The combined application of up-to-date physiotherapeutic modalities for the improvement of the state of antioxidative protection, the adaptive system, and respiratory reserves in the students engaged in sports activities

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The authors have developed the comprehensive health promotion program based on the reflexo-segmentary and vacuum-interference effects as well as the generalized application of specific pulsed currents in combination with baths containing biologically active plant substances extracted from the horse chestnut seeds. The method was used to activate the functional state of the students seriously engaged in sport activities. The study included a total of 270 subjects. It is concluded that the proposed method enhances the functional reserves of the respiratory system and activates the adaptive anti-oxidative system in the athletes.

About the authors

K. V Kotenko

Federal state budgetary institution A.I. Burnazyan State Research Medical Biophysical Center, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education Marshala Novikova, 23, Moscow, Russia

Natal'ya Borisovna Korchazhkina

Federal state budgetary institution A.I. Burnazyan State Research Medical Biophysical Center, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

Institute of Post-Graduate Professional Education Marshala Novikova, 23, Moscow, Russia

I. I Ivanova

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University

Health resort preventorium


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