卷 19, 编号 6 (2016)


Analysis of the frequency of NRAS and c-Kit gene mutations in patients with BRAF-negative melanoma

Aksenenko M., Komina A., Ruksha T.


Identification of molecular subtypes of melanoma allowed to use a personalized approach in the treatment of melanoma. One of the most common driver mutations in melanoma is a mutation of the oncogene BRAF, that is determined in 40-60% of all melanomas. However, BRAF-negative tumors require further investigation of mutational status, which can be applied not only to select the means of personalized therapy of tumor, but also for the prediction of disease course. This article presents an analysis of 37 patients with melanoma BRAF-negative for mutations in the genes NRAS and c-Kit. Mutations were identified in the 3 exon of the gene NRAS in 8.1% of cases. In skin melanomas «silent» mutations were identified in 64.7% that confirm the occurrence ofpronounced mutation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the patient. We identified clinical and morphological features ofpatients with NRAS mutation in the 3 exon. This group ofpatients is characterized by a greater thickness of the tumor Breslow. Female gender and older age were dominated clinical characteristics in this group as compared with patients without NRAS mutations (p < 0.05).
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):324-327
pages 324-327 views

Modern external therapy moderately severe forms of rosacea

Olisova O., Kochergin N., Smirnova E.


The scientific review of modern approaches to the etiology and pathophysiology of rosacea is presented. The features of the disease, importance and possibility of reducing or eliminating the symptoms of the disease for the patient and the doctor in the early stages are shown. The various sources highlighted the frequent and specific, common and rare species of clinical picture of the disease are analyzed. Specific and differentiating symptoms are presented. The “steroid rosacea”, the reasons for occurrence, the difficulty faced by the doctor during the treatment and the possibility of torpid course are described. There was a contradiction of researcher’s views about approaches to the etiology, pathogenesis of the disease and the experimental data. The classification of the rosacea forms, drugs and therapy of moderately severe forms of rosacea are presented. The new topical drugs for the treatment of this disease are described. Results on the methods of topical treatment of moderate forms of rosacea, the results of several double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in the US and Canada, the effectiveness of treatment of rosacea with modern drugs (ivermectin, brimonidine) compared to traditional (in particular, with azelaic acid) are presented. In conclusion high effectiveness, good tolerability and safety of drugs ivermectin (Soolantra) and brimonidine (Mirvaso® Derm) (Galderma, Switzerland) are shown. It is suggested to include the above-mentioned drugs to the Russian standards of treatment of moderately severe forms of rosacea.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):328-334
pages 328-334 views

Severity assessment of atopic dermatitis in children

Yanchevskaya E., Bashkina O., Ben Mbarek Makrem -.


The article is devoted to the analysis of methods to assess the degree of atopic dermatitis (AD) severity, of their clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis. Treatment and prognosis of atopic dermatitis depends on the assessment of disease severity. The severity of the disease is the main factor for a doctor in the therapy of a child with AD. There are many scientific studies devoted to the objective classification of diseases and the development of the most effective methods of severity assessment. It is not always possible to quickly determine objectively measurable parameters ofpathologic skin process. Because of that assessment methods of skin diseases are often approximate and subjective. The new pathogenetic data of atopic dermatitis and the main types of defects are described. Dermatology indexes of atopic dermatitis severity were considered. The new biochemical methods to assess the degree of atopic dermatitis severity in children by measuring indicators of spontaneous adhesion of neutrophils were analyzed. Immunological method, in which serum of children with atopic dermatitis is determined by the level of total IgE and IgE antibodies to allergens, with using ImmunoCAP 100 and level IgG- and IgE-antibodies against tissue antigens by ELISA, were analyzed. The indicators of oxidative status were examined. The concentration of circulating biological peroxides (PPI) and nukliozida 8-OHdG (8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine) differed significantly in mild, moderate and severe AD. Bacteriological methods, based on an integrated assessment of microbiological parameters, characterizing the nonspecific resistance of skin and mucous membranes in the assessment of severity and prognosis of atopic dermatitis in children, were performed.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):334-339
pages 334-339 views

Treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria with high doses of antihistamines

Kosoukhova O., Kochergin N., Kolkhir P.


Urticaria is a group of diseases, the main clinical symptoms of which are transient rashes characterized not only by itch but skin edema, erythema, arising in any area of the skin, andfull resolution up to 24 hours. Urticaria is observed at least once in life of the 15-25% of the population, 25% of this patients have the chronic form of the disease. The aim of our work was the optimization of treatment of chronic urticaria by the second-generation antihistamine levocetirizine in standard and high daily dosages (up to fourfold), the study of clinical, allergo-logical and immunological characteristics of the results. The study involved 60 patients between the ages of 18 to 73 years with confirmed clinical diagnosis of chronic urticaria. The study was conducted in the clinic of skin and venereal diseases of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Clinical and anamnestic examination, laboratory tests, autologous serum skin test were performed. The study was conducted within 1 month and included diagnostic consultation period and 5 consultations every 7 days. The obtained data were used to generate optimized approaches to the treatment of patients with chronic urticaria with regard to the form and severity level of the disease. Optimally assigned differentiated dosages of antihistamines, based on individual performance autologous serum skin test and severity of the clinical picture of urticaria, equally lead to a reduction of clinical severity and improve quality of life of patients with chronic urticaria.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):340-345
pages 340-345 views

Comorbidities in psoriasis

Olisova O., Garanyan L.


The article describes the modern data on the connection of psoriasis with various comorbidities. It identifies the most frequent comorbid diseases recorded in patients, depending on the severity ofpsoriasis. Among the most common comorbidities, there are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, that must be considered when choosing the treatment.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):346-348
pages 346-348 views

Interactions between the immune system disorders and intestinal microbios in patients with pityriasis versicolor

Makhsudov M., Mamatkulov U.


The immune system depending on the degree of intestinal microbiocenosis disorders in patients with pityriasis versicolor was investigated. Patients with pityriasis versicolor have an immune system disorder, which is expressed by a decrease in the activity of cellular immune system and enhancement of humoral one. In addition, in most cases of the pityriasis versicolor there are disbiotic changes, that contribute to the long-term course of the disease and are difficult to treat. The different changes in the immune system depending on the severity of intestinal disbiotic changes in patients with pityriasis versicolor were shown. It was revealed that in patients with pityriasis versicolor changes in the immune system are in direct proportion to the severity of disbiosis. It is appropriate to take into account these changes in the selection of treatment strategy ofpatients with pityriasis versicolor.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):349-351
pages 349-351 views

Tick bite: clinical case report

Tarasenko G., Vorozhko N., Kurilova E., Bekoeva A.


The clinical case of flebotodermia, which has arisen on a sting of the tick, is presented. The patient consulted a dermatologist about irritable papilloma in the left armpit. With careful examination and dermoscopy was detected tick in the skin with symptoms of inflammatory reaction around the bite. The tick removal by electrocoagulation was performed. The authors draw the attention of doctors of all specialties on the needfor careful and regular inspection of patients in hospitals for the presence and remove of ticks.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):352-354
pages 352-354 views

Actinolizat in the treatment of the purulent-inflamatory processes of the skin and subcutaneous tissues: history and prospects

Yakovlev A., Savenkov V.


Actinolizat is a highly effective domestic immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory and healing action. It has been exactly 80 years since the discovery of the phenomenon of actinomycetes autolysis. Based on this phenomenon actinolizat has worked well in bacterial purulent-inflammatory skin lesions, subcutaneous tissue, organs and systems. The drug is well tolerated, and has few side effects.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):354-358
pages 354-358 views

Differential diagnostic criteria of alopecia areata

Baltabaev A., Tkachev V., Baltabaev M.


Alopecia areata is a poliethiologic immune mediated condition, associated with lesion of the hair follicles, leading to disruption of growing cycle and subsequent hair loss. Taking into account the different age of patients and repeated recurrence despite of the therapy, as well as changes in the appearance of the individual affecting psychosocial status, patchy hair loss refers to the category of socially important disorders. The introduction of computer technologies facilitated diagnostic approaches through developing of specific criteria for the diagnosis of alopecia areata, which improved its differentiation with similar dermatological conditions. This publication intended to review and analyze of clinical cases of several dermatological disorders which remind clinics of different forms of alopecia areata. The importance of trichoscopy was shown to provide differential diagnosis in various hair-loss conditions to evaluate morphometric hair and skin characteristics.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):359-364
pages 359-364 views

Treatment of lymphangioma circumscriptum using copper vapor laser

Klyuchareva S., Nechaeva O., Belova E., Guseva S., Khabbus A., Ponomarev I.


Vascular tumors occupy an important place among the benign tumors. Blood vessels tumors are studied and described in details, while there are few data about tumors of the lymphatic vessels in the literature and there are no methods of therapy. The aim of our work was to study the effectiveness of laser treatment methodfor patients with skin lymphangioma. By selective laser therapy copper vapor laser wavelength 578 nm has been selected. Patients received 1-2 treatments at 2 week intervals. The positive results were observed, efficacy was 100%, no recurrence registered. The use of copper vapor laser for treatment of lymphangioma with good cosmetic effect and long-lasting results is described.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):365-369
pages 365-369 views

Unactivated platelet leukocyte autoplasma in the treatment of non scarring alopecia

Ragimov G., Olisova O., Egorova K.


The literature review of the cellular functioning mechanisms of the hair follicles, the role of stem cells in the life cycle of the hair, the major effects of growth factors are presented. Authors, patented treatment method of non scarring alopecia is described. The technology ofpreparation and method of use of unactivated platelet leukocyte autoplasma in various forms of alopecia are described. Own clinical observation of 60 patients with non scarring alopecia and results of their unactivated platelet leukocyte autoplasma are presented. 80% of patients had a clinical cure. Investigations of platelet concentration, white blood cells and growth factors in platelet-rich plasma and platelet leukocyte unactivated autoplasma were performed. The results are shown in the article.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):369-377
pages 369-377 views

Phagedenic ulcer of the chancre in young woman

Olisov A., Vladimirov V.


The literature data on such severe and rare complications of chancre in primary syphilis as gangrene and phagedenic ulcer, that developing normally in the background of immunodeficiency patients, especially in alcoholics, are presented. Infection and the development of chancre significantly change the clinical manifestations of primary syphilis, which can lead to diagnostic errors. The clinical observation of the patient suffering from alcoholism, which had a diagnosis ofprimary syphilis chancre on the basis of complicated phagedenic ulcer, regional lymphadenitis, positive serological reactions, acute reaction to the beginning of specific treatment, is presented. The treatment with Benzylpenicillin sodium was performed and led to the scarring of the chancre.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):378-380
pages 378-380 views

From the collection of professor E.S. Snarskaya. Basal cell carcinoma

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Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):381-383
pages 381-383 views

Index of articles published in 2016

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Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):384-384
pages 384-384 views

Pigmented nodular on forehead

Novosyolov V., Novosyolova N.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2016;19(6):385-386
pages 385-386 views
