Optimization of the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in the women with the help of vibromagnetic physiotherpy

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The present study has demonstrated the effectiveness of local combined physiomedicamental therapy as exemplified by the results of the treatment of 73 patients at the mean age of 39 years presenting with bacterial vaginosis (BV). A VATs-01-TRIMA cervical vibroaspirator was employed to select 62 patients free from the latent infection sites in the endocervix. They were divided into two groups. Those in the first group (controls) were treated by the intravaginal administration of chlorhexidine; the patients of the second (study) group underwent vaginal vibromagnetic exposure using the “INTRAVIBR” apparatus simultaneously with chlorhexidine administration. The patients were examined by the screening studies for the detection of urogenital microflora, potentiometric pH measurements, aminotests, microscopic and microbiological investigations. It was shown that the effectiveness of the combined treatment including the intravaginal administration of chlorhexidine in combination with vibromagnetic exposure amounted to 97% in comparison with 87% in the control group. The moderate and high values of colony-forming units of Lactobacilli in the study and control groups were documented in 66.7% and 48.3% of the patients respectively. The pH values decreased from 5.8 to 4.2 in the study group and from 6.0 to 4.5 in the controls. The additional decrease of the pH values down to 4 in the study group was observed within one month after the onset of the treatment while they increased up to 4.7 in the control patients during the same period. The results of the subjective assessment of the results of the treatment reported by the patients given combined therapy were 1.3 times better than in the control group.

About the authors

Igor’ Arkadievich Salov

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

Email: meduniv@med.sgu.ru
Saratov, Russia

L. V Tkachenko

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Volgograd State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

Volgograd, Russia

A. A Churakov

“Vrachebnaya praktika” Medical Centre


Yu. M Raigorodsky




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