The effectiveness of phototherapy and immunorix in the experimental chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by the inhalation of tobacco smoke

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We have developed the model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by forcing 75 outbred white rats to inhale tobacco smoke. The model was used to evaluate the effectiveness of phototherapy in a sequence of 5 series of experiments with the use of a SLU-2 phototherapeutic apparatus and ordinary ceramic-coated lamps. The immunomodulating agent immunorix was orally administered to the experimental animals. The effects of phototherapy in combination with imunorix or without it in each experimental series were studied by cytological and morphological methods. The animals with untreated experimental COPD served as controls. It was shown that separate application of phototherapy and immunorix stimulated the macrophagal function of the pulmonary tissue suppressed by tobacco smoke. The combination of phototherapy (regardless of the light spectrum) and immunorix caused a lymphocytic reaction in the form of a dense aggregation of lymphocytes in the pulmonary tissue and its reduced macrophagal activity with the tendency toward the formation of tetraploid cells by the end of the treatment course. The results of the study give reason to recommend to decrease the intensity of phototherapy in the case of immunorix treatment of experimental COPD caused by the chronic action of tobacco smoke. This recommendation should be taken into account in the clinical practice.

About the authors

Gulora Abrarovna Sadykova

Open joint-stock company Republican Specialized Research and Practical Centre of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

A. L Alyavi

Open joint-stock company Republican Specialized Research and Practical Centre of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Kh. U Rakhmatullaev

Open joint-stock company Republican Specialized Research and Practical Centre of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

G. S Dzhambekova

Open joint-stock company Republican Specialized Research and Practical Centre of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Yu. Kh Tadzhikhodzhaeva

Open joint-stock company Republican Specialized Research and Practical Centre of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


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