
Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity of Conjugates of Anthracycline Antibiotics with Sesquiterpene Lactones of the Elecampane
Semakov A., Anikina L., Afanasyeva S., Pukhov S., Klochkov S.
Biological activity of usnic acid and its derivatives: Part 2. effects on higher organisms. Molecular and physicochemical aspects
Luzina O., Salakhutdinov N.
Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptides: I. Antimicrobial Activity of Amphiphilic and Nonamphiphilic Cationic Peptides
Amirkhanov N., Tikunova N., Pyshnyi D.
Isolation of Natural Naphthoquinones from Juglans regia and In Vitro Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Studies of Naphthoquinones and the Synthetic Naphthofuran Derivatives
Mathiyazhagan K., Kumaran A., Arjun P.
New Ionic Conjugates Based on α-Tocopheryl Succinate as Potential Cytotoxic Agents
Frolova T., Sharapov S., Sinitsyna O., Tolstikova T., Grigoriev I., Morozov S., Yushkova Y.
Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of Indole Derivatives of Betulin, Erythrodiol, and Uvaol
Khusnutdinova E., Petrova A., Apryshko G., Kukovinets O., Kazakova O.
Effective Inhibitors of Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterase 1 Based on Monoterpenoids as Potential Agents for Antitumor Therapy
Chepanova A., Li-Zhulanov N., Sukhikh A., Zafar A., Reynisson J., Zakharenko A., Zakharova O., Korchagina D., Volcho K., Salakhutdinov N., Lavrik O.
The Synthesis and Selective Cytotoxicity of New Mannich Bases, Derivatives of 19- and 28-Alkynyltriterpenoids
Khusnutdinova E., Apryshko G., Petrova A., Kukovinets O., Kazakova O.
Facile Synthesis of New Hybrid 2-Quinlolinone Derivatives Structures as Anticancer Drugs for Breast Cancer Treatment
Safyah B. Bakare
Synthesis and antimicrobial and toxic properties of novel 1,3-bis(alkyl)-6-methyluracil derivatives containing 1,2,3- and 1,2,4-triazolium fragments
Voloshina A., Semenov V., Strobykina A., Kulik N., Krylova E., Zobov V., Reznik V.
Induction of Apoptosis in SKOV3 and DNA Binding by Cobalt(III) Polypyridyl Complexes
Ravi C., Vuradi R., Avudoddi S., Ramchander M., Satyanarayana S.
5-(4-alkyl-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)methyl derivatives of 2′-deoxyuridine as inhibitors of viral and bacterial growth
Alexandrova L., Efremenkova O., Andronova V., Galegov G., Solyev P., Karpenko I., Kochetkov S.
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