
Monthly and Seasonal Prediction of Precipitation and Air Temperature in the Amur River Basin
Tishchenko V., Khan V., Kruglova E., Kulikova I.
Equilibrium State of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Earth System Model
Rybak O., Volodin E., Morozova P., Huybrechts P.
Peculiarities of the Approach to Calculation of Wind Waves in the Caspian Sea
Lopatukhin L., Yaitskaya N.
Applying the Energy- and Water Balance Model for Incorporation of the Cryospheric Component into a Climate Model. Part III. Modeling Mass Balance on the Surface of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Korneva I., Rybak O., Volodin E.
The climate change effect on probable maximum precipitation in a catchment. A case study of the Karun river catchment in the Shalu bridge site (Iran)
Ramak Z., Porhemmat J., Sedghi H., Fattahi E., Lashni-Zand M.
The System for Numerical Prediction of Weather Events (Including Severe Ones) for Moscow Megacity: The Prototype Development
Rivin G., Vil’fand R., Kiktev D., Rozinkina I., Tudriy K., Blinov D., Varentsov M., Samsonov T., Bundel’ A., Kirsanov A., Zakharchenko D.
Simulation of Sulfur Fallout from a Local Source Using Data on the Chemical Composition of Snow Cover
Kuzovkin V., Manzon D., Bespalov M.
Numerical Simulation of Wave Drag during Downslope Windstorms in Different Regions of Russia
Shestakova A.
Simulation of Climate and Weather Extreme Indices with the INM-CM5 Climate Model
Volodin E., Tarasevich M.
Reconstruction of Climate of the Eemian Interglacial Using an Earth System Model. Part 2. The Response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Climate Change
Rybak O., Volodin E., Morozova P.
Satellite observations and numerical simulation results for the comprehensive analysis of ash cloud transport during the explosive eruptions of Kamchatka volcanoes
Sorokin A., Girina O., Lupyan E., Mal’kovskii S., Balashov I., Efremov V., Kramareva L., Korolev S., Romanova I., Simonenko E.
A Simplified Extended Kalman Filter assimilation of soil moisture for the SL-AV global medium-range forecast model
Makhnorylova S., Tolstykh M.
The efficiency of detention reservoirs for flood control on the Jafar Abad River in Golestan province (Iran)
Kaboosi K., Jelini R.
Applying the energy- and water balance model for incorporation of the cryospheric component into a climate model. Part II. Modeled mass balance on the green land ice sheet surface
Rybak O., Volodin E., Nevecherya A., Morozova P.
Estimation of Aerosol Radiation Effects under Background and Smoke-haze Atmospheric Conditions over Siberia from Empirical Data
Panchenko M., Zhuravleva T., Kozlov V., Nasrtdinov I., Pol’kin V., Terpugova S., Chernov D.
Climate Version of the SL-AV Global Atmospheric Model: Development and Preliminary Results
Fadeev R., Tolstykh M., Volodin E.
Numerical Simulation of World Ocean Effects on Temperature and Ozone in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere
Jakovlev A., Smyshlyaev S.
Simulation and Analysis of Sea Floods in the Don River Delta
Fomin V., Alekseev D., Lemeshko E., Lazorenko D.
Investigation of the Structure and Predictability of the First Mode of Stratospheric Variability Based on the INM RAS Climate Model
Vorobyeva V., Volodin E.
Reconstruction of Climate of the Eemian Interglacial Using an Earth System Model. Part 1. Set–up of Numerical Experiments and Model Fields of Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation Sums
Rybak O., Volodin E., Morozova P.
Concentration of NO2 in the air over Tehran, Iran
Masoudi M., Behzadi F., Sakhaei M.
Analysis of effects of constant wind on the velocity of currents and seiche oscillations in the Azov Sea level
Demyshev S., Cherkesov L., Shul’ga T.
Forecasting mesoscale convective systems in the Urals using the WRF model and remote sensing data
Kalinin N., Shikhov A., Bykov A.
Remote and in situ measurements of aerosol concentration in the Arctic troposphere from the Yak-42D “Roshydromet” research aircraft
Markov R., Romanovskii A., Khattatov V., Kirin D., Malinina E., Kuz’michev A., Babukhina T., Gan’shin A., Luk’yanov A.
Seiche oscillations in the Nakhodka Gulf
Smirnov S.
1 - 25 из 81 результатов 1 2 3 4 > >> 
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