The experience with the distant remote rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with the severe injury and multiple lesions of the musculo - skeletal system: a review of the clinical reports

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The problem of providing a continuous staged rehabilitation treatment of patients with severe associated injuries musculoskeletal system is an urgent and important task. This article describes two clinical cases of successful comprehensive medical rehabilitation of disabled persons with severe combined trauma and multiple injuries skeleton in need of long-term continuous rehabilitation program which was successfully launched at the stage of hospital care and continued remotely, through on - line technologies in a familiar patient home medium. As a result of rehabilitation treatment was observed: increased mobility of patients and level of independence in daily life, increased range of motion in the affected joints, increase muscle strength of the affected limbs, improving psycho - emotional status of patients resocialization and adaptation to the familiar home environment.

About the authors

K. V Lyadov

Federal state autonomous facility “Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health”

Moscow, Russia, 125367

T. V Shapovalenko

Federal state autonomous facility “Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health”

Moscow, Russia, 125367

P. S Snopkov

Federal state autonomous facility “Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health”

Moscow, Russia, 125367

Elizaveta Sergeevna Koneva

Federal state autonomous facility “Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health”

cand. med., sci., head of the Department of Therapeutic Physical Exercises, Federal state autonomous facility “Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health” Moscow, Russia, 125367


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