
Pyrazine-2-carbohydrazone of Pyridoxal 5′-Phosphate: Synthesis, Stability, Formation Kinetics, and Interaction with DNA
Gamov G., Zavalishin M., Aleksandriyskii V., Sharnin V.
The Schiff bases of pyridoxal-5-phosphate and hydrazides of certain pyrazoles: Stability, kinetics of formation, and synthesis
Gamov G., Aleksandriiskii V., Zavalishin M., Khokhlova A., Sharnin V.
Stability of Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes with Pyridinecarbohydrazones of Pyridoxal-5-phosphate in Aqueous Solution
Gamov G., Zavalishin M., Khokhlova A., Gashnikova A., Sharnin V.
Thermodynamic Parameters of the Complex Formation of Copper(II) Ions with L-Serine and L-Homoserine
Gridchin S.
Complex formation between derivatives of pyridine N-oxides and iron(III) nitrate in aqueous medium
Ryzhakov A., Andreev V.
Complex formation of magnesium and calcium ions with trimethylenediamine-N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetic acid
Gridchin S.
Synthesis, Antioxidant, and Antibacterial Studies of Zn(II), Cd(II), and Hg(II) Complexes with 3-Formylpyridinethiosemicar bazone and Its N4-Methyl Analogue
Mydhili S., Sireesha B., Reddy C.
Synthesis, acid-base and complexing properties of N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(O-butylhydroxyphosphorylmethyl)-1,2-diaminoethane
Shurygin I., Garifzyanov A., Cherkasov R., Ivshin K., Kataeva O.
Reaction of apple pectin modified by pharmacophores, with copper(II) cations
Kukovinets O., Mudarisova R., Sagitova A., Abdullin M.
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