卷 14, 编号 2 (2015)


The modern model of the physiotherapist

Ponomarenko G.


The present article outlines the main features of the future professional occupation of a physiotherapist as ensue from the integrated national and international programs for the teaching of the Russian health providers designed to come to the unification and mutual recognition of higher education diplomas. The objective of the present work was the comparative analysis of the national and international programs of higher professional education of specialists in the field of physiotherapy and the search for the methods of their optimization. Results: The national and international programs of basic medical education are essentially similar whereas the programs of post-graduate and additional education have certain specific features attributable to the differences in the systems of healthcare services in this country and abroad. Integration of the educational programs is possible based on the introduction of speciality “physical and rehabilitative medicine doctor” into the Nomenclature of medical specialities and the system of accreditation of healthcare providers. The conditions indispensable for the integration of the national and international programs of education in the field of physical and rehabilitative medicine are discussed along with the approaches to their coordination. Conclusions: It is expected that the educational platform for the post-graduate and additional training of specialists in physical and rehabilitative medicine consistent with the analogous international programs for medical education will be elaborated in Russia in the near future.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):4-11
pages 4-11 views

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation of the patients presenting with coronary heart disease: the scientometric analysis of evidencebased research

Kovlen D., Ponomarenko G.


This article reports the results of the recent scientometric analysis of evidence-based research and outlines the prospects for their application to the development of the strategy of physiotherapy of coronary heart disease. The objective of the present work was the scientometric analysis of evidence-based research concerning the application of physical therapeutic factors for the treatment of coronary heart disease Results: The authors present the detailed analysis of the clinical effects and potential mechanisms of action of the physical therapeutic factors that find application in the treatment of the patients presenting with coronary heart disease. Special attention is given to evidence-based research concerned with the application of dosed physical exercises, health-promoting gymnastics, and instrumental methods of physiotherapy for the treatment of the patients with various forms of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):11-16
pages 11-16 views

Lumbar dorsopathies: electrotherapy of vegetative neuropathy of the vertebral component of the spinal nerves

Boitsov I.


The use of dynamic segmental diagnostics in the course of medical rehabilitation made it possible to detect vegetative neuropathy of the vertebral component of the spinal nerves in 130 patients presenting with lumbar dorsopathies. All the patients were allocated to the two groups depending on the character of manifestations of vegetative neuropathy. One of them (n = 61) included the patients with enhanced sympathetic influence in the lumbar region, the other was comprised of the patients characterized by the poor sympathetic support of the tissues in this region. The complex of therapeutic and rehabilitative measures prescribed to the patients of both groups included interference therapy the parameters of which were optimized based on the intensity of the cutaneous sympathetic reactions initiated in the skin projections of lumbar spinal nerves. This approach ensured the high effectiveness of the entire complex of therapeutic and rehabilitative measures with the normalization of the vegetative regulation of the tissues in the lumbar spine region in 71% of the patients with the initially enhanced sympathetic influence and in 30% of those with the poor sympathetic support. The results of the study confirm the necessity to include in rehabilitation of the patients with lumbar dorsopathies the assessment of segmental sympathetic activity at the level of lumbar spinal motion segments and optimization of electrophysiotherapy based on the results of such evaluation.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):16-23
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The role of vegetative disorders in the development of erosive and ulcerative lesions

Al’tman N.


Chronic diseases of gastroduodenal localization are very common and not infrequently accompanied by relapses. The currently available schemes for the treatment of these conditions are sometimes inefficient. This partly explains why chronic erosive gastroduodenitis (CEGD) and duodenal ulcer disease (DUD) are up to now remain a serious challenge for clinical medicine. The situation is further aggravated by the complicated combination of the factors that promote the development of these diseases. The mechanisms underlying the development of chronic erosive gastroduodenitis and duodenal ulcer disease are poorly understood while the literature data on the role of various predictors of these conditions are contradictory. The current investigations shed a new light on the role of vegetative disorders associated with the erosive and ulcerative processes in the upper segments of the gastrointestinal tract underlain, in our opinion, by the combined action of the factors, determining predisposition and aggravating these processes. The proposed concept of the formation of the erosive and ulcerative lesions in the upper segments of the gastrointestinal tract provides a basis for the substantiation of the development and practical implementation of the methods for the non-medicamental treatment and rehabilitation of the children presenting with CEGD and DUD. We have chosen for the purpose the method of Self-Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulation (S.C.E.N.A.R.) and ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) therapy as a variant of physiopuncture therapy. This approach allows to restore the normal electroconductivity in the selected parts of the body called biologically active points (BAP) and thereby eliminate the vegetative and trophic disorders.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):23-28
pages 23-28 views

The use of biological feedback according to stabilogram for the correction of the dynamic balance function in the patients presenting with disseminated sclerosis

Drozdova A., Bisaga G., Gorbatenkova O., Rezvantsev M., Balobanov Y.


The present study has demonstrated that the method based on the use of biological feedback according to stabilogram for the combined treatment of the patients presenting with disseminated sclerosis makes it possible to teach them how to control the antigravitational systems and the centre of mass position within the breadth of stance. The development of the new sensorimotor engram based on the use of biological feedback in the course of antirelapse and antioxidative therapy allows the positive effects induced by such treatments to be realized in concrete forms of routine motor activities, such as walking, etc. This inference is confirmed by the improvement of the parameters of the EDSS scale by 0.5 score on the average.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):29-31
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The role of balneotherapy with the use of drinking mineral waters in the correction of metabolic disorders in the patients presenting with agespecific androgen deficiency

Suleimenov E., Kurnikova I., Kochemasova T.


The present article was designed to report the results of the estimation of the effectiveness of the influence of a complex of non-medicamental treatment including balneotherapy with the use of drinking mineral water on the metabolic disorders in the overweight patients presenting with age-specific androgen deficiency. The study has demonstrated the beneficial effect of the treatment on the characteristics of carbohydrate metabolism, insulin resistance, and the blood triglyceride level. The additional positive effects of mineral water were apparent as stimulation of the interstitial-humoral transport and reduced manifestations of endotoxicosis. It was shown that the application of non-medicamental technologies promotes the improvement of blood supply to the issues, stimulates the oxidation-reduction processes and activities of the enzymatic systems involved in protein, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism. Massage and muscle stimulation improve lymph, blood, and interstitial fluid circulation as well as microelement metabolism. Waters containing copper and zinc ions exert the direct influence on the functioning of the insular apparatus and the activity of the insulin-degrading enzyme systems. Moreover, they exhibit the immunomodulating action, reduce manifestations of endotoxicosis, facilitate the removal of xenobiotics and endotoxins. Thereby, they accelerate normalization of the hormonal balance and decrease the production of androgen antagonists.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):31-35
pages 31-35 views

Change of state of the microcirculatory system in the patients presenting with chronic endometritis under the influence of contrast massage

Gaidarova A., Kotenko N., Kul’chitskaya D., Sycheva A., Tarasova T.


The present article reports the results of investigations into the functional characteristics of the microcirculatory bed in the women of the advanced reproductive age presenting with chronic endometritis after a course of contrast massage. The patients were examined by means of laser Doppler flowmetry that revealed three types of functional changes in the microcirculatory bed that showed significant correlation with the results of dopplerometry of the uterine blood flow and underwent dynamic changes in the course of the treatment. The contrast massage method proved to be highly effective for the normalization of hemodynamic alterations in the small pelvis basin of the patients with chronic endometritis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):36-40
pages 36-40 views

Optimization of the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in the women with the help of vibromagnetic physiotherpy

Salov I., Tkachenko L., Churakov A., Raigorodsky Y.


The present study has demonstrated the effectiveness of local combined physiomedicamental therapy as exemplified by the results of the treatment of 73 patients at the mean age of 39 years presenting with bacterial vaginosis (BV). A VATs-01-TRIMA cervical vibroaspirator was employed to select 62 patients free from the latent infection sites in the endocervix. They were divided into two groups. Those in the first group (controls) were treated by the intravaginal administration of chlorhexidine; the patients of the second (study) group underwent vaginal vibromagnetic exposure using the “INTRAVIBR” apparatus simultaneously with chlorhexidine administration. The patients were examined by the screening studies for the detection of urogenital microflora, potentiometric pH measurements, aminotests, microscopic and microbiological investigations. It was shown that the effectiveness of the combined treatment including the intravaginal administration of chlorhexidine in combination with vibromagnetic exposure amounted to 97% in comparison with 87% in the control group. The moderate and high values of colony-forming units of Lactobacilli in the study and control groups were documented in 66.7% and 48.3% of the patients respectively. The pH values decreased from 5.8 to 4.2 in the study group and from 6.0 to 4.5 in the controls. The additional decrease of the pH values down to 4 in the study group was observed within one month after the onset of the treatment while they increased up to 4.7 in the control patients during the same period. The results of the subjective assessment of the results of the treatment reported by the patients given combined therapy were 1.3 times better than in the control group.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):40-44
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The motivation toward working activities for the sports medicine doctor as a factor of the competitiveness of a sports club section

Bobunov D., Podberezkina L., Shcherbakov L.


The objective of the present work was to study the motivation toward working activities among the medical personnel as a factor of the competitiveness of a sports club section. The importance of this problem arises from the increasing meaningfulness, interest, and creativity of the activities in the top sports clubs. Those clubs are developing very rapidly that pay much attention to the recruitment and selection of the qualified personnel, take measures to improve their quality of life, create the most favourable working conditions, and stimulate the participation of the staff members in the managerial activities. The successful development of the fitness clubs under the modern conditions depends on the quality of the services they provide for the consumers. No wonder, the requirements for the high-quality medical assistance have substantially increased in the last years. It accounts for the necessity of closer attention to this issue.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):45-50
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Educational course "Stabilometry and biofeedback for the support reactions"

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):51-54
pages 51-54 views

Stanislav Grigor’evich Abramovich (on the occasion of his 60th birthday anniversary)

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(2):55-56
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