post-Graduate Education, Stavropol State Medical University Pyatigorsk, Russia, 357500


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