Physical rehabilitation of the patients during the early postoperative period after coronary artery bypass surgery

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The purpose of the study. To estimate efficacy and safety of controlled cardio workouts on a treadmill in the early postoperative period for patients, who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS). Materials and methods. In the study there were109 patients having coronary artery disease and preserved systolic function of the left ventricle, who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. The first group consisted of 59 patients who underwent not only standard cardiac rehabilitation activities in the early postoperative period, but also controlled cardio workouts on a treadmill. The second (control) group consisted of 50 patients with standard activities of physical rehabilitation. Cardio workouts with intensity of 3-6 MET were carried out on a running track before discharge of a patient from hospital, starting on the third-fourth day after surgery. At the same time thorough monitoring of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), ECG were performed. At the end of the stationary phase of physical rehabilitation the patients in both groups filled the questionnaire «SF-36 Health Status Survey». The results. Initially, according to clinical and demographic and perioperative characteristics the compared groups did not differ authentically. At the end of the program of physical rehabilitation for the average value of the total post-operative bed day in the first (8,14 ± 0,99) and the second group (9,22 ± 1,64) statistically significant differences were obtained (р<0,0001), which are in favor of the studied population. According to the results of the questionnaire «SF-36» in the group of patients who underwent cardio workouts, the average indexes of physical, role functioning, mental health were significantly different from the results in the control group (accordingly р = 0,0038, р < 0,0001, р = 0,033). Conclusion. Carrying out ofcontrolled cardio workouts on a treadmill with a low intensity level at a stationary stage of rehabilitation of patients after CABS did not increase the risk of cardio - vascular events, did not cause attacks of stenocardia, significant changes in ECG and blood pressure, wound sequel, that is why we can consider that introduction of this method is safe.

About the authors

V. V Bazylev

Federal state budgetary institution «Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Penza, Russia, 440071

N. V Gal’tseva

Federal state budgetary institution «Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

зав. отделением физической реабилитации и ЛФК, врач-кардиолог, ФГБУ ФЦССХ Минздрава России Penza, Russia, 440071


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