
Kinetics of the Dissociation of Cu2+ and Co2+ Complexes of Nitro Derivatives of 5,15-Diphenyl-3,7,13,17-tetramethyl-2,8,12,18-tetraethylporphyrin in Proton-Donor Media
Kuvshinova E., Vershinina I., Islyaikin M., Syrbu S., Golubchikov O.
Spectrophotometric study of dehalogenation of benzyl halides with nickel in aprotic dipolar solvents in the presence of oxygen
Egorov А., Novikova А., Stepanova Е.
Tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine and Its Copper Complex in Surface Modification of Nonwoven Polymer Materials
Gornukhina O., Vershinina I., Golubchikov O.
Protolytic Properties of Water-Soluble Magnesium 5,10,15,20-Tetra(1-methylpyridin-1-ium-4-yl)porphyrinate Tetraperchlorate MgTMPyP4
Ovsepyan G., Kudrev A., Shumilova G., Starikova A., Semeikin A., Pendin A.
The effect of chemical modification of the macrocycle on the complex formation between porphyrins and metal salts in organic solvents
Maltceva O., Mamardashvili N.
Spectrophotometric study of melting of double stranded Poly[A]·Poly[U] in the aqueous solution
Kudrev A.
Synthesis of manganese oxide sols by KMnO4 reduction with polyvinyl alcohol in an aqueous medium
Ivanets A., Prozorovich V., Ryabkov Y., Krivoshapkin P., Katsoshvili L.
Tristimulus colorimetric and spectrophotometric study of the state of 4-hydroxystyryl dyes in aqueous solutions
Chebotarev A., Snigur D., Zhukova Y., Bevziuk K., Studenyak Y., Bazel Y.
Extraction-Chromogenic System for Silver(I) Based on Tetrazolium Violet and Semicarbazide Hydrochloride
Hristov D., Divarova V., Mancheva R., Gavazov K.
Features of “secondary” silica interaction with ammonium molybdate in the porous space of high silica glass in acidic medium
Tsyganova T., Bayanov V., Shevchenko D., Rakhimova O.
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