Severity assessment of atopic dermatitis in children

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The article is devoted to the analysis of methods to assess the degree of atopic dermatitis (AD) severity, of their clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis. Treatment and prognosis of atopic dermatitis depends on the assessment of disease severity. The severity of the disease is the main factor for a doctor in the therapy of a child with AD. There are many scientific studies devoted to the objective classification of diseases and the development of the most effective methods of severity assessment. It is not always possible to quickly determine objectively measurable parameters ofpathologic skin process. Because of that assessment methods of skin diseases are often approximate and subjective. The new pathogenetic data of atopic dermatitis and the main types of defects are described. Dermatology indexes of atopic dermatitis severity were considered. The new biochemical methods to assess the degree of atopic dermatitis severity in children by measuring indicators of spontaneous adhesion of neutrophils were analyzed. Immunological method, in which serum of children with atopic dermatitis is determined by the level of total IgE and IgE antibodies to allergens, with using ImmunoCAP 100 and level IgG- and IgE-antibodies against tissue antigens by ELISA, were analyzed. The indicators of oxidative status were examined. The concentration of circulating biological peroxides (PPI) and nukliozida 8-OHdG (8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine) differed significantly in mild, moderate and severe AD. Bacteriological methods, based on an integrated assessment of microbiological parameters, characterizing the nonspecific resistance of skin and mucous membranes in the assessment of severity and prognosis of atopic dermatitis in children, were performed.

About the authors

Elena Yu. Yanchevskaya

Astrakhan State Medical University

MD, PhD, assistant chair of dermatology Astrakhan State Medical University Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation

O. A Bashkina

Astrakhan State Medical University

Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation

- Ben Mbarek Makrem

Astrakhan State Medical University

Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation


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