Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

Publishing nearly 500 original articles on actual trends in chemistry per year, by leading Scientists from Russia and throughout the world, Russian Chemical Bulletin is a prominent international journal. The coverage of the journal spans practically all areas of fundamental chemical research including:

  • General and Inorganic Chemistry;
  • Physical Chemistry;
  • Chemical Physics;
  • Organic Chemistry;
  • Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry;
  • Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Bioorganic and Biomolecular Chemistry;
  • Medicinal Chemistry;
  • Chemistry of Polymers;
  • Supramolecular Chemistry;
  • Nanochemistry;
  • Materials Chemistry;
  • Interdisciplinary Articles.

The journal does not publish papers dealing with highly specialized or purely applied subjects. Papers containing material published or submitted for publication in other journals are not accepted.

The Russian Chemical Bulletin publishes papers containing the results of original studies as Full Papers, Brief Communications, or Letters to the Editor. The journal also publishes Analytical Reviews (including authoґs reviews and prognostic reviews) dealing with topical problems of chemical science as well as information communications.

Author´s analytical reviews should represent an integration and analysis of results of a series of studies dealing with a common topic mostly carried out by one author or a group of authors.

Prognostic and analytical reviews should provide a critical consideration of the current state and prospects for development of relevant issues of chemical sciences. The size of reviews is not strictly limited.

The size of Full Papers is not strictly limited: however, it is desirable that it does not exceed 16 pages of typewritten text (three figures are considered equivalent to one page). The size of a Brief Communication should not exceed eight typewritten pages. Letters to the Editor should briefly present fundamentally important scientific results requiring rapid publication. A Letter to the Editor should not exceed in size four typewritten pages.

More information is available at the editor's website via the following link: http://www.russchembull.ru/


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