The approach to the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with central dysphagia on an individual basis

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Disorder of the swallowing act occurs in 25-50% of patients in the acutephase of stroke. The presence of dysphagia in a patient notonly can develop life-threatening complications, such as aspiration pneumonia, exhaustion and dehydration, but al so significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. Thus, the correction of thes wallowing act disorders after brain damage is a quite significant challenge for neurorehabilitation. For a long time logopedic correction remained the only method of rehabilitation inneurogenic dysphagia, and now different stimulation techniques such as surface and intra pharynx electro stimulation are widely used. Evaluation of swallowing by scintigraphy indicates that each patienth as a unique pattern of disorders of the swallowing act. Depending on which elongation phase of swallowing is essential, we have developed an individualized approach to there habilitation of patients with dysphagia, which improves the efficiency of there habilitation process.

About the authors

I. V Sidyakina

Federal state autonomous facility «Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health»

Moscow, Russia, 125367

Mariya Viktorovna Voronova

Federal state autonomous facility «Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health»

neurologist of the Department of Neurorehabilitation, Federal state autonomous facility "Therapeutic and Rehabilitative Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health" Moscow, Russia, 125367


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