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Vol 66, No 4 (2017)


Modification of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene fibers and powders using low-temperature plasma

Gilman A.B., Kuznetsov А.А., Ozerin А.N.


Literature data on the surface modification of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene as fibers and powder under the influence of low-temperature plasma are analyzed. The change in polymer chemical composition and structure is described. The results of the studies, indicating a significant improvement in the contact and adhesion characteristics of the modified polymer and composite materials, are discussed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):577-586
pages 577-586 views

Double molybdates of rare earth elements and zirconium

Bazarova J.G., Tushinova Y.L., Bazarov B.G., Dorzhieva S.G.


The results of the study of Ln2(MoO4)3—Zr(MoO4)2 molybdate systems, which made it possible to obtain new double molybdates, are summarized. The specific features of phase formation in double salt systems were determined and the formation of phases with the compositions given by three formulas Ln2Zr3(MoO4)9 (Ln = La—Tb), Ln2Zr2(MoO4)7 (Ln = Sm—Y), and Ln2Zr(MoO4)5 (Ln = Tb—Lu) was established. Phase diagrams of the systems were constructed and the interrelation between the composition and the structure of the obtained phases was determined; in addition, crystallographic, thermal, and dielectric characteristics of the obtained compounds were studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):587-592
pages 587-592 views

Synthesis of functional furan derivatives by oxidation of furans and formylfurans with hydrogen peroxide

Badovskaya L.A., Poskonin V.V., Povarova L.V.


The review analyzes the effects of the reaction conditions on the direction of the reactions between furans/formylfurans and hydrogen peroxide. The revealed dependences serve for the synthesis of the desired products and for development of new methods to access α-hydroxy hydroperoxides of furan aldehydes, 2-furanoic acid and its esters and amides, a series of furoic acids bearing the substituent at the furan ring, 2(5H)-furanone and its homologs and functional derivatives, as well as 2,5-dialkoxydihydrofurans. The developed procedures are more advantageous than the conventional methods.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):593-599
pages 593-599 views

Full Articles

Comparison of some methods of theoretical photochemistry and spectroscopy

Morozov V.A., Chuvylkin N.D., Smolensky E.A.


We compared two approaches to the mathematical modeling of state population dynamics in a model reaction complex, which is intended for the description of an intramolecular photochemical reaction in a four-level molecule or a secondary photochemical reaction caused by an irreversible transfer of photoexcitation energy from a three-level reagent molecule to one of the states of the product molecule. One approach (used in theoretical photochemistry) involves using the solution of the optical Bloch equations for the complex, while another (used in theoretical spectroscopy) involves the solution of the Schrцdinger equation for a composite system of complex molecules, quantized radiation field, and environment phonon field. The results of these approaches are in agreement in the case of irradiation of the model complex with ultrashort pulses with a resonant carrier frequency, but are considerably different in the case of irradiation with a long pulse. We conclude that when modeling the photoreaction dynamics using a long radiation pulse, the approach based on theoretical spectroscopy formalism should be used. For the considered reactions, the obtained characteristics of the dynamics can serve as a reference point for the choice of photoreaction, the study of which by photochemistry methods will make possible the confirmation of the accuracy of the drawn conclusion and the used concepts on the transformation of light by molecules, accompanied by a photoreaction.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):600-606
pages 600-606 views

Thermodynamics of krypton adsorption on microporous carbon adsorbent at high pressures

Shkolin A.V., Fomkin A.A., Potapov S.V.


The behavior of the thermodynamic functions for the adsorption system krypton—microporous carbon sorbent ACC is described. The dependences of the differential molar isosteric heat of adsorption, entropy, enthalpy, heat capacity, and differential molar energy of the adsorption system on the adsorption equilibrium parameters were studied over the temperature range from 178 to 393 K and at pressures ranging from 1 to 6•106 Pa. Consideration of the non-ideality of gas phase and non-inertness of the adsorbent leads to a temperature dependence of the thermodynamic functions of the studied adsorption system, especially in the range of high pressures of the adsorptive. The non-ideality of the gas phase and the energetics of the adsorbent—adsorbate system exert the most significant effect on the thermodynamic functions. The non-inertness of the adsorbent in the investigated range of parameters of the adsorption system has a weak effect on the thermodynamic functions of adsorption. In the region of high filling of ACC micropores, the entropy increases, indicating the existence of processes, which change the structure of the adsorbate in the micropores, in particular, to form associates.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):607-613
pages 607-613 views

Influence of surface properties of the titanium dioxide porous films on the characteristics of solar cells

Serikov T.M., Ibrayev N.K., Nuraje N., Savilov S.V., Lunin V.V.


Porous films formed by cylindrical geometrically anisotropic fragments of TiO2 have been produced by electrochemical anodization of titanium. The specific surface area and pore volume of the samples were determined by the BET method. It is shown that the samples have a bimodal pore-size distribution with maxima depending on the anodization voltage: by increase in voltage the inner diameter of the cylindrical pores grows, which leads to a decrease in the specific surface area. Dye sensitized solar cells were assembled on the basis of the obtained materials to study the effect of certain characteristics on the efficiency of solar energy conversion. The electrical transport properties of the films were studied by impedance spectroscopy.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):614-621
pages 614-621 views

Germylenes and stannylenes based on aminobisphenolate ligands: insertion into the C—Br bond

Zaitsev K.V., Kuchuk E.A., Churakov A.V., Zaitseva G.S., Egorov M.P., Karlov S.S.


A reaction of previously synthesized germylenes and stannylenes based on aminobisphenols RN{CH2[(5-R´)(3-But)C6H2(2-O—)]}2MII, M = Ge, R = CH2(2-Py), R´ = But (1); M = Ge, R = Et, R´ = Me (2); M = Sn, R = CH2(2-Py), R´ = But (3); M = Sn, R = Et, R´ = Me (4), containing (tetrylenes 1 and 3) or not containing (tetrylenes 2 and 4) a group capable of additional donation, with allyl bromide leads to the products of the insertion of tetrylenes into the C—Br bond: RN{CH2[(5-R´)(3-But)C6H2(2-O—)]}2M(Br)All, M = Ge, R = CH2(2-Py), R´ = But (5); M = Ge, R = Et, R´ = Me (6); M = Sn, R = CH2(2-Py), R´ = But (7); M = Sn, R = Et, R´ = Me (8). The structures of obtained derivatives were confirmed by NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The structures of compounds 4, 5, and 7 were studied by X-ray crystallography. Stannylene 4 was found to be monomeric in the solid phase: the coordination number of the Sn atom is 3. The insertion products 5 and 7 are characterized by the coordination number 6 for the central atom.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):622-627
pages 622-627 views

Solution state and complexing ability of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane toward iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II)

Neklyudov V.V., Boos G.A., Shulaeva M.M., Chmutova G.A., Bagina Y.I., Salnikov Y.I., Amirov R.R.


The solution state and thermodynamic stability of complexes of the new antituberculosis agent 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane (L) with iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II) in an aqueous solution in the presence and in the absence of the nonionic surfactant Brij 35 were studied by spectrophotometry, pH potentiometry, NMR relaxation technique (T = 25 °C; variable ionic strength), and mathematical simulation. The geometry optimization of all structures was carried out by the molecular mechanics method MM2 in order to obtain data on coordination modes. In addition, the structure of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane was refined by the DFT/B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) quantum chemical method using the IEFPCM model to take into account solvent effects. In an aqueous solution (in the concentration range of 1.3•10–5—1•10–3 mol L–1) and in the presence of Brij 35, 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane exists as a neutral monomer. The Beer—Lambert—Bouguer law is obeyed in a wide concentration range for compound L in an aqueous solution, as well as in the presence of the surfactant, which can be used for the quantification of compound L. Iron(III), cobalt(II), and nickel(II) were shown to form 1: 1 mononuclear complexes with L; and copper(II) forms, 1: 1 and 2: 2 complexes. The presence of Brij 35 in the Cu2+L system at a micellar concentration promotes the formation of a dinuclear complex.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):628-635
pages 628-635 views

Chromatography-mass spectrometry studies of transarylation and disproportionation reactions of diaryl telluroxides

Eliseeva E.V., Red´kin N.A., Gar´kin V.P., Pytskii I.S., Buryak A.K.


Electrospray ionization chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to study transarylation and disproportionation reactions of di(4-methoxyphenyl) and di(4-dimethylaminophenyl) telluroxides in refluxing toluene. The reaction mixture compositions were established based on the mass spectrometry data and relative retention times. General schemes for fragmentation of the reaction mixture components were suggested.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):636-642
pages 636-642 views

Experimental and quantum chemical study of biosynthetic lignin models — dehydropolymers

Karmanov A.P., Ishankhodzhaeva M.M., Derkacheva O.Y.


Using IR Fourier transform spectroscopy we consider biosynthetic lignin models, namely, dehydropolymers. Quantum chemical calculations of IR spectra of model lignin structures were carried out within the framework of the density functional theory with the B3LYP functional in the 6-31+G(d,p) basis. The IR spectrum of a dimer with the C(8)—O—C(4) fragment describes well the specific features of the spectrum of the dehydropolymer synthesized from coniferyl alcohol. The presence of dimeric structures with double bonds in aliphatic chains and ether bonds between aromatic rings was determined in dehydropolymers from ferulic acid. The results of theoretical and experimental studies were shown to be in agreement with each other.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):643-647
pages 643-647 views

Nanocatalysts for photocatalytic air purification systems

Vershinin N.N., Balikhin I.L., Bakaev V.A., Berestenko V.I., Efimov O.N., Kabachkov E.N., Kurkin E.N.


Nanocatalysts containing platinum and palladium clusters have been synthesized on the basis of detonation nanodiamond, cubic silicon carbide, and titanium dioxide. Characteristic size of the Pt cluster was close to 4 nm on both nanodiamond (particle size 5 nm) and β-SiC (particle size 13 nm) supports. The catalysts show high catalytic activity in reactions of CO oxidation and photocatalytic oxidation of ethanol at room temperature and low concentrations (<100 mg m3). They are promising in photocatalytic air purification systems for domestic use.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):648-651
pages 648-651 views

Effect of pretreatment of graphite oxide on activity of platinum supported catalysts in liquid-phase hydrogenation

Kushch S.D., Kuyunko N.S.


The effect of the reduction procedure of graphite oxide (GO) on activity of platinum supported catalysts in liquid-phase hydrogenation of nitrobenzene and dec-1-ene was studied. The following methods were applied to prepare the catalysts: simultaneous reduction of graphite oxide and H2PtCl6; deposition of platinum on graphite oxide which was preliminary subjected to reduction with sodium tetrahydroborate or hydrazine hydrate, or to thermal reduction at 1000 and 1050 °С. It was shown that at equal Pt particles size of ca. 2 nm the catalyst supported on thermally reduced graphite oxide is more active in the model reactions than the catalysts supported on chemically reduced graphite oxide. The catalyst prepared by simultaneous reduction was the least active.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):652-660
pages 652-660 views

Phase-transfer Tsuji—Trost allylation of CH-acids with the assistance of palladium complexes with bidentate PIII—N—PIII ligands

Vasil´ev A.A., Aladzheva I.M., Bykhovskaya O.V.


The Tsuji—Trost allylation of CH acids, in particular, those of the YCH2CO2Et type (Y = CO2Et, C(O)Me, CN), with allylic acetates in the K2CO3—DMF system in the presence of palladium catalysts with ligands RN(PPh2)2 (R = Ph, Pri, c-C6H11) is accomplished.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):661-665
pages 661-665 views

Phase composition of Mg—Al mixed oxides, their activity and selectivity in the ethanol condensation reaction

Bessudnov A.E., Kustov L.M., Mishin I.V., Mikhailov M.N.


Layered hydroxides with a molar ratio of metals Mg: Al: M = 3: 1: 1 (M = Fe, Ce, Zr, Cr) were prepared and served as a basis to obtain the mixed oxides MgAlOx, MgAlCrOx, MgAlCeOx, MgAlZrOx, and MgAlCrOx. Powder X-ray diffraction was used to study the phase composition of the oxides. It was suggested that the catalyst active surface is related to the presence of spineltype X-ray amorphous compounds. Ammonia adsorption was used to determine the total acidity, and deuterated acetonitrile adsorption was applied to estimate the strength of acid sites. The catalytic properties of complex oxides were studied in the ethanol condensation reaction. An attempt was made to correlate the catalyst activity and selectivity and the distribution of acid and base sites on the catalyst surface.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):666-672
pages 666-672 views

Selective aqueous-phase hydrogenation of furfural to cyclopentanol over PdRu/C catalyst

Mironenko R.M., Belskaya O.B., Lavrenov A.V., Likholobov V.A.


The bimetallic PdRu catalyst supported on carbon nanotubes were found ot provide an efficient synthesis of cyclopentanol in aqueous-phase hydrogenation of furfural. Under the chosen reaction conditions (temperature of 473 K, total pressure of 8 MPa), the selectivity towards cyclopentanol reaches 77% at a complete conversion of furfural. A high activity of this catalyst can be associated with changes in the electronic state and dispersion of the supported metals caused by their mutual interaction and formation of PdRu alloy.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):673-676
pages 673-676 views

Oxidation of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol to 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-benzoquinon over binary xerogels TiO2—SiO2 in the three-phase system

Mikushina Y.V., Shishmakov A.B., Petro L.A.


The technique of synthesis of 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-benzoquinon via catalytic oxidation of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol in H2O2—H2O—PhCH3 system with vibrational stirring is developed. Xerogels TiO2 and TiO2—SiO2 were used as catalysts in the process. The effect of physicochemical properties of xerogels on the course and characteristics of oxidation is studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):677-682
pages 677-682 views

Influence of the nature of solvent and substituents on the oxidation potential of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl derivatives

Mendkovich A.S., Luzhkov V.B., Syroeshkin M.A., Sen´ V.D., Khartsii D.I., Rusakov A.I.


The influence of solvent (DMF, MeCN, and water) and R1, R2 substituent nature on the formal oxidation potential (E°´) of 4-R1,R2-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyls (1a—f) on a glass carbon electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry. It was shown that for all the solvents the observed dependence had the form E°´ = ρ″σ″ + b, where σ″ is the substituent constant. The b values decreased with an increase of the solvent solvating ability, while the values ρ″ are similar for all the solvents, surpassing the corresponding values for nitroxyls of the imidazoline series with substituents at position 3, which can be interpreted as an abnormally strong influence of the substituent remote from the reaction center in 1a—f. The experimental values E°´ were linearly correlated with the reaction free energy values (ΔG) calculated by DFT B3LYP and MP2 for the gas phase contribution and by HF/PCM for the contribution of solvation effects. When applying the B3LYP and the HF/PCM approaches in combination, the dependence of E°´ on ΔG for all the considered solvents was described by a linear correlation equation with a slope close to unity and a constant term which was close to the theoretical value of the absolute potential of the reference electrode used.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):683-689
pages 683-689 views

Reaction of 2-(alkenylsulfanyl)pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones with hydrochloric acid

Frolova T.V., Kim D.G., Slepukhin P.A., Osheko K.Y.


Hydrochloric acid reacts with 5-ethyl-2-methallylsulfanyl-6-methylpyrimidin-4(3H)-ones to protonate the nitrogen atom; it adds to the double bond of 2-prenylsulfanyl-6-(trifluoromethyl)pyrimidin-4(3H)-one and gives the addition and heterocyclization products in the case of 2-prenylsulfanyl-6-methylpyrimidin-4(3H)-one.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):690-693
pages 690-693 views

Polymorphism of bimolecular crystals of CL-20 with tris[1,2,5]oxadiazolo[3,4-b:3´,4´-d:3″,4″-f]azepine-7-amine

Aliev Z.G., Goncharov T.K., Dashko D.V., Ignat´eva E.L., Vasil´eva A.A., Shishov N.I., Korchagin D.V., Milekhin Y.M., Aldoshin S.M.


New bimolecular crystals (BMCs) of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) with tris[1,2,5]oxadiazolo[3,4-b:3´,4´-d:3″,4″-f]azepine-7-amine (AZ2) were synthesized. Four different crystal structures — two polymorphic modifications with the CL-20: AZ2 ratio of 1: 1 (BMCs 1 and 2) and two polymorphic modifications with the ratio of 1: 2 (BMCs 3 and 4) — were obtained depending on the crystallization conditions. These crystals were studied by X-ray diffraction. The results of quantum chemical calculations indicate that the new η-conformation found in crystal 1 is not a stable conformer of CL-20 and its existence is attributed to the crystal packing effects in structure 1.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):694-701
pages 694-701 views

Water-soluble fullerene С60 derivative obtained by radiation polymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidone in the presence of С60

Gordon D.A., Volodina V.A., Mikhailov A.I.


Method of radiation polymerization of N-vinylpirrolidone (NVP) in the presence of fullerene C60 has been used to obtain water soluble compound containing fullerene C60. The yield of resulted product was ~10% in the case of low-temperature radiation polymerization of NVP—C60 mixture in ethanol and ~40% at 300 K. The content of C60 in obtained product was ~0.5 wt.%.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):702-706
pages 702-706 views

Synthesis and structure of tris(4-fluorophenylantimony) dicarboxylates: (4-FC6H4)3Sb[OC(O)R]2, R = CH2I, C6F5

Sharutin V.V., Sharutina O.K.


Tris(4-fluorophenyl)antimony reacts with iodoacetic and pentafluorobenzoic acids in the presence of tert-butylhydroperoxide to give tris(4-fluorophenyl)antimony bis(iodoacetate) and tris(4-fluorophenyl)antimony bis(pentafluorobenzoate), respectively. Structures of organoantimony compounds were established by 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):707-710
pages 707-710 views

Rheological properties of acrylonitrile—acrylamide—styrene copolymer solutions synthesized by classical and controlled radical polymerizations

Chernikova E.V., Kulichikhin V.G., Ilyin S.O., Baskakov A.A.


The results of a comparative study of the rheological properties of acrylonitrile copolymers solutions synthesized by classical and controlled radical polymerizations in aprotic solvents (dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethylformamide, and dimethylacetamide) are presented. The influence of the chemical nature of comonomers (styrene and acrylamide) and their share in the composition of the chain on the viscosity of solutions is discussed. For all copolymers, the viscosity of solutions is determined by a product of the intrinsic viscosity per concentration. In the transition from dilute and semi-dilute solutions to the concentrated solutions, the form of the dependence changes from linear to power-law. The concentrated solutions are non-Newtonian liquids exhibiting viscoelasticity. Copolymer solutions obtained by controlled radical polymerization have a higher viscosity and less pronounced non-Newtonian behavior. The solutions of copolymers with a high comonomer content obtained in dimethylformamide have the lowest viscosity.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):711-716
pages 711-716 views

Synthesis of N-(N-bromoacetylglycyl)-β-D-glycopyranosylamines, derivatives of monoand di-α-L-fucosylated diand trisaccharides

Likhosherstov L.M., Novikova O.S., Kolotyrkina N.G., Berezin B.B., Piskarev V.E.


N-(N-Bromoacetylglycyl)-β-glycopyranosylamines of diand trisaccharides, namely, α-LFucp-(1→6)-β-D-GlcNAcp-NHCOCH2NHCOCH2Br, α-L-Fucp-(1→3)-β-D-GlcNAcpNHCOCH2NHCOCH2Br, α-L-Fucp-(1→6)-[α-L-Fucp-(1→3)]-β-D-GlcNAcp-NHCOCH2NHCOCH2Br, α-L-Fucp-(1→4)-[β-D-Galp-(1→3)]-β-D-GlcNAcp-NHCOCH2NHCOCH2Br, and α-L-Fucp-(1→2)-β-D-Galp-(1→4)-β-D-Glcp-NHCOCH2NHCOCH2Br, were synthesized in ~70% yields by treatment of the appropriate N-glycyl-β-glycopyranosylamines with N-bromoacetoxysuccinimide in aqueous DMF. The synthesized diand trisaccharide bromo derivatives are proposed for the obtaining of neoglycoconjugates of physiologically active substances, for instance, of daunorubicin anticancer agent.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):717-720
pages 717-720 views

Brief Communications

Quantum chemical study of ferrocene derivatives 1. Arylation reactions with aminobenzoic acids

Mamarakhmonov M.K., Belen´kii L.I., Djurayev A.M., Chuvylkin N.D., Askarov I.R.


Quantum chemical calculations of arylation reactions of ferrocene with three aminobenzoic acid isomers were carried out. Based on the results of the calculations using HF/3-21G, DFT/ B3LYP/3-21G and their comparison with experimentally obtained data, the causes of the difference in the yields of isomer reaction products in the gas phase and in a solution were analyzed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):721-723
pages 721-723 views

Quantum chemical study of ferrocene derivatives 2. Arylation reactions with aminophenols

Mamarakhmonov M.K., Belen´kii L.I., Chuvylkin N.D., Askarov I.R.


Using the Hartree–Fock approximation and within the framework of the density functional theory (DFT) with the B3LYP functional in the 3-21G basis we carried out quantum chemical calculations of ferrocene molecules having a non-benzoid aromatic nature and products of its arylation by o-, m-, and p-aminophenols, leading to ferrocenylphenols. The process yields were strongly dependent on the specific aminophenol isomer. We analyzed the causes of these differences and the role of solvation effects. We demonstrated that the aromaticity condition, which presumes a planar positioning of atoms in cyclic structures, as well as the Hückel rule, are met. The reasons for the multiple reactivity of the ferrocene molecule and the relatively high yield of the p-product in a diethyl ether medium are discussed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):724-726
pages 724-726 views

Synthesis of new halo-substituted pyrazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazines

Ivanov S.M., Mironovich L.M., Rodinovskaya L.A., Shestopalov A.M.


Ethyl 3-tert-butyl-4-oxo-7-X-4,6-dihydropyrazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazine-8-carboxylates (X = H, Cl, Br) were synthesized for the first time by diazotization of 7-amino-3-tert-butyl-4oxo-8-ethoxycarbonyl-6H-pyrazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazines with tert-butyl nitrite in the presence of trimethylsilyl halides. A new method was developed: a reaction between 7-amino-3-tert-butyl-4-oxo-6H-pyrazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazine-8-carboxylic acid and I2/TEA followed by treatment with NaBH4 led to a mild decarboxylation. The acid reacts with N-halosuccinimides to give novel 8-halo-substituted derivatives. The amino groups of the latter were acylated by treatment with trifluoroacetic anhydride to give monoacylation products.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):727-731
pages 727-731 views

Structure of the O-polysaccharides of Escherichia coli O162 containing 4-deoxy-D-arabino-hexose and structurally related O-polysaccharides of E. coli O101

Shashkov A.S., Senchenkova S.N., Perepelov A.V., Knirel Y.A.


Immunospecificity of gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli, is defined by the fine structure of the O-specific polysaccharide chain of the lipopolysaccharide called O-antigen. Structures of the O-antigens have been established for the majority of about 200 known serotypes of E. coli but serotype O162 was among few that have not been studied in this respect yet. In the present work, it was found that bacteria of this serotype produce several O-polysaccharides differing in the main chains composed of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine residues as well as in the presence or absence of side-chain 4-deoxy-D-arabino-hexose residues. It was also shown that E. coli O101 produces two linear O-polysaccharides, which are structurally similar to the main chains of E. coli O162, whereas only one of them had been identified in these bacteria earlier.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):732-734
pages 732-734 views



Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):735-753
pages 735-753 views


V International Conference "Supramolecular Systems at the Interface"

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2017;66(4):754-754
pages 754-754 views
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pages 757-757 views
pages 758-758 views

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