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Том 67, № 10 (2018)


Liquid-phase oxidation of cyclohexane. Elementary steps in the developed process, reactivity, catalysis, and problems of conversion and selectivity

Perkel A., Voronina S., Borkina G.


The literature data concerning features of the kinetics and mechanisms of elementary steps of liquid-phase oxidation of cyclohexane and its oxygen derivatives are considered and analyzed. A comparison of rates of intermolecular and intramolecular reactions of cyclohexylperoxyl radicals under the industrial conditions indicated a necessity to take into account intramolecular interactions. The occurrence of cross recombination of hydroperoxyl and α-hydroxyperoxyl radicals without chain termination in the course of cyclohexanol and 2-hydroxycyclohexanol oxidation was proved. A significance of degenerate branching reactions involving cyclohexyl hydroperoxide in the industrial process of cyclohexane oxidation at 423 K was evaluated. The influence of the electron-withdrawing functional groups on the reactivity of carbon–hydrogen bonds of organic compounds in the reactions with electrophilic peroxyl radicals was studied. The low conversion of a substrate in the industrial process are mainly caused by the radicalchain oxidation of cyclohexanone leading only to by-products. The catalysts of cyclohexane oxidation, viz., compounds of variable valence metals, affect the reaction rate and ratio of the yields of the target products (cyclohexyl hydroperoxide, cyclohexanol, and cyclohexanone) but exert no effect on their relative reactivity. The use of the catalytic additives increasing the yield of cyclohexanone in the step of cyclohexane oxidation in the production of caprolactam is revealed to be inexpedient.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1747-1758
pages 1747-1758 views


Multifunctional polymer dispersions for biomedical assays obtained by heterophase radical polymerization

Generalova A., Asharchuk I., Zubov V.


Methods for the preparation of multifunctional dispersions of polymer particles (DPP) in the course of free radical heterophase polymerization, which provides careful control of both macromolecular and colloidal properties, are considered. Approaches that, according to the polymerization technique, make it possible to control the particle diameter and shape, particle size distribution, colloidal stability, morphology, surface chemistry and functionality, as well as the formation of organo-inorganic hybrid particles, are demonstrated. The possibilities of DPP application in homogeneous and heterogeneous assays and cell labelling are reviewed. The use of DPP leads to decrease the reaction scales and costs and to increase the speed, sensitivity, selectivity, and reproducibility of assays.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1759-1780
pages 1759-1780 views

Vaccines for substance abuse treatment: new approaches in the immunotherapy of addictions

Myagkova M., Morozova V.


Addictions associated with the use of physoactive substances pose a serious threat for both patients and society and continue to be a serious medical social problem worlwide. A high recurrence rate makes especially topical the search for new approaches to the treatment and primary prevention of these diseases. The development of immunological and pharmacotherapeutic methods is a promising trend in the therapy of addictions. Immunization against diseased addiction or immunoprophylaxis are of practical significance to prevent futher recurrences and can be an efficient medical tool to eradicate dependence diseases. The review describes advances in the vaccine therapy of psychoactive substance abuse (drug abuse, tobacco smoking, and alcoholism), including preclinical and clinical trials of these medicines. New strategies to enhance the specific immune response by changing the structure of conjugated immunogen and adjuvant molecules are considered. The difficulties faced by the developers in clinical trials of vaccines are analyzed and new approaches to increase the therapeutic efficacy are reviewed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1781-1793
pages 1781-1793 views

Comparative activity of aqueous dispersions of CdS nanocrystals stabilized by cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes in photocatalytic hydrogen production from water

Kabachii Y., Kochev S., Alenichev M., Antonova O., Sadagov A., Valetskii P., Nadtochenko V.


The results of a study on the photocatalytic activity of aqueous dispersions of Ni-doped CdS nanocrystals (NCs) covered with an amphiphilic polyelectrolyte (PE) shell, i.e., a polycation (NC-PC) or polyanion (NC-PA), are presented for the first time. The H2 evolution rate measured under identical conditions served as a measure of activity. The NC-PC and NC-PA samples were characterized by similar PE content (~40%) and monomodal size distribution. According to our calculations based on the NC dimensions and lattice parameters, about one macromolecule of the PE is required to stabilize one NC. The average hydrodynamic diameter of the NC-PC was found to be 1.5 times larger than that of the NC-PA due to the difference between their chemical structures and different abilities of ionogenic groups to dissociate. The photocatal ytic activity of the PE-stabilized CdS nanocrystals was significantly influenced by the type of the PE, while the H2 evolution rate depended on the reducing medium used during the process. When the medium contained Na2S or when the PE-stabilized NCs were pretreated with Na2S, the effect of the shell type was more pronounced and the activity of NC-PA was 2 to 14 times higher than that of NC-PC.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1803-1806
pages 1803-1806 views

Methane adsorption on various metal-organic frameworks and determination of the average adsorption heats at supercritical temperatures and pressures

Pribylov A., Murdmaa K., Solovtsova O., Knyazeva M.


Adsorption of methane on three samples of metal-organic framework structures (MOF), which contain copper, aluminum or zinc atoms, was measured at temperatures ranging from 303 to 333 K and pressures up to 40 MPa using a precise volumetric-gravimetric unit. The determined values of adsorption volumes and characteristic energies served to evaluate the average heats of adsorption, which were compared to the average isosteric heats of adsorption.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1807-1813
pages 1807-1813 views

Optimization of structural and energy characteristics of adsorbents for methane storage

Men’shchikov I., Fomkin A., Shkolin A., Yakovlev V., Khozina E.


Using numerical and analytical methods, a model for microporous carbon adsorbents with slit-shaped pores of different widths was developed. Such pores are formed during activation procedure by the removal of the hexagonal carbon layers burnt out in a graphite-like crystallites. Dubinin’s theory of volume filling of micropores was used to calculate methane adsorption equilibria on these model adsorbents. Isobaric dependences of methane adsorption on pore width, specific micropore volumes, and the specific surface were plotted in the range of pressures from 1 to 10 MPa. It was found that the isobaric adsorption curves had a maximum the position of which depends on both the structural-energy characteristics of the adsorbent and thermodynamic conditions chosen to operate the adsorption system. As pressure increased, the maximum of adsorption shifts to the porous systems with wider pores and larger micropore volume.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1814-1822
pages 1814-1822 views

A new method for calculating normal boiling point of liquids

Li Z., Wu W., Chen L.


A method for predicting normal boiling points (NBPs) of pure liquids based on linear free energy relationships (LFERs) and thermodynamics formulas is proposed. For 15 classes of chemical compounds (a total of 683 substances), correlation equations relating NBPs to molecular descriptors were obtained using stepwise regression. For all equations, the mean relative deviations (MD) lie between 0.89% and 2.83%, being mostly less than 2%. The correlation coefficients of 13 equations are larger than 0.98. The correlation equations obtained are simple, have clear physical sense, wide applicability range and provide rather high predictive power and accuracy of calculations.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1823-1830
pages 1823-1830 views

Phase state diagram of a poly(amic acid)–solvent–nonsolvent system

Shcherbina A., Gerasimov V., Semenov T., Chalykh A.


Phase behavior and structure formation was studied using optical interferometry, nephelometry, and refractometry in the polymer–solvent–nonsolvent system for DMF solutions of two poly(amic acids): based on 3,3′,4,4′-benzophenonetetracarboxylic acid dianhydride and meta-phenylenediamine (PAA-1) and pyromellitic acid dianhydride and 4,4′-oxydianiline (PAA-2). Distilled water and its mixtures with DMF were used as a nonsolvent. According to the results of the study, isothermal cross sections of the phase state diagram in the threecomponent system were plotted, the position of the critical point, the spinodal, and the conodes were determined, the movement of the figurative points in the system was traced depending on the nonsolvent composition.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1831-1837
pages 1831-1837 views

Supramolecular structuring of aqueous solutions of strong acids: manifestations in light scattering, NMR, and oxidation kinetics. Does liquid have a drop-like nature? 1. Nitric acid

Lagodzinskaya G., Laptinskaya T., Kazakov A.


The properties of large (~100 nm), supramolecular assemblies in aqueous solutions of nitric acid were studied by light scattering methods. The dependence of structural characteristics on the solution composition, stability in time, and effects of temperature and mechanical impacts were determined. The previously obtained data on the structure of the reaction medium and kinetics of acetone oxidation in aqueous solutions of nitric acid were used in the discussion. The identified trends and features confirm the role of supramolecular structuring in the kinetic anomalies involved in acetone oxidation.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1838-1850
pages 1838-1850 views

Molecular complexes and solvation interactions in the reaction of quinone imines with thiols

Varlamov V., Krisyuk B., Grigorev V.


This study aims to investigate the role of complexation between reagents and the role of solvation of reagents by solvents in the kinetics of chain reactions of quinone imines with thiols. The thermodynamic characteristics of the complexation of quinone imines with thiophenol in CCl4, chlorobenzene, and ethanol, as well as of the complexation of quinone imines and thiophenol with these solvents were calculated by quantum chemical methods (DFT calculations at the PBE/cc-pVDZ level of theory) and in terms of the additive-multiplicative model. Both approaches give consistent results. The formation of molecular complexes in quinone imine–thiphenol systems is accompanied by a 10–30 kJ mol–1 decrease in enthalpy and has only a slight effect on the reaction mechanism.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1851-1856
pages 1851-1856 views

Electrochemical transformations and antiradical activity of asymmetrical RS-substituted pyrocatechols

Smolyaninov I., Pitikova O., Poddel’sky A., Berberova N.


Redox transformations of sulfides 1–8 combining a fragment of sterically hindered pyrocatechol with alkyl, cycloalkyl, and aromatic substituents were studied. The first step of electrooxidation of thioethers affords o-benzoquinones. The introduction of the redox-active thioether group extends the range of redox properties of pyrocatechols. In the second step, the thioether fragment is involved in the quasi-reversible anodic process, and the number of electrons participating in the electrode reaction depends on the structure of the hydrocarbon group bonded to the sulfur atom. The reactivity of compounds 1–8 toward O2•– was evaluated on the basis of the electrochemical data. Cyclopentyl, phenyl, or benzyl substituents in the thioether group exert a greater effect on the antiradical activity than the alkyl moieties. The formation of an o-semiquinolate radical anion in the reaction of pyrocatechol thioethers with KO2 was detected by the ESR method. It was shown using the reaction with the stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical as an example that RS-functionalized pyrocatechols show a higher antiradical activity compared to 3,5-di-tert-butylpyrocatechol.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1857-1867
pages 1857-1867 views

Synthesis and properties of merocyanine dyes derived from N-aryl-substituted pyridinium salts and cyanoacetic acids

Borisova I., Zubarev A., Rodinovskaya L., Shestopalov A.


A series of merocyanine dyes were synthesized by two-component condensation of N-aryl-4-picolinium salts and cyanoacetic acid derivatives. Physicochemical properties of the synthesized dyes were studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1868-1872
pages 1868-1872 views

Condensation of 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one with arylglyoxals. Synthesis and properties of 2-aryl-1-(3-hydroxy-6-methyl-4-oxo-4H-pyran-2-yl)ethane-1,2-diones

Melekhina V., Mityanov V., Komogortsev A., Lichitski B., Dudinov A., Shirinian V., Krayushkin M.


A convenient method was developed for the synthesis of previously unknown 1,2-diketones, based on the condensation of 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one with arylglyoxals. The study demonstrated the possibility of using these compounds to synthesize nitrogen-containing hetero cyclic systems bearing the 3-hydroxypyran-4-one moiety.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1873-1877
pages 1873-1877 views

New benzo[f]quinolino[3,4-b][1,7]naphthyridine-6,8(5H,9H)-diones: synthesis, electronic, molecular, and crystal structures. Protonation and complexation with lanthanum and europium salts

Ustynyuk N., Lavrov H., Zarubin D., Dolgushin F., Ezernitskaya M., Gloriozov I., Zhokhov S., Zhokhova N., Ustynyuk Y.


A series of novel benzo[f]quinolino[3,4-b][1,7]naphthyridine-6,8(5H,9H)-diones, which are promising ligands for the extractive separation of actinides and lanthanides, and also their complexes with lanthanum and europium were synthesized. The molecular and crystal structures of one among the ligands were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The protonation of compounds was investigated by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The electronic structure of starting substances and protonated forms was estimated by DFT calculations.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1878-1890
pages 1878-1890 views

Synthesis and structure of 6-azido-2,4-bis(2,2,2-trinitroethylamino)-1,3,5-triazine and its N-nitro derivatives

Aldoshin S., Korepin A., Shastin A., Lagodzinskaya G., Shilov G., Korchagin D., Glushakova N., Malygina V., Kosilko V., Lodygina V.


Methods were developed for the synthesis of 6-azido-2,4-bis(2,2,2-trinitroethylamino)- 1,3,5-triazine and its N-nitro derivatives (6-azido-2,4-bis(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)nitramino-1,3,5-triazine and 6-azido-2-(2,2,2-trinitroethylamino)-4-(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)nitramino-1,3,5-triazine) containing combinations of azido, trinitroethyl, and nitramine groups. These compounds are of interest as components of energetic composites. The molecular and crystal structures of 6-azido-2,4-bis(2,2,2-trinitroethylamino)-1,3,5-triazine and 6-azido-2,4-bis(2,2,2-trinitroethyl) nitramino-1,3,5-triazine were studied by X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1891-1898
pages 1891-1898 views

Synthesis of fluorine-containing esters of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid

Sakharov A., Smirnova O., Glazkov A., Yarosh A.


Fluorinated esters of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid have been synthesized starting from 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid dichloride and fluorine-containing diols. The reaction control was performed by means of 1H, 19F NMR, and IR-spectroscopy. Thermal stability, as well as glass transition temperature, and intrinsic viscosity parameters of the obtained oligomers have been determined.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1899-1902
pages 1899-1902 views

Polyheteroarylenes based on 2,3,7,8-tetraaminodibenzo-p-dioxin and aromatic polyfunctional carboxylic acids

Mognonov D., Ayurova O., Il’ina O., Khakhinov V.


Polynaphthoylene benzimidazole and polybenzimidazole were obtained via polycondensation of 2,3,7,8-tetraaminodibenzo-p-dioxin with aromatic di- and tetracarboxylic acids in polyphosphoric acid. From a solution of polynaphthoylene benzimidazole in methanesulfonic acid a heat-resistant fiber with high tensile strength was obtained. Aromatic polybenzimidazoles are promising materials for producing membranes of medium-temperature fuel cells.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1903-1907
pages 1903-1907 views

Synthesis of oligosiloxanes with 3-aminopropyl groups and their testing as surfactants in the preparation of polymer microspheres

Gritskova I., Lakhtin V., Shragin D., Ezhova A., Sokolskaya I., Krizhanovsky I., Storozhenko P., Muzafarov A.


Polydimethyl-co-methyl(3-aminopropyl)siloxanes differing in the content of amino groups and molecular weight were synthesized by two pathways, namely, by hydrosilylation of oligodimethyl-co-methylhydrоsiloxane with N-(trimethylsilyl)allylamine (TMSAA) and by copolymerization of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane with methyl(3-aminopropyl)cyclosiloxanes. The colloid-chemical properties of the synthesized oligomers were studied. The oligosiloxanes possess high surface activity and can reduce the interfacial tension in the interface surfactant solution in toluene–water to 6.7–4.2 mJ m2. Aggregatively stable polystyrene suspensions with particle of 0.5 and 0.8 μm in diameter were obtained in the presence of the synthesized oligomers.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1908-1914
pages 1908-1914 views

Azide pre-click modification of chitosan: N-(2-azidoethyl)chitosan

Kritchenkov A., Egorov A., Skorik Y.


N-(2-Azidoethyl)chitosan was synthesized from low-molecular-weight chitosan (molecular weight 37 000 and degree of deacetylation 0.74) in three steps: (1) reaction of chitosan with chloroacetaldehyde to form a Schiffbase, (2) reduction of the Schiffbase with sodium borohydride, and (3) treatment of the reduction product with sodium azide. The course of the formation of the Schiffbase (this step is determining for the degree of substitution of the final product) was affected by the molar ratio of the reagents, the reaction time, and, primarily, the pH value of the medium. This method for selective to an amino group, does not require harsh conditions, and can be proposed for the azide pre-click modification of chitosan.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1915-1919
pages 1915-1919 views

Selective O- and N-nitration of steroids fused to the pyrazole ring

Shakhnes A., Dalinger I., Shashkov A., Chernoburova E., Shchetinina M., Zavarzin I.


Chemoselective methods for O- and N-nitration of steroids fused to the pyrazole ring were developed. The nitrating agents were acetyl, propionyl, and trifluoroacetyl nitrates generated from carboxylic acid anhydrides and either copper nitrate or nitric acid. Depending on the reaction conditions, the developed methods allow both selective nitration at the pyrazole nitrogen atom leaving intact the hydroxy group of steroid framework and dinitration giving rise to the corresponding nitrates of steroidal nitropyrazoles.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1920-1926
pages 1920-1926 views

Structure of О-polysaccharide of Escherichia coli O95: a disaccharide repeating unit containing d-fucose and d-threo-pent-2-ulose (xylulose)

Perepelov A., Senchenkova S., Kalinchuk N., Shashkov A., Knirel Y.


The structure of О-polysaccharide (О-antigen) of Escherichia coli O95 was established using the analysis of deacylated lipopolysaccharide of E. coli O95 by 2D 1H and 13С NMR spectroscopy. It was found to consist of disaccharide repeating units containing one of each 3-substituted residues of d-fucose and d-threo-pent-2-ulose (xylulose).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1931-1933
pages 1931-1933 views

To the memory of Vladimir Mikhailovich Novotortsev (1946–2018)

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1942-1942
pages 1942-1942 views

Full Articles

H–D exchange between quercetin and solvent in the presence of AuI chloride complexes with DMSO: quantum chemical modeling

Nikitenko N., Shestakov A.


The pathways of H–D exchange between quercetin and solvent taking into account the effects of the medium are considered using quantum chemical calculations and the mechanism of selective H–D exchange reaction at the C(2′) position observed only in the presence of Au complexes is identified. It is shown that only the exchange processes in the A-ring have suffi- ciently low activation barriers. In the acidic and alkaline media, these processes occur at lower energies as compared with the reaction in the neutral system, which qualitatively agrees with the published experimental data. It was shown that the AuI chloride complex with DMSO is able to react with the C–H bond at the C(2′) position by the mechanism of electrophilic substitution under mild conditions.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1794-1802
pages 1794-1802 views

Brief Communications

Anion exchange kinetics with participation of cinchomeronic and dipicolinic acids

Altshuler H., Shkurenko G., Altshuler O.


The rate of sorption and desorption of cinchomeronic and dipicolinic acids on the AB-17-8 strongly basic anion exchanger is limited by slow diffusion of components in the polymer phase. The diffusion coefficient of the organic anion in the phase of the AB-17-8 anion exchanger is equal to (3.7±0.5)•10–12 m2 s–1. Taking into account high rates of desorption of anions of cinchomeronic and dipicolinic acids from anionite (the half-transformation time is 6 min), the AB-17-8 strongly basic anion exchanger can be recommended for use as a container for development of prolonged drugs based on pyridinedicarboxylic acids.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1927-1930
pages 1927-1930 views

Letters to the Editor

pages 1934-1935 views


Publication activity in the field of medicinal chemistry in 2008–2017: Russian research in the global flow

Soboleva N., Evdokimenkova Y.


The bibliometric analysis of scientific works on medicinal chemistry published over the last ten years is performed. The data obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection citation database suggest a decrease in the number of studies in the European developed countries and the United States, while this number increased in China, India, and the Latin American countries. There is a growing number of open-access articles on medicinal chemistry among which the portion of review papers increases. In Russia, this field is extensively progressing: the publication activity from 2008 to 2017 increased 2.5-fold.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(10):1936-1941
pages 1936-1941 views

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