Lumbar dorsopathies: electrotherapy of vegetative neuropathy of the vertebral component of the spinal nerves

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The use of dynamic segmental diagnostics in the course of medical rehabilitation made it possible to detect vegetative neuropathy of the vertebral component of the spinal nerves in 130 patients presenting with lumbar dorsopathies. All the patients were allocated to the two groups depending on the character of manifestations of vegetative neuropathy. One of them (n = 61) included the patients with enhanced sympathetic influence in the lumbar region, the other was comprised of the patients characterized by the poor sympathetic support of the tissues in this region. The complex of therapeutic and rehabilitative measures prescribed to the patients of both groups included interference therapy the parameters of which were optimized based on the intensity of the cutaneous sympathetic reactions initiated in the skin projections of lumbar spinal nerves. This approach ensured the high effectiveness of the entire complex of therapeutic and rehabilitative measures with the normalization of the vegetative regulation of the tissues in the lumbar spine region in 71% of the patients with the initially enhanced sympathetic influence and in 30% of those with the poor sympathetic support. The results of the study confirm the necessity to include in rehabilitation of the patients with lumbar dorsopathies the assessment of segmental sympathetic activity at the level of lumbar spinal motion segments and optimization of electrophysiotherapy based on the results of such evaluation.

About the authors

Igor' V. Boitsov

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy", Russian Ministry of Health

кафедра медицинской реабилитации и физиотерапии ФПКВ ИНПО РФ Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, 603005


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