卷 13, 编号 5 (2014)


Seasonal optimization of physiobalneotherapy of the patients presenting with hypertensive diseases

Smirnova I., Levitsky E., Bredikhina E., Simagaeva N., Antipova I., Alaitseva S., Barabash L., Golosova O., Semenova Y.


The objective of the present study was to develop new approaches to the prescription of therapeutic physical factors taking into consideration the state of the cardiovascular system, adaptive and psychological status of the patients presenting with hypertensive disease in different seasons. A total of 186 patients with hypertensive disease were divided into two groups matched for the major clinical characteristics. The patients in group 1 were treated using the combination of therapeutic physical exercises, massage, iodine-bromine baths, and extremely high frequency therapy (EHF) (complex 1), those in group 2 were additionally given Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulator (SCENAR) therapy (complex 2). Analysis of the effectiveness of these therapeutic modalities in different seasons characteristic of Western Siberia indicates that for complex 1 it was lower in the summer seasons than during the spring and winter (p = 0.001). Therefore complex 1 was supplemented by SCENAR in the spring and winter seasons to ensure adequate correction of the pathological changes. It was shown that the differential season-related application of the two therapeutic modalities resulted in a more pronounced regression of the symptoms of hypertensive disease, improved brain electrical activity and psychological status of the patients, exerted marked hypolipidemic and hypotensive action, and increased the overall round-the-year effectiveness of the treatment.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):4-8
pages 4-8 views

The application of dry carbon dioxide baths and interference therapy for the treatment of various forms of stable coronary heart diseas

Penina E., Sebov D.


The objective of the present study was the comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of application of dry carbon dioxide baths and interference therapy for the combined treatment of the patients presenting with coronary heart disease and the early stages of atherosclerosis (the control group) or coronary syndrome X (the study group). The analysis of the results of 3234 coronary angiograms made it possible to determine the frequency of coronary syndrome X in the patients with stable coronary heart disease which proved to amount to 14.7%. It was shown that the proposed combined physico-pharmacological treatment including amlodipine therapy, dry carbon dioxide baths, and interference therapy decreases the frequency of anginal attacks and the functional class (FC) of all the patients with coronary heart disease, increases satisfaction with the results of treatment in the patients of both groups, i.e. those at the early stages of coronary artery atherosclerosis and with coronary syndrome X. Nevertheless, a more positive dynamics of the health status was documented in the patients of the study group given the combined treatment with amlodipine and the aforementioned preformed factors (p = 0.04; p = 0.0008; p = 0.00040 respectively). This observation confirms a more pronounced pathogenetic action of such treatment on the non-atherosclerotic mechanisms of the development of coronary heart disease. The patients of the two groups were not different in terms of clinical symptoms before the angiographic study was carried out while the differential pathogenetic approach based on the proposed combined physic-pharmacological treatment of the patients with ischemic heart disease and coronary syndrome X revealed their significant difference from the control patients (p = 0.05) and demonstrated well apparent positive dynamics of coronary heart disease in terms of its functional class (p = 0.08).
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):8-11
pages 8-11 views

The application of radon baths for the correction of characteristics of the blood lipid spectrum in the patients presenting with chronic cerebral ischemia

Cherevashchenko L., Cherevashchenko I., Kulikov N.


Ischemic vascular disorders in the brain develop as a result of atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, and their combination. The early detection of pathological changes in the lipidogram is of paramount importance because it allows to prevent serious vascular complications and prescribe the adequate pathogenetic treatment. The tendency toward chronization and progression of the clinical course of cerebral ischemia as well as high frequency of temporary or permanent loss of working capacity, frequent complications in the form of acute disturbances of cerebral circulation and cognitive abilities necessitates the search for the new methods of prophylaxis and treatment of pathology in question. The authors undertook the present study with the objective to develop and pathogenetically substantiate new modern technologies for non-medicamental therapy of the patients presenting with chronic cerebral ischemia and the correction of disturbances of lipid metabolism. Based on the results of the investigations, the authors arrived at the conclusion that the patients suffering from chronic cerebral ischemia are characterized by the high levels of total cholesterol and “atherogenic” lipoproteides with a concomitant decrease of the levels of “anti-atherogenic” lipoproteides. The proposed combined therapeutic modalities with the use of radon baths and laser therapy make it possible to somewhat normalize the blood lipid profile. The recommendations developed for the rehabilitative treatment of the patients with chronic cerebral ischemia based at a spa and health resort facility permit to prevent further progression of the pathological process and exclude the formation of serious vascular and cognitive changes.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Optimization of rehabilitative therapy of the children presenting with erosive lesions in the upper segments of the gastrointestinal tract

Al’tman N.


The present study is based on the results of the clinical and instrumental observations of 487 patients at the age varying from 7 to 10 years (37%) and from 11 to 15 years (56%) presenting with chronic erosive gastroduodenitis (CEG) (n = 128) and ulcer disease (UD) (n = 70). The analysis of life and medical histories of the children demonstrated ineffectiveness of the previous medicament therapy. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) was performed in combination with the study of mucosal biopsies from the antrum of the stomach and the identification of H.pylori by the histobacteriological Giemsa method. Intragastric pH-metry carried out using a Gastroscan-24 apparatus was supplemented by the ultrasound study of the digestive organs. The electric resistance of the skin (ERS) was measured at the active points E-36, MC-6, Tr-5, VC-12. The analysis of the ERS data at the biologically active points (BAP) of the meridians of interest in the patients with CEG and UD has demonstrated that most of them (98.4% and 100% respectively) were not ready for ultrahigh frequency (UHF) therapy and needed to be preliminarily reduced to the normal values with the use of the Self Controlled Energo-Neuro-Adaptive Regulator (SKENAR). All the patients were prescribed eradication therapy following ERS equalization at the biologically active points. The patients were discharged from the hospital in the state of clinical-endoscopic remission and normal results of pH-metry within 6-8 weeks after admission. The repeated examination of 95 patients with CEG and 45 children with UD was undertaken 1-1.5 years after the primary one. It revealed clinical and endoscopic remission as well as normal results of gastric pH-metry in the absence of H. pylori infection. Most BAPs (96.0% and 93.3% respectively) had normal ERS values. Patients presenting with the morphological signs of surface gastritis were prescribed UHF monotherapy. It is concluded that UHF therapy should be recommended after preliminary diagnostics with the use of SKENAR at various stages of the patients’ rehabilitative treatment in order to reduce the medicamental burden and prolong clinical-endoscopic remission in the cases of long-term therapy of the patients suffering from CEG and UD.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):15-21
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The role of general cryotherapy in the correction of clinical and functional disorders in the patients presenting with ankylosing spondylitis

Kulikov A., Tabiev V.


This paper presents the results of the investigations carried out with the objective to evaluate the influence of general cryotherapy on dynamics of clinicaland functional conditions in the patients presenting with ankylosing spondylitis. A total of 42 patients with this pathology were available for the examination. They were randomly divided into two groups (each comprised of 21 patients) depending on the type of the treatment. The patients of the control group were given the combined treatment including balneotherapeutic procedures, massage, and remedial gymnastics. For the patients of the study group, this treatment was supplemented by general cryotherapy. The study has demonstrated the significantly higher effectiveness of the treatment including general cryotherapy. Specifically, it resulted in a statistically more pronounced decrease in the degree of muscle stiffness and index of functional disorders. Moreover, thoracic cage excursions increased to a greater extent than in the control group. The results of the study give reason to recommend general cryotherapy of ankylosing spondylitis for the enhancement of the effectiveness of the rehabilitative treatment of the patients presenting with this pathology.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Radial shock-wave therapy of plantar fasciitis

Nazarenko G., Geroeva I., Yashina L.


The current evidence-based literature considers the treatment of plantar fasciitis with the use of shock wave (SW) therapy of different energy levels and describes the methods for its practical application. However, no reliable data are thus far available to confirm the advantages of this approach over the conservative treatment. The recent publications compare the effectiveness of SW therapy at different energy levels and demonstrate the enhanced effectiveness of radial SW therapy of plantar fasciitis in comparison with placebo and other therapeutic modalities. All the authors emphasize the safety of SW therapy and recommend its further investigation. An indisputable advantage of SW therapy is the possibility of its application once weekly for the convenience of the patients attending the outpatient facilities. We undertook the analysis of the results of the treatment of 92 patients that confirmed the safety of SW therapy and its higher effectiveness compared with other methods for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, such as local cryotherapy and hydrocortisone phonophoresis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):26-30
pages 26-30 views

The combined application of up-to-date physiotherapeutic modalities for the improvement of the state of antioxidative protection, the adaptive system, and respiratory reserves in the students engaged in sports activities

Kotenko K., Korchazhkina N., Ivanova I.


The authors have developed the comprehensive health promotion program based on the reflexo-segmentary and vacuum-interference effects as well as the generalized application of specific pulsed currents in combination with baths containing biologically active plant substances extracted from the horse chestnut seeds. The method was used to activate the functional state of the students seriously engaged in sport activities. The study included a total of 270 subjects. It is concluded that the proposed method enhances the functional reserves of the respiratory system and activates the adaptive anti-oxidative system in the athletes.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):31-35
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The rehabilitative treatment of protracted pneumonia with the application of heat transfer agents

Airapetova N., Sizyakova L., Kulikova O., Rassulova M., Antonovich I., Badalov N., Nitchenko O.


We carried out the comparative study designed to evaluate the influence of applications of therapeutic peloids and naphthalane on the results of clinical-functional and radiological studies in 82 patients presenting with protracted pneumonia in comparison with a group of patients treated without the use of physical factors. The application of naphthalane and therapeutic peloids was shown to produce beneficial effect on the activity of the inflammatory process, the external respiratory function, humoral immunity, physical tolerance, and psychological adaptation of the patients. It is concluded that naphthalane therapy is more efficacious than peloid therapy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):35-40
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The effectiveness of phototherapy and immunorix in the experimental chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by the inhalation of tobacco smoke

Sadykova G., Alyavi A., Rakhmatullaev K., Dzhambekova G., Tadzhikhodzhaeva Y.


We have developed the model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by forcing 75 outbred white rats to inhale tobacco smoke. The model was used to evaluate the effectiveness of phototherapy in a sequence of 5 series of experiments with the use of a SLU-2 phototherapeutic apparatus and ordinary ceramic-coated lamps. The immunomodulating agent immunorix was orally administered to the experimental animals. The effects of phototherapy in combination with imunorix or without it in each experimental series were studied by cytological and morphological methods. The animals with untreated experimental COPD served as controls. It was shown that separate application of phototherapy and immunorix stimulated the macrophagal function of the pulmonary tissue suppressed by tobacco smoke. The combination of phototherapy (regardless of the light spectrum) and immunorix caused a lymphocytic reaction in the form of a dense aggregation of lymphocytes in the pulmonary tissue and its reduced macrophagal activity with the tendency toward the formation of tetraploid cells by the end of the treatment course. The results of the study give reason to recommend to decrease the intensity of phototherapy in the case of immunorix treatment of experimental COPD caused by the chronic action of tobacco smoke. This recommendation should be taken into account in the clinical practice.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):41-44
pages 41-44 views

The application of the laser speckle field for the treatment of “dry eye” syndrome in the employees engaged in cement production

Kalmykov R., Kamenskikh T., Raigorodsky Y.


The present study was designed to examine and treat 60 employees engaged in cement production presenting with “dry eye” syndrome (120 eyes) and concomitant dysfunction of meibomian glands. The patients of the study group (n = 35) were given the standard treatment with tear-substituting agents and therapeutic eyelid hygiene in the combination with physiotherapy by the application of the laser speckle field with a wave length of650 nm. The patients of the control group (n = 25) received standard medicamental therapy. The effectiveness of the treatment in either group was evaluated from dynamics of subjective and objective symptoms based on the integral index of subjective discomfort and the results of the functional tests ( time of the tear film rupture, compression test, and parameters of conjunctival and corneal xerosis). The study has demonstrated that the application of the laser speckle field for the treatment of “dry eye” syndrome and concomitant dysfunction of meibomian glands causes the three-fold acceleration of the processes of epithelization and regeneration of the eye tissues. Moreover, it restores the function of meibomian glands, promotes the reduction of subjective discomfort, and improves the results of the functional tests in comparison with the standard treatment.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):45-49
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General magnetic therapy of arterial hypertension

Abramovich S., Kulikov A., Dolbilkin A.


The present review of the recent literature is focused on the problem of therapeutic application of general magnetic therapy (GMT) for the treatment of the patients presenting with arterial hypertension (AH). The low-dose GMT, unlike local magnetic therapy, produces generalized hypotensive effect on the human organism, corrects systemic and cerebral hemodynamics, improves vegetative regulation of the cardiovascular system, lipid metabolism, and the morphofunctional state of the blood vessels. The authors emphasize the good prospects for the further development of research aimed at the development of the programs of the pathogenetically sound application of GMT for the treatment of various forms of AH, differential use of physical parameters and dosimetric characteristics of this physical factor, substantiation of its application in the combination with natural and preformed physiotherapeutic methods.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(5):50-55
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