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Vol 63, No 9 (2018)


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Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):959-960
pages 959-960 views

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

Scattering of Laser Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere and Its Influence on the Operation of Quasi-Continuous Lidar

Grigor’evskii V.I., Sadovnikov V.P., Tezadov Y.A., Elbakidze A.V.


The paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental study of the backscattering of light in ground tests of a space lidar operating in the continuous or quasi-continuous mode when the time gating and the elimination of the effect of backscattering of light in the atmosphere on the received signal are impossible. The small discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental data caused by cloudy weather and the presence of moisture in the atmosphere is explained. The backscattering is reduced to the magnitude of the photodetector noise by increasing the distance between the receiver and the transmitter by 25 cm.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):961-964
pages 961-964 views

Metaparticles of Pulsed Wave Fields

Shevchenko V.V.


Properties of elementary particles of pulsed (localized) electromagnetic and acoustic wave fields directionally radiated by aperture sources (antennas, lasers, acoustic diaphragms) in free space and homogeneous isotropic media, for which the term metaparticle is used, are considered. The structure of the wave field and the energy transferred by the metaparticles are presented. The results obtained for the presented scalar theory of metaparticles of pulsed transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves and longitudinal elastic acoustic waves can be extended to vector pulsed wave modes guided by layered inhomogeneous guiding media and guiding technical devices (waveguides).

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):965-967
pages 965-967 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

A Bifocal Focused Two-Dimensional Frequency-Scanned Array

Bankov S.E.


A 2D frequency-scanned array focused in the near-field zone is analyzed. A method for the synthesis of this array ensuring perfect field focusing in two points at two frequencies is proposed. Array scanning in two planes (longitudinal and transverse) is analyzed with the use of an approximate model. The motion trajectory of the focal spot (scanning arc) and optical aberrations associated with scanning are studied. Different variants of determination of the scanning arc, using the criterion of the maximum field intensity and the criterion of the maximum aperture efficiency of the array, are considered. It is shown that application of bifocal arrays can improve main quality indices as compared to those of single-focus arrays.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):968-979
pages 968-979 views

Statistical Radiophysics

Waves in Large Disordered Fractal Systems: Radar, Nanosystems, and Clusters of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Small-Size Spacecrafts

Potapov A.A.


Problems and methods of development of the general theory of multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves in fractal randomly inhomogeneous media based on modifications of the classical Foldy–Tversky theory are considered. The backscattering processes, which are specific for radar probing of a fractal medium or a fractal target are studied. It is shown that the fractal signature can be used to study the dependence of volume scattering on distance and space-time evolution of atmospheric formations and multiple groups of artificial and natural objects.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):980-997
pages 980-997 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Truncation Error Bound for the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov Series

Budunova K.A., Kravchenko V.F., Pustovoit V.I.


The truncation error of the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov series, which is a generalization of the Whittaker–Kotelnikov–Shannon series, is studied. The basis functions of the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov series are the spectra Fa(t) of the atomic function ha(x), linearly transformed with respect to the argument. In this case, the function Fa(t) is defined by an infinite product. Two theorems on the truncation error bound for the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov series are proven. A practically important case in which the infinite product Fa(t) is replaced by a partial one is considered. A comparative analysis of the obtained formulae is carried out.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):998-1004
pages 998-1004 views

Pulse Modulation of Multicolor Radiation Via Light Diffraction by Sound

Kotov V.M., Shkerdin G.N.


Three acousto-optic materials, ТеО2, SiO2, and LiNbO3, widely used in production of acousto-optic cells for pulse modulation of the multicolor optical radiation, have been compared. It is demonstrated that the ТеО2 acousto-optic cell has an undoubted advantage in terms of the electric power consumption, first of all, due to its high acousto-optic figure of merit, while SiO2 and LiNbO3 cells are preferable from the viewpoint of the lowest distortions in transformation of electrical pulses into optical signals. Main theoretical conclusions have been confirmed by experiments on modulation of the multicolor Ar laser radiation.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1005-1008
pages 1005-1008 views

Dynamics Chaos in Radiophysics and Electronics

Cell of Radio-Light Receiver

Gulyaev Y.V., Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Ryzhov A.I., Uvarov A.V.


Development of a receiver of incoherent microwave radiation that can be generated by wideband generators of chaotic oscillations or reflected by objects and surfaces irradiated by such generators is considered. A structure of the device is proposed, an experimental prototype is described, and detection of incoherent sources of microwave radiation with an integral power of about 2 mW is demonstrated at a distance of greater than 100 m. Experimental results are presented to prove that the receiver can be used for distance measurement and as a motion sensor in the absence of direct visibility.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1009-1014
pages 1009-1014 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Generation of Terahertz Radiation Spectra by Radiation Sources Based on Solid-State Micro- and Nanostructures and Detection of Terahertz Spectra

Vilkov E.A., Dyuzhikov I.N., Zaitsev-Zotov S.V., Logunov M.V., Nikitov S.A., Safonov S.S., Chigarev S.G.


Principles and mechanisms of generation of terahertz electromagnetic oscillations by generators based on solid-state micro- and nanostructures are discussed. Parameters of experimental models of such devices are given. A theoretical model of terahertz radiation in magnetic metal junctions is presented, and the possibility of varying the frequency of a spin-injection terahertz oscillator is demonstrated. The results of development of methods for examining the spectral characteristics of radiation in the 0.15–80 THz range with a spectral resolution of up to 1.8 GHz are detailed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1015-1026
pages 1015-1026 views

The Influence of Dissipation on the Dispersion Characteristics of Surface Spin Waves

Annenkov A.Y., Gerus S.V.


Dissipation of surface spin waves propagating in arbitrary directions in a magnetized ferromagnetic film is studied. It is shown that the allowance for dissipation restricts the domain of possible wave vectors to a finite region and leads to the appearance above this region of the continuation of a dispersion surface in the form of an inverted cap with a negative slope and a large damping of the waves. It is noted that the solution gives an infinite number of almost coincident dispersion surfaces with a sharp increase in the damping coefficient with each next surface, so that the waves become practically nonpropagating. The analysis of the dispersion surfaces shows that the lower part has a positive slope and describes forward waves, the damping of which is proportional to a small dissipation constant but, in the upper part of the surface, the damping coefficient sharply increases. It is found that the directions of the group velocities of the waves substantially change in comparison with a dissipationless medium and some frequency and angular restrictions on the propagation of surface waves also become different.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1027-1034
pages 1027-1034 views

Propagation of Magnetostatic Surface Waves in a Dissipative Ferrite Plate

Keller Y.I., Makarov P.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.


In the geometry of a plane-parallel in-plane magnetized ferrite plate with dissipation, the dispersion of forward and backward magnetostatic surface waves propagating in an arbitrary direction relative to the field has been investigated. Dispersion curves as functions of the imaginary and real parts of the complex wave number has been constructed. The group velocity of both wave propagation and increase of wave attenuation have been considered. The frequency range of the experimentally observable waves has been estimated at a specified level of sensitivity of the measuring instruments.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1035-1041
pages 1035-1041 views

Analysis of Terahertz Radiation Spectra in Multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures

Volkov O.Y., Dyuzhikov I.N., Logunov M.V., Nikitov S.A., Pavlovskii V.V., Shchavruk N.V., Pavlov A.Y., Khabibullin R.A.


The results of examination of the terahertz radiation spectra of multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures synthesized on GaAs substrates are presented. The dependence of the radiation spectrum on the amplitude of the excitation current pulse and temperature dependences of the threshold lasing current and the radiation power of terahertz quantum cascade lasers with a double metallic waveguide, which were built on the basis of these structures, have been obtained. The maximum amplitude of the total radiation power is estimated at 28 μW in the range 3.25–3.32 THz at a temperature of 15 K. The spectral radiation density of the oscillator is measured. Changes in the mode content of radiation induced by the bias-current variation have been observed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1042-1046
pages 1042-1046 views

Spectrum of the Ferromagnetic Resonance of a Lattice of Orthogonal Permalloy Microwaveguides

Vysotskii S.L., Dudko G.M., Dzhumaliev A.S., Kozhevnikov A.V., Nikulin Y.V., Sakharov V.K., Khivintsev Y.V., Filimonov Y.A., Khitun A.G., Nikitov S.A.


The ferromagnetic resonance spectrum at a frequency of ~9.85 GHz for an in-plane magnetized 2D square lattice with the unit cell parameter а ≈ 15 μm consisting of orthogonal microwaveguides with a width of w ≈ 5 μm on the basis of a permalloy film with thickness of d ≈ 90 nm has been experimentally and numerically investigated. It is shown that upon variation in the angle θ between the magnetic field direction and the unit cell axis, the total spectrum of spin-wave excitations of the lattice can be presented as a superposition of the spectra of separate permalloy microstrips magnetized at angles θ and π/2–θ and regions corresponding to the lattice nodes. It has been found that, in the case of magnetization along the lattice diagonal (θ ≈ 45о), excitations localized at the lattice nodes dominate in the spectrum, whereas, at θ ≈ 0 and 90°, the main contribution is made by excitations localized mainly on the microwaveguide segments between the lattice nodes; at θ ≈ 10°–13° and 18–20°, “repulsion” of absorption lines in the spectrum is observed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1047-1052
pages 1047-1052 views

Anomalous Photoconduction of Low-Temperature Charge-Density Wave in NbS3-II as a Physical Basis of a Method for Detection of Weak Signals

Zybtsev S.G., Pokrovskii V.Y., Nasretdinova V.F., Zaitsev-Zotov S.V.


The effect of IR radiation on photoconduction of two charge-density waves (CDWs) in the monoclinic phase of quasi-1D conductor NbS3 (NbS3-II) is studied. For the CDW-1 that emerges at a temperature of ТР1 = 360 К, threshold field Et increases with irradiation power W. For CDW-2 that emerges at a temperature of TP2 = 150 K, field Et decreases due to IR irradiation, which proves anomalous character of CDW-2 and indicates direct photoactivation of its sliding. Extremely high sensitivity of the measured signal to IR radiation is obtained using stimulation of the CDW coherence by the microwave field.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1053-1058
pages 1053-1058 views

Microwave Electronics

Microstrip Antenna–Oscillators Integrated with a Waveguide Built in a Dielectric Substrate

Lyubchenko V.E., Kalinin V.I., Kotov V.D., Lyubchenko D.V., Radchenko D.E., Telegin S.A., Yunevich E.O.


The design of a microwave oscillator based on a microstrip log-periodic antenna integrated with a field effect transistor and a waveguide built in a dielectric substrate has been developed and analyzed. The waveguide geometry provides the possibility of propagation and radiation at both the fundamental frequency of the log-periodic antenna and harmonics. Computer simulation of the oscillator design in a frequency range near resonance frequencies of the log-periodic antenna is conducted. The possibility of summation of powers of several antenna–oscillators arranged ias a linear phased array is investigated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1059-1063
pages 1059-1063 views

Chaotization of Oscillations in a Single-Frequency Millimeter-Band Impact Avalanche and Transit-Time Diode Oscillator under the Influence of a Low-Frequency Harmonic Oscillation

Myasin E.A., Kotov V.D.


The change in the oscillation spectrum of an oscillator based on an impact avalanche and transit-time (IMPATT) diode of the 7-mm range under the action of a low-frequency harmonic oscillation (3 MHz) in the supply circuit of the diode is studied experimentally. It is demonstrated that, if the low-frequency oscillation amplitude exceeds the trigger negative voltage and the working point in the diode volt–ampere characteristic is located either near the trigger current (trigger negative voltage) or far from it, pulsed oscillation mode is established and, consequently, oscillations are chaotized.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1064-1067
pages 1064-1067 views


Diamond-Like Carbon Films Obtained by the Method of High-Frequency Diode Sputtering

Luzanov V.A., Vedeneev A.S.


Conditions for fabrication of diamond-like carbon films on the surface of oxidized single-crystalline silicon using the technique of high-frequency diode sputtering of graphite target are determined. It has been found that the deposited films have amorphous structure. The Raman spectroscopy technique has been used to show the presence of carbon phases with sp2- and sp3-hybridization, the ratio between which can be controlled by the growth conditions.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1068-1069
pages 1068-1069 views

Applications of Radiotechnology and Electronics in Biology and Medicine

New Approach to Estimation of Interchannel Phase Coupling of Electroencephalograms

Tolmacheva R.A., Obukhov Y.V., Polupanov A.F., Zhavoronkova L.A.


A new method to estimate the phase coupling of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals in different channels is based on the calculation of difference of phase characteristics for channel signals at the ridge points (maximum magnitudes) of wavelet spectra. It is shown that the method can be used to determine phase-coupled pairs of EEG leads and distinguish such pairs from uncoupled pairs. The interchannel phase coupling of EEG is estimated for cognitive and motor tests of a normal patient and a patient with craniocerebral injury

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1070-1075
pages 1070-1075 views

Physical Processes in Electronic Devices

Deposition Process Optimization of Zinc Oxide Films with Inclined Texture Axis

Luzanov V.A., Alekseev S.G., Polzikova N.I.


The optimization of technological parameters for fabrication of the inclined texture [0001] in ZnO films has been conducted. It is shown that the inclination of the texture axis is determined by at least two factors: the average vector of falling the deposited particles and the intensity of bombardment of the growing film with negative ions of oxygen. Optimum displacements of the substrate position relative to the axis of the sputtering system and the distance between the planes of the target and the substrate are determined. Films of zinc oxide with optimum angles of inclination of texture axis have been obtained by the RF sputtering technique.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1076-1079
pages 1076-1079 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

A Universal Microwave Photonic Receiving Channel

Valuev V.V., Gulyaev Y.V., Kontorov S.M., Kulagin V.V., Prokhorov D.A., Cherepenin V.A.


Main characteristics of a model of the microwave photonic receiving channel with optical heterodyning have been numerically simulated and experimentally investigated. The transducer is based on a twoarm (signal and reference) balanced circuit with a continuous wave laser, amplitude modulators, narrow-band optical filters, and a photodetector. The possibility of implementation of the receiving channel with a signal-to-noise ratio of up to 60–70 dB, a carrier frequency of up to 40 GHz and more, and a detection bandwidth of up to 1 GHz is demonstrated. It is shown that semiconductor lasers without outer stabilizing cavities can be used in an optical pumping source by means of compensation of the laser frequency noise. It has been found, that if the modulator working point corresponds to the optical carrier frequency suppression mode, the noise characteristics of the detector can be maintained without application of narrow-band optical filters.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1080-1088
pages 1080-1088 views

An Acoustic Technique for the Analysis of Thermal Processes

Anisimkin V.I., Zemlyanitsin M.A.


A technique for experimental investigation of thermal processes in liquid media, which is based on putting the thermal source into contact with a solid rod, sounding the rod with a set of acoustic waves, and measuring the velocities of these waves under changing temperature, has been developed. The technique has been tested using the phase transition of the first order (evaporation of microdrops of a liquid) as an example. It has been shown that the technique makes it possible to measure temperature, time, velocity, heat of evaporation, and mass of the liquid sample. After an appropriate calibration, the technique is also applicable to determining the thermal conductivity of solid materials.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1089-1092
pages 1089-1092 views

Articles from the Russian Journal Prikladnaya Fizika

Analytical Description of Avalanche Photodiode Characteristics. An Overview: Part II

Burlakov I.D., Filachev A.M., Kholodnov V.A.


This paper deals with the second part of the overview on analytical calculations of the characteristics of avalanche photodiodes (APDs) based predominantly on direct gap semiconductors. In the first part of the overview (JCTE 2017, vol. 62, no. 9, p. 1027), a general formulation of the problem is carried out and an approach to its solution is reported. The program for calculations of multiplication coefficientins is fulfilled. In the most typical situations, they are represented analytically. It is demonstrated that the obtained analytical results are in good quantitative agreement with previously published numerical calculations and experimental data. In the given part of the overview, the dependences between the interband tunnel current of the heterostructure with a p+n junction in the “wide-gap” (wg) layer and the parameters of used semiconducting materials, layer-doping levels, and their thicknesses corresponding to avalanche breakdown voltages of a heterostructure are analyzed theoretically. It is demonstrated that, as a rule, the tunnel current depends nonmonotonically on the dopant concentration in the “high-resistance” region of a wg layer. There is an optimal concentration of the given dopant at which the tunnel current reaches its absolute minimum. Simple formula for determining the optimal concentration is derived. In addition, an analytical expression for determining the minimum tunnel current is obtained. In real cases, tunnel currents can vary by several orders of magnitude. It is found that, in many cases, an increase in the doping level of a “narrow gap” layer diminishes the tunnel current. It is shown that the tunnel current does not vanish with a decrease in the doping level of the high-resistance layers of a heterostructure but, beginning with a certain concentration, becomes independent of the doping level. An analogous effect is inherent to a homogeneous p+n junction. Physical reasons of such behavior of tunnel currents, which are observed at an avalanche breakdown voltage, are discussed. A technique for the optimizing the parameters of the APD heterostructure with separate absorption and multiplication regions (SAMRs) is developed. As an example, specific calculations are carried out for a widely used InP–In0.53Ga0.47As–InP heterostructure. The opportunity of description of transient phenomena in p–i–n APDs is considered first of all in the case where the initial voltage V0 is higher than the avalanche breakdown voltage VBD. This problem is formulated because there is a need to know the explicit conditions whereby the Geiger mode is generated in APD operation. A formula describing the total time of progress in the avalanche Geiger process is derived. An analytical expression for the implementation of the Geiger mode is presented. At the end of the given paper, the advantages of avalanche heterophotodiodes with SAMRs of the low-high-low type over classical samples are demonstrated and discussed on the basis of analytical calculations. The numeration of formulas, figures, and references continues that used in Part I.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1093-1111
pages 1093-1111 views

Admittance of MIS Structures Based on MBE Hg1 – xCdxTe (x = 0.21–0.23) in a Wide Temperature Range

Voitsekhovskii A.V., Kulchitsky N.A., Nesmelov S.N., Dzyadukh S.M.


Features of the electrical properties of n(p)-Hg1–xCdxTe (x = 0.21–0.23) with Al2O3 or SiO2/Si3N4 dielectrics are considered. The HgCdTe films were grown by means of molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(013) and Si(013) substrates. The possibility of determining the basic parameters of MIS structures based on n(p)-Hg1–xCdxTe (x = 0.21–0.23) with and without a varizonal layer from admittance measurements in a wide range of temperatures and frequencies is discussed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1112-1118
pages 1112-1118 views

Current–Voltage Characteristics of n-B-p Structures with Absorbing In0.53Ga0.47As Layer

Sednev M.V., Boltar K.O., Irodov N.A., Demidov S.S.


A topical problem of photoelectronics is the development of array photodetector devices of the near infrared spectral range based on the InxGa1–xAs/InP epitaxial layers of the megapixel format. In this paper, we present the results of studies of current–voltage characteristics of photosensitive elements in arrays of the 320 × 256 format with a step of 30 μm based on heteroepitaxial structures with an InGaAs absorbing layer on InP short-wave infrared substrates. Arrays of photosensitive elements (PSEs) are fabricated using planar, mesa, and mesa planar technologies based on nB(Al0.48In0.52As)p-structures. In arrays produced using the mesa planar technology based on nB(Al0.48In0.52As)p-structures, small dark current and ampere–watt sensitivity to IR radiation of the 1–1.7 μm range are shown to combine successfully at low bias voltages. Electrophysical parameters of functional layers of initial heteroepitaxial n-B-p structures affect efficiently the dark currents and ampere–watt sensitivity of the array elements. Based on these studies, parameters of the n-B(Al0.48In0.52As) functional layers of p-structures were optimized and high-efficiency photodiode arrays of the 320 × 256 format with a step of 30 μm and structures of the 640 × 512 format with a step of 15 μm were fabricated with a defectiveness not exceeding 0.5%.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1119-1126
pages 1119-1126 views

To the Problem of Optimization of Parameters of a Double Heterostructure Based on Direct-Gap Semiconductors for Avalanche Photodiodes

Kholodnov V.A., Burlakov I.D.


A double heterostructure based on direct-gap semiconductors with a photoabsorption middle layer at the avalanche breakdown voltage is considered. Such structures are used in the development of avalanche photodiodes with separate absorption and multiplication regions (APD with SAMR). It is shown that impact generation of electron–hole pairs should be considered in calculating the maximum possible characteristics of APDs with SAMR even in the absorption layer; therewith, this can be performed analytically.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1127-1131
pages 1127-1131 views

Multi-Row Photodetectors for the Short Wavelength IR Region Based on HgCdTe Heteroepitaxial Structures

Iakovleva N.I., Boltar K.O., Nikonov A.V., Egorov A.V.


Parameters of multi-row photodetectors (PDs) based on HgCdTe heteroepitaxial structures of different formats, including 288 × 4, 480 × 6, 576 × 4, and 576 × 6, with a step of 28 to 14 microns are studied. Owing to the choice of a N+/P-/р-architecture, PDs operate at elevated temperatures in the time delay and integration (TDI) mode with the implementation of the analog mode of TDI and the replacement of defective elements directly in the readout LSI. The PDs are capable of forming high-definition images of the 768 × 576 format at a frame rate of 50 Hz in real time. For the multi-row PDs, high photoelectric parameters were obtained: the detection capacity at the maximum of the spectral sensitivity D* ≥ 5 × 1012 cm W–1 Hz1/2 at temperatures Т~ 170–200 K and the number of working channels is not less than 99.0%.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(9):1132-1136
pages 1132-1136 views

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