Modern external therapy moderately severe forms of rosacea

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The scientific review of modern approaches to the etiology and pathophysiology of rosacea is presented. The features of the disease, importance and possibility of reducing or eliminating the symptoms of the disease for the patient and the doctor in the early stages are shown. The various sources highlighted the frequent and specific, common and rare species of clinical picture of the disease are analyzed. Specific and differentiating symptoms are presented. The “steroid rosacea”, the reasons for occurrence, the difficulty faced by the doctor during the treatment and the possibility of torpid course are described. There was a contradiction of researcher’s views about approaches to the etiology, pathogenesis of the disease and the experimental data. The classification of the rosacea forms, drugs and therapy of moderately severe forms of rosacea are presented. The new topical drugs for the treatment of this disease are described. Results on the methods of topical treatment of moderate forms of rosacea, the results of several double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in the US and Canada, the effectiveness of treatment of rosacea with modern drugs (ivermectin, brimonidine) compared to traditional (in particular, with azelaic acid) are presented. In conclusion high effectiveness, good tolerability and safety of drugs ivermectin (Soolantra) and brimonidine (Mirvaso® Derm) (Galderma, Switzerland) are shown. It is suggested to include the above-mentioned drugs to the Russian standards of treatment of moderately severe forms of rosacea.

About the authors

O. Yu Olisova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

N. G Kochergin

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

Elena A. Smirnova

“LMS Clinic”

dermatovenerologist, LLC “LMS Clinic” Moscow, 119146, Russian Federation


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