
Generation of photoactivatable fluorescent protein from photoconvertible ancestor
Pakhomov A., Chertkova R., Deyev I., Petrenko A., Martynov V.
Plant Pathogenesis-Related Proteins Binding Lipids and Other Hydrophobic Ligands
Melnikova D., Finkina E., Bogdanov I., Ovchinnikova T.
The Role of C2-Substituents in the Imidazolone Ring in the Degradation of GFP Chromophore Derivatives
Baleeva N., Gorbachev D., Baranov M.
Struggle for photostability: Bleaching mechanisms of fluorescent proteins
Mamontova A., Grigoryev A., Tsarkova A., Lukyanov K., Bogdanov A.
Effect of Bioregulator Isatin on Protein–Protein Interactions Involving Isatin-Binding Proteins
Ershov P., Mezentsev Y., Yablokov E., Kaluzhsky L., Florinskaya A., Buneeva O., Medvedev A., Ivanov A.
Proteomic response of bacteria during the interaction with a host cell in a model of Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Matyushkina D., Butenko I., Pobeguts O., Fisunov G., Govorun V.
Hydrolysates of Soybean Proteins for Starter Feeds of Aquaculture: The Behavior of Proteins upon Fermentolysis and the Compositional Analysis of Hydrolysates
Muranova T., Zinchenko D., Miroshnikov A.
Regulation of Natural Rubber Biosynthesis by Proteins Associated with Rubber Particles
Amerik A., Martirosyan Y., Gachok I.
Involvement of the N-terminal region and its characteristic coiled-coil fragment in the function and structure maintenance of E. coli LonA protease
Andrianova A., Kudzhaev A., Dubovtseva E., Rotanova T.
Structure of Chromophores in GFP-Like Proteins: X-Ray Data
Pletneva N., Goryacheva E., Artemyev I., Arkhipova S., Pletnev V.
Immunogenic and Protective Properties of Neisseria meningitidis IgA1 Protease and of Its Truncated Fragments
Zinchenko A., Kotelnikova O., Gordeeva E., Prokopenko Y., Razgulyaeva O., Serova O., Melikhova T., Nokel E., Zhigis L., Zueva V., Alliluev A., Rumsh L.
Synthesis of β-Diketone DNA Derivatives for Affinity Modification of Proteins
Monakhova M., Kubareva E., Romanova E., Semkina A., Naberezhnov D., Rao D., Zatsepin T., Oretskaya T.
Biotechnological Method for Production of Recombinant Peptide Analgesic (Purotoxin-1) from Geolycosa sp. Spider Poison
Esipov R., Stepanenko V., Zvereva I., Makarov D., Kostromina M., Kostromina T., Muravyova T., Miroshnikov A., Grishin E.
Fluorophores for single-molecule localization microscopy
Klementieva N., Bozhanova N., Zagaynova E., Lukyanov K., Mishin A.
The Diverse Roles of Spliceosomal Proteins in the Regulation of Cell Processes
Anufrieva K., Shender V., Arapidi G., Lagarkova M., Govorun V.
Modern Approaches to Chemical Modification of Proteins in Biological Tissues: Consequences and Application
Rezvova M., Kudryavceva Y.
Proteome analysis of circulating exosomes in health and breast cancer
Tamkovich S., Bakakina Y., Tutanov O., Somov A., Kirushina N., Dubovskaya L., Volotovski I., Laktionov P.
Direct Molecular Fishing of Protein Partners for Proteins Encoded by Genes of Human Chromosome 18 in HepG2 Cell Lysate
Ershov P., Mezentsev Y., Yablokov E., Kaluzhskiy L., Florinskaya A., Gnedenko O., Zgoda V., Vakhrushev I., Raeva O., Yarygin K., Gilep A., Usanov S., Medvedev A., Ivanov A.
Recombinant production and structural studies of the human Lypd6 and Lypd6b proteins
Paramonov A., Kulbatskii D., Loktyushov E., Tsarev A., Dolgikh D., Shenkarev Z., Kirpichnikov M., Lyukmanova E.
The use of H/D exchange for secondary structure characterization of supermetallized complexes of ubiquitin with cerium(III)
Kostyukevich Y., Yacovlev P., Kononikhin A., Popov I., Bugrova A., Starodubtzeva N., Nikolaev E.
“Divide and conquer” approach to the structural studies of multidomain ion channels by the example of isolated voltage sensing domains of human Kv2.1 and Nav1.4 channels
Myshkin M., Paramonov A., Kulbatskii D., Lyukmanova E., Kirpichnikov M., Shenkarev Z.
Influence of the (1–106) fragment of Escherichia coli Lon protease on the enzyme function and DNA binding
Kudzhaev A., Dubovtseva E., Serova O., Andrianova A., Rotanova T.
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