Seasonal optimization of physiobalneotherapy of the patients presenting with hypertensive diseases

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The objective of the present study was to develop new approaches to the prescription of therapeutic physical factors taking into consideration the state of the cardiovascular system, adaptive and psychological status of the patients presenting with hypertensive disease in different seasons. A total of 186 patients with hypertensive disease were divided into two groups matched for the major clinical characteristics. The patients in group 1 were treated using the combination of therapeutic physical exercises, massage, iodine-bromine baths, and extremely high frequency therapy (EHF) (complex 1), those in group 2 were additionally given Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulator (SCENAR) therapy (complex 2). Analysis of the effectiveness of these therapeutic modalities in different seasons characteristic of Western Siberia indicates that for complex 1 it was lower in the summer seasons than during the spring and winter (p = 0.001). Therefore complex 1 was supplemented by SCENAR in the spring and winter seasons to ensure adequate correction of the pathological changes. It was shown that the differential season-related application of the two therapeutic modalities resulted in a more pronounced regression of the symptoms of hypertensive disease, improved brain electrical activity and psychological status of the patients, exerted marked hypolipidemic and hypotensive action, and increased the overall round-the-year effectiveness of the treatment.

About the authors

Irina Nikolaevna Smirnova

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

E. F Levitsky

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

E. Yu Bredikhina

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

N. N Simagaeva

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

I. I Antipova

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

S. V Alaitseva

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

L. V Barabash

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

O. E Golosova

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia

Yu. V Semenova

Federal state budgetary institution Siberian Federal Research and Clinical Centre, Federal Medico-Biological Agency

ul. R. Lyuksemburg, 1, 634009, Tomsk, Russia


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