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Vol 43, No 1 (2017)


Modeling the dynamics of several particles behind a propagating shock wave

Bedarev I.A., Fedorov A.V.


The interaction of a shock wave in a gas phase with a system of particles moving in this gas has been numerically simulated. The wave pattern of the nonstationary interaction of the propagating shock wave with these particles is described in detail. The mathematical model and computational technology employed is compared with experimental data on the dynamics of particles behind the shock wave. It is established that the approximate model of separate particles used to calculate relaxation of their velocities unsatisfactorily operates in the presence of a mutual influence of particles, whereby one particle can occur in the aerodynamic shadow of an adjacent particle.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):1-4
pages 1-4 views

The effect of the local chemical composition of grain boundaries on the corrosion resistance of a titanium alloy

Chuvil’deev V.N., Kopylov V.I., Nokhrin A.V., Bakhmet’ev A.M., Sandler N.G., Tryaev P.V., Kozlova N.A., Tabachkova N.Y., Mikhailov A.S., Chegurov M.K., Smirnova E.S.


The influence of the structural-phase state of grain boundaries in a Ti4Al2V (commercial PT3V grade) pseudo-alpha-titanium alloy on its susceptibility to hot-salt intergranular corrosion (IGC) has been studied. It is established that IGC-tested alloy samples exhibit corrosion-induced defects of two types. More extended defects of the first type occur at the V-rich boundaries of coarse grains, while short defects of the second type reside at the grain boundaries with composition close to that of the grain body. The existence of the two types of IGC defects is explained by the classical theory of galvanic microcouples (microcells), according to which the IGC intensity is proportional to the difference of corrosion-active impurity concentrations between the grain boundary and body.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Collective dynamics of rotators coupled by a common pulsed field

Bolotov M.I., Osipov G.V.


The collective dynamics in an ensemble of active rotators coupled by a common pulsed field is studied. The dynamics of the ensemble is analyzed numerically for different values of system parameters. The calculated data, as functions of the synchronicity parameter, lead to a conclusion being drawn on the collective behavior of ensemble elements, the character of evolution of the ensemble field, and the dependence of the behavior of the ensemble field on the synchronicity of ensemble elements.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):9-11
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Gas release of the dielectric coating of an anode and its effect on the characteristics of an ion diode with electron flux insulation by a radial magnetic field

Lopatin V.S., Stepanov A.V., Remnev G.E., Shamanin V.I., Veresov A.E.


Generation of an ion beam by an ion diode is accompanied by the release of gas from the surface of the dielectric coating of the anode. The magnitude of the pulse pressure of gas in the vacuum chamber depends on the type of the dielectric used and can reach 6 × 10–4–2 × 10–3 mm Hg. The magnitude of the limit vacuum chamber pressure at which ion beam parameters remain constant has been found. Characteristics of the ion beam current in the vacuum chamber pressure range of 2 × 10–4–1.3 × 10–3 mm Hg are presented.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Direct dynamic synthesis of nanodispersed phases of titanium oxides upon sputtering of electrodischarge titanium plasma into an air atmosphere

Sivkov A.A., Gerasimov D.Y., Nikitin D.S.


Experimental investigations of the possibility of directly synthesizing nanodispersed crystalline phases of titanium dioxides with rutile and anatase structures in a hypervelocity jet of electroerosion plasma generated by a coaxial magnetoplasma accelerator with titanium electrodes are presented. A powder product containing nanosized polymorphic phases of titanium dioxide with a spherical shape of particles has been manufactured.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):16-19
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Resonances of pumping and higher stokes components in fiber Brillouin lasers and a method of setting them

Spirin V.V.


An algorithm is presented for setting a fiber Brillouin laser that allows simultaneous provision of the resonance of pumping and higher Stokes components. The proposed radiation source combines a low noise level and low lasing threshold characteristic of double-resonance lasers with the advantages of multifrequency optical emitters.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Thermal properties of nanofluids and their similarity criteria

Rudyak V.Y., Minakov A.V., Pryazhnikov M.I.


We have experimentally studied how the Prandtl number (Pr) of a nanofluid depends on the concentration, size, and material of nanoparticles. The nanofluids were prepared using distilled water and nanoparticles of silica, alumina, titania, and zirconia. The volume concentration of particles was varied from 1 to 8% and their diameters changed from 10 to 150 nm. It is established that Pr values of nanofluids increase with the concentration of nanoparticles. The Prandtl number also significantly depends on the size of nanoparticles and decreases with increasing particle diameter.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):23-26
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Analytical calculation of distributions of the electron density and the concentration of impurity ions in a thermal dusty plasma using the jellium model for condensed particles

Shamsutdinov A.R., Fairushin I.I., Dautov I.G., Kashapov N.F.


Self-consistent spatial distributions of the electron density in the entire volume of condensed-matter particles and the surrounding plasma, as well as distributions of the concentration of ions of easily ionized impurity atoms, are obtained using the jellium model to describe particles. It is established that electron emission from condensed particles in a thermal dusty plasma containing an impurity of an easily ionized element may weaken with an increase in temperature. The electron emission from particles is shown to increase with a decrease in their radius at a constant temperature. A plasma region with violated ionization equilibrium is found to form near the surface of condensed particles.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):27-30
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Numerical optimization of the electrical characteristics of an EUV laser on 3p–3s transition in neonlike argon ions in low-inductance capillary-type discharge

Burtsev V.A., Kalinin N.V., Vaganov S.A.


Electrical characteristics of low-inductance capillary-type discharge have been determined by numerical model calculations, which ensure high efficiency of energy supply to a plasma column with an aspect ratio of 1: 100. The EUV argon laser based on this discharge provides a gain of g+ > 1 cm–1 on the operating transition and ensures single-pass spontaneous lasing with g+l > 25 (where l is the active medium length).

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):31-34
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Determining the sign of a polar surface of lithium niobate crystal by UV reflectance spectroscopy

Paranin V.D., Pantelei E.


We propose to reveal the +Z and–Z surfaces of a polar cut lithium niobate crystal by measuring its UV reflection spectrum. By the example of a congruent lithium niobate, it is shown that the intensities of light reflection from polar crystal surfaces of different signs in the region of 190—260 nm differ by up to several percent. The depth of short-wave radiation penetration into surface layers of the crystal in the spectral range of intrinsic absorption is estimated. It is shown that the proposed method can be used for determining the surface signs of polar crystal layers with thicknesses from several dozen to several hundred microns.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):35-37
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The bistability phenomenon in single and coupled oscillators based on VO2 switches

Belyaev M.A., Putrolaynen V.V., Velichko A.A.


New operation regimes of single and coupled oscillators in circuits based on planar VO2 switches have been studied. The phenomenon of bistability is discovered, which consists in controlled switching of self-sustained oscillations by external pulses, which is a promising basis for the creation of oscillatory memory cells and implementation of pulse coupling regimes in artificial neural networks (ANNs). The duration of switch-on and switch-off pulses is no less that ~20 μs and 30 ms, respectively. It is established that the region of threshold voltages for bistable switching in coupled oscillators is much wider than in a single oscillator and the hysteresis width in the former case can reach 2 V. A regime of initiation of switching packets has been observed that models the ANN packet activity.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):38-41
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Radio-frequency illumination sources based on ultrawideband microgenerators of chaotic oscillations

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V.


The task of wideband illumination of objects and surfaces by radiation from artificial noncoherent microwave sources with the aim of subsequent observation by radiometric equipment is considered. The main problem in solving this task consists in creating efficient microwave generators analogous to available sources of lighting in the visible spectral range. We propose to use generators of ultrawideband chaotic oscillations as sources of noncoherent microwave radiation. An experimental prototype of this source taking the form of a SiGe-crystal-based microgenerator of dynamic chaos is described.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):42-45
pages 42-45 views

Radiation enhancement in doped AlGaN-structures upon optical pumping

Bokhan P.A., Zhuravlev K.S., Zakrevsky D.E., Malin T.V., Osinnykh I.V., Fateev N.V.


Spectral characteristics of spontaneous and stimulated luminescence have been studied for molecular beam epitaxy synthesized AlxGa1–xN/AlN solid solutions with x = 0.5 and 0.74 upon optical pumping by pulse laser radiation with λ = 266 nm. Broadband radiation spectra with a width of ~260 THz for Al0.5Ga0.5N and ~360 THz for Al0.74Ga0.26N have been obtained. The measured enhancement factors are g ≈ 70 cm–1 for Al0.5Ga0.5N at λ ≈ 528 nm and g ≈ 20 cm–1 for Al0.74Ga0.26N at λ ≈ 468 nm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Dislocation-related photoluminescence in silicon implanted with fluorine ions

Sobolev N.A., Kalyadin A.E., Sakharov V.I., Serenkov I.T., Shek E.I., Karabeshkin K.V., Karasev P.A., Titov A.I.


The implantation of 85-keV fluorine ions at a dose of 8.3 × 1014 cm–2 into single crystal Si does not lead to formation of an amorphous layer. Subsequent annealing at a temperature of 1100°C in a chlorine-containing atmosphere is accompanied by the appearance of D1 and D2 lines of dislocation-related luminescence. The intensity of both lines decreases as the annealing duration is increased from 0.25 to 3 h. As the measurement temperature is increased from 80 to 200 K, the intensities of these lines decrease and the positions of their peaks shift to longer wavelengths.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):50-52
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Growth of diamond microcrystals by the oriented attachment mechanism at high pressure and high temperature

Kidalov S.V., Shakhov F.M., Shvidchenko A.V., Smirnov A.N., Sokolov V.V., Yagovkina M.A., Vul’ A.Y.


For the first time it has been experimentally shown that a powder of detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and a saturated acyclic hydrocarbon, mono- or dibasic alcohol, used as the reaction mixture after treatment at high pressures (5–8 GPa) and high temperatures (1300–1800°C) results in the formation of diamond single crystals up to 15 micron in size. The Raman spectrum indicates that the diamonds have a perfect of crystal structure. It has been suggested that the oriented attachment mechanism is responsible for growth of micrometer-size diamond single crystals out of DND particles with sizes of about 5 nm under these technological conditions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):53-56
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Observation of manifestations of spontaneous magnetization currents in the crystals of HgSe with low concentration impurities of 3d-transition metal

Lonchakov A.T., Okulov V.I., Bobin S.B., Deryushkin V.V., Govorkova T.E.


The differential method of the study of the Hall effect in the regime of the Hall current, the implementation of which is possible due to an inhomogeneous distribution of the concentration of charge carriers in the sample, has been proposed. This method was tested in crystals of HgSe: Co and HgSe: Ga with the aim to observe the anomalous contribution to the Hall current associated with the spontaneous magnetization current and perform comparative analysis of the degree of heterogeneity of the samples.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):57-60
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Defect structure and mechanical stability of microcrystalline titanium produced by equal channel angular pressing

Betekhtin V.I., Kadomtsev A.G., Narykova M.V., Amosova O.V., Sklenicka V.


It is established that increases in nanoporosity and the proportion of high-angle grain boundaries in the process of equal-channel angular pressing are the main structural factors leading to reduction in mechanical stability (durability) of microcrystalline titanium during long-term tests under creeping conditions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):61-63
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A multidischarge actuator system for power electrohydrodynamic action on the boundary layer of aerohydrodynamic surfaces

Aleshin B.S., Kuryachii A.P., Rebrov I.E., Khomich V.Y., Chernyshev S.L., Yamshchikov V.A.


We present the results of a study of a new multidischarge actuator system designed for active gas flow control on the basis of a three-electrode circuit with a shielding electrode, in which the role of an accelerating electrode is played by the solid equipotential sheath surface of the wing. The main parameters of the multidischarge actuator system and classical scheme of electrodes are compared—namely, the induced air flow velocity, average integral volume force, average consumed power, and energy efficiency coefficient calculated per unit length of the external electrode.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):64-66
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Absorption of the laser radiation by the laser plasma with gas microjet targets

Borisevichus D.A., Zabrodskii V.V., Kalmykov S.G., Sasin M.E., Seisyan R.P.


An upper limit of absorption of the laser radiation in the plasma produced in a gas jet Xe target with the average density of (3–6) × 1018 cm–3 and the effective diameter of 0.7 mm is found. It is equal to ≈50% and remains constant under any variation in this range of densities. This result contradicts both theoretical assessments that have predicted virtually complete absorption and results of earlier experiments with the laser spark in an unlimited stationary Xe gas with the same density, where the upper limit of absorption was close to 100%. An analysis shows that nonlinearity of absorption and plasma nonequilibrium lead to the reduction of the absorption coefficient that, along with the limited size of plasma, can explain the experimental results.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):67-70
pages 67-70 views

Modeling the detector of charge states of relativistic multicharged ions

Malyshevsky V.S., Fomin G.V., Ivanova I.A.


A way to identify charge distributions of relativistic multicharged ions by recording the angular distribution of the Cherenkov radiation of ions is analyzed; preliminarily, ions with different charges are separated by ion velocities in an external target with a large charge number. As a result, when an ion beam enters the Cherenkov radiator, different charges radiate at different angles to the direction of the ion motion and the radiation intensity is proportional to the fraction of ions with a given charge in the beam.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):71-73
pages 71-73 views

Growing oriented AlN films on sapphire substrates by plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition

Tarala V.A., Altakhov A.S., Ambartsumov M.G., Martens V.Y.


The possibility of growing oriented AlN films on Al2O3 substrates at temperatures below 300°C by plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition was examined. The samples were subjected to X-ray phase analysis and ellipsometry. It was demonstrated that the refraction index of films deposited with plasma exposures longer than 20 s was 2.03 ± 0.03. The (0002) and (0004) reflections at 2Θ angles of 35.7° and 75.9° were present in the X-ray diffraction patterns of these samples. These reflections are typical of the hexagonal AlN polytype. The full width at half maximum of the rocking curve of reflection (0002) in the best sample was 162 ± 11 arcsec.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Heterojunction solar cells based on single-crystal silicon with an inkjet-printed contact grid

Abolmasov S.N., Abramov A.S., Ivanov G.A., Terukov E.I., Emtsev K.V., Nyapshaev I.A., Bazeley A.A., Gubin S.P., Kornilov D.Y., Tkachev S.V., Kim V.P., Ryndin D.A., Levchenkova V.I.


Results on the creation of a current-collecting grid for heterojunction silicon solar cells by ink-jet printing are presented. Characteristics of the obtained solar cells are compared with those of the samples obtained using standard screen printing.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):78-80
pages 78-80 views

The effect of diborane additive on the plasma-chemical properties of deposited carbon films

Shubina E.N., Karasev P.A., Titov A.I., Podsvirov O.A., Vinogradov A.Y., Karasev N.N., Pozdnyakov A.V.


We present the results of studies of the optical, electrical, and mechanical properties of diamondlike carbon films prepared by plasma-chemical vapor deposition from a mixture of methane and diborane in various proportions. Upon reaching the threshold concentration (~12%) of diborane in the mixture, inclusions of a new phase start to form in the structure of the films. This leads to nonlinear dependence of the interior stresses and the surface resistance of coatings on the composition of the mixture with minimum values corresponding to a diborane concentration of about 12%.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):81-84
pages 81-84 views

Characteristics of receptor- and transducer-coupled activation of the intracellular signalling in sensory neuron revealed by atomic force microscopy

Khalisov M.M., Penniyaynen V.A., Esikova N.A., Ankudinov A.V., Krylov B.V.


The mechanical properties of sensory neurons upon activation of intracellular cascade processes by comenic acid binding to a membrane opioid-like receptor (receptor-coupled), as well as a very low (endogenous) concentration of ouabain (transducer-coupled), have been investigated. Using atomic force microscopy, it is established that exposure to ouabain, in contrast to the impact of comenic acid, leads to a hardening of the neuron soma. This suggests that the receptor-coupled signal transmission to the cell genome is carried out through mechanisms that are different from the transducer-coupled signal pathways.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):85-87
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Stress relaxation in InGaAsP/InP heterostructures for 1064-nm laser radiation converters

Marichev A.E., Levin R.V., Gordeeva A.B., Gagis G.S., Kuchinskii V.I., Pushnyi B.V., Prasolov N.D., Shmidt N.M.


Specific features of mechanical-stress relaxation in InGaAsP/InP heterostructures for 1064 nm laser radiation converters have been studied. It is established that stress relaxation via the formation of an ordered relief on the surface of solid-solution layers in InGaAsP/InP heterostructures with indium content up to 80% can decrease the probability of spinodal decomposition of the solid solution, enhance its photoluminescence intensity, and increase the efficiency of laser-radiation conversion.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):88-91
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The efficiency of backward magnetic-pulse processing

Kudasov Y.B., Maslov D.A., Surdin O.M.


The dependence of the efficiency of magnetic-pulse processing of materials on the pulsed magnetic-field shape has been studied. It is shown that, by using a pulse train instead of a single pulse in the fast-rising component of a magnetic field applied during the backward forming process, it is possible to increase the specific mechanical impulse transferred to a workpiece and, thus, improve the efficiency of processing. Possible applications of the proposed method to removing dents from car chassis and aircraft parts are considered

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):92-94
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Polishing superhard material surfaces with gas-cluster ion beams

Ieshkin A.E., Kushkina K.D., Kireev D.S., Ermakov Y.A., Chernysh V.S.


We have studied the influence of bombardment with accelerated gas-cluster ions on the surface topography of silicon carbide and diamond. Atomic-force microscopy shows that exposure to 10-keV gas-cluster ions at a total dose above 1016 cm–2 leads to smoothing of the surface relief. The ion-etching rate and efficiency of the surface relief smoothing as dependent on the thickness of removed layer have been estimated. Raman-spectroscopy data show that surface irradiation with gas-cluster ions does not introduce defects into the crystalline structure of irradiated material.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):95-97
pages 95-97 views

Change in the direction of electric wind from a wire electrode tilted relative to a grounded plane

Elagin I.A., Begal’ D.I., Ashikhmin I.A., Stishkov Y.K.


We report on experimental investigations of the structure of electric (ionic) wind in the wire-versus-plane electrode system with a constant interelectrode gap and variable wire tilt angle relative to the plane. Characteristic wind velocity distributions were determined using a laser Doppler anemometry technique. It is established that the position of the narrow central jet of the wind significantly changes depending on the tilt of the corona-forming electrode.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):98-100
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All-optical modulator cells based on AlGaAs/GaAs/InGaAs 905-nm laser heterostructures

Podoskin A.A., Shashkin I.S., Slipchenko S.O., Pikhtin N.A., Tarasov I.S.


All-optical cells based on AlGaAs/GaAs/InGaAs laser heterostructures for a 905-nm wavelength have been developed, which operate in the regime of optical-power modulation by means of controlled generation switching between the Fabry–Perot cavity modes and high-Q closed mode. At a modulated power of 1.6 W, a mode-switching time of 1.2 ns and smaller is achieved.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):101-103
pages 101-103 views

A diffraction grating created in diamond substrate by boron ion implantation

Stepanov A.L., Nuzhdin V.I., Galyautdinov M.F., Kurbatova N.V., Valeev V.F., Vorobev V.V., Osin Y.N.


This work is devoted to new method of manufacturing of diffractive optical elements (gratings). A grating was formed in a diamond substrate by implantation with boron ions through a mask. Ion implantation led to the graphitization of diamond in unmasked regions and resulted in swelling of the irradiated layer. The formation of periodic graphitized surface microstructures on the diamond substrate was confirmed by optical, electron, and atomic force microscopy. The efficiency of operation of the obtained diffractive optical element was demonstrated by probing with He–Ne laser radiation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):104-106
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Estimating the predictability time of noisy chaotic dynamics from point sequences

Mohammad Y.K., Pavlova O.N., Pavlov A.N.


A method for increasing the accuracy of estimation of the predictability time of noisy chaotic dynamics from system-related point sequences is proposed. General laws observed in the application of this method to interspike interval series of model threshold devices of two types operating in the regime of phase-coherent chaos are illustrated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):107-109
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Optimization of terahertz range gyrotron self-excitation conditions by increasing the lifetime of cyclotron oscillators in low-voltage interaction space

Ginzburg N.S., Glyavin M.Y., Zotova I.V., Zheleznov I.V., Fokin A.P.


We propose a method of reducing the starting and operating currents of short-wavelength gyrotrons that is based on the application of a decelerating voltage directly to the resonator. The desired effect is achieved due to increasing electron lifetime in the interaction space. At a preset injection current, this circumstance ensures gyrotron self-excitation at a relatively low diffraction Q-factor, which leads to significant reduction in ohmic losses.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):110-113
pages 110-113 views

Linear and nonlinear magnetoelectric effects in lead zirconate titanate–nickel ferrite bulk composites

Laletin V.M., Poddubnaya N.N.


Linear and nonlinear magnetoelectric (ME) effects in lead zirconate titanate (PZT)–nickel ferrite bulk composites have been experimentally studied. The maximum values of a ME response signal for the linear and nonlinear ME effects amounted to 260 mV/A and 34 kV/m, respectively. A relationship between the linear and nonlinear ME effects is established based on analysis of experimental data.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):114-117
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Correlation characteristics of phase and amplitude chimeras in an ensemble of nonlocally coupled maps

Vadivasova T.E., Strelkova G.I., Bogomolov S.A., Anishchenko V.S.


Correlation characteristics of chimera states have been calculated using the coefficient of mutual correlation of elements in a closed-ring ensemble of nonlocally coupled chaotic maps. Quantitative differences between the coefficients of mutual correlation for phase and amplitude chimeras are established for the first time.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):118-121
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Cross sections of electron capture and electron capture with ionization of argon atoms by fast 3He2+ ions at various impact parameters

Afrosimov V.V., Basalaev A.A., Panov M.N.


The absolute differential cross sections of scattering of fast particles formed in processes with capture of one or two electrons from Ar atoms have been measured for 6-keV He2+ ions in the interval of scattering angles within 0°–2.5°. The cross sections of electron capture and electron capture with ionization have been determined as functions of the impact parameter. The probabilities of these processes are compared to the distribution of electron density in various shells of target atoms. Applicability of the models of screened Coulomb interaction potentials to description of the scattering of recharged particles is assessed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):122-125
pages 122-125 views

A new carbon structure in annealed film coatings of the carbon–lead system

Volodin V.N., Tuleushev Y.Z., Zhakanbaev E.A., Tsai K.V., Rofman O.V.


Carbon–lead solid solutions coexisting with amorphous carbon have been obtained for the first time in a film coating deposited by ion-plasma sputtering. During subsequent vacuum annealing of carbon–lead films containing more than 68.5 at % Pb, this element almost completely evaporates to leave an amorphous carbon coating on a substrate. During annealing at 1100°C, this amorphous carbon crystallizes into a new hexagonal lattice with unit cell parameters a = 0.7603 nm and c = 0.8168 nm. Characteristic X-ray diffraction data for the identification of this phase are determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):126-129
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A modified Kolsky method for determining the shear strength of brittle materials

Bragov A.M., Lomunov A.K., Konstantinov A.Y., Lamzin D.A.


A new modification of the Kolsky method is proposed, according to which a loaded sample is arranged in an obliquely cut tube casing. Using this configuration, it is possible to determine the shear stress of low-plasticity materials.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):130-132
pages 130-132 views

Creation and electrical properties of p-Cu2ZnSnS4/n-Si heterojunctions

Yusupov A., Adambaev K., Turaev Z.Z., Aliev S.R., Kutlimratov A.


Anisotype p-Cu2ZnSnS4/n-Si heterojunctions have been manufactured for the first type by sulfidation of base-metal layers predeposited onto polycrystalline silicon substrates. Current–voltage characteristics of the heterojunctions are analyzed, and the mechanisms of current transfer are discussed. It is established that forward-biased structures are characterized by both tunneling-recombination processes and space-charge limited mobility of carriers. In reversely biased heterojunctions, space-charge limited currents predominate.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):133-135
pages 133-135 views

The influence of thermal aging on absorption phenomena in cross-linked polyethylene cable insulation

Borisova M.E., Osina Y.K.


Absorption-controlled charge and discharge currents in cross-linked polyethylene (XPE) cable insulation before and after thermal aging have been measured. The experimental dependences were analyzed in terms of the equivalent Voigt scheme. Known parameters of the Voigt scheme were used to calculate the frequency dependences of relative dielectric permittivity, loss factor, and loss tangent of XPE films in the region of low frequencies (ω = 10–3–1 s–1) at high temperatures. Results of analysis of the absorption characteristics of XPE were applied to modeling of the process of thermal aging of cable insulation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(1):136-138
pages 136-138 views

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