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Vol 47, No 5 (2018)


Implementation of a Two-Qubit C-NOT Quantum Gate in a System of Two Double Quantum Dots, a Microcavity, and a Laser

Tsukanov A.V., Chekmachev V.G.


We study the possibility of implementing a two-qubit controlled-NOT gate operation in a structure consisting of two semiconductor double quantum dots placed in a high-Q optical microcavity and governed by a resonant laser field. The effect of relaxation processes on the dynamics of the two-electron system is discussed. The dissipation rates allowing quantum error correction algorithms to be used are determined. The existing additional excitation channel (laser pulse) is shown to weaken the effect of the nonideality of the cavity on the evolution of the states. Optimal electron coupling coefficients in the quantum dots with control fields are fitted, in which the controlled qubit is switched with the highest probability and the gate implementation takes several hundreds of picoseconds.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):279-289
pages 279-289 views

Analytic Model of Transit-Time Diodes and Transistors for the Generation and Detection of THz Radiation

Vyurkov V.V., Khabutdinov R.R., Nemtsov A.B., Semenikhin I.A., Rudenko M.K., Rudenko K.V., Lukichev V.F.


An analytic model of low-dimensional transit-time diodes and transistors for the generation and detection of THz radiation in a linear approximation with respect to an alternating electric field is developed. Thin layers of silicon and arrays of nanowires are proposed as promising structures. It is shown that the presence of ballistic (without scattering) transport is sufficient in itself for the appearance of negative conductivity, which is necessary for the generation of radiation at frequencies of the order of the inverse transit time. In the presence of scattering, the appearance of negative conductivity has a threshold character depending on the scattering intensity. However, a variable injection from the contacts (BARITT effect) causes the appearance of negative conductivity even in the case of strong scattering. The analysis shows that in the structure proposed by us the effect of the variable injection can be strong, especially when introducing an additional electrode (gate) from which an alternating current is transmitted to the antenna. In this case, a highly efficient conversion of the dc current to terahertz oscillations is provided. It is shown that the effect of the variable spatial charge on the operation of the considered structures of the transit diodes can be neglected. This justifies the proposed analytic model. The rectifying properties of the structures under study can be used as the basis for detecting THz radiation.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):290-298
pages 290-298 views

Investigation of a Capacitor Array of a Composite Capacitive Touch Panel

Vlasov A.I., Krivoshein A.I., Terent’ev D.S., Shakhnov V.A.


The work is devoted to studying a capacitor array of sensor and contactless identifier entry devices of the capacitive type on the example of sensory devices made from composite silver-containing materials on a ceramic substrate. The theoretical investigations involve calculations of the topology of the capacitor arrays, in particular, improved dimensions of the segments (3.5 × 3.5 mm) and the arrangement of array layers with the aim of more exactly recognizing input objects, reducing the malfunction of the controller, and increasing the electromagnetic pickup tolerance. In addition to searching for the dimensional parameters, the electrophysical parameters of the capacitive panel under study, namely, voltage, capacitance of 1.8 nF in the case of a matrix with square segments and 2.3 nF in the case of a matrix with round segments, and the charge before and after approaching the input objects (6 and 7 nC, respectively), are measured and calculated. Experimental investigations of the capacitor arrays are carried out, according to which it is determined that a round shape of the segments is preferable in order to increase the linearity of the dependence of the distance of the input objects from the centers of the sensor segments. It is also more effective to locate the integrated plate of a capacitor array from the bottom rather than the top. In this case, the set of holes in the array layers becomes unnecessary. The results of the calculations of the dimensional and electrophysical parameters and their experimental measurements help in the design of topologies of the arrays of the sensor elements of capacitive touch panels from materials which are an alternative to indium and tin oxides (ITOs) (silver nanowires, graphene, polymers, foil, silver-containing organic composites, etc.), as well as in the design of ADT diagrams and controllers for them.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):299-306
pages 299-306 views

Investigation of Characteristics of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Switch with an Active Contact Breaking Mechanism

Uvarov I.V., Kupriyanov A.N.


The electrostatically actuated MEMS switch with resistive contact is presented. The movable electrode is a beam suspended on its torsion hinges. The contact material is platinum. The switch has an active breaking mechanism making it possible to protect it against stiction and provide a low actuation voltage. The measuring technique for the operating characteristic in the “hot” mode under a low direct current is described. The pull-in voltage and the breaking voltage, the switching time, and the dependence of the contact resistance on the number of actuation cycles are measured. The wear of contact surfaces is investigated. The operation of the switch in a bistable mode is demonstrated, in which the closed condition is maintained without applying the actuation voltage and the state transition occurs due to the active contact breaking mechanism.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):307-316
pages 307-316 views

Reliability Investigation of 0.18-μm SOI MOS Transistors at High Temperatures

Benediktov A.S., Ignatov P.V., Mikhailov A.A., Potupchik A.G.


In this paper, we estimate the basic parameters of 0.18-μm SOI MOS transistors in the temperature range from –60 to 300°С and investigate their reliability at high temperatures. The specific characteristics of SOI MOS transistors that manifest themselves at high temperatures should be taken into account when designing high-temperature integrated circuits in order to avoid their premature failures and improve the reliability of electronic devices.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):317-322
pages 317-322 views

Investigation of the Process of Plasma Through Etching of HkMG Stack of Nanotransistor with a 32-nm Critical Dimension

Myakonkikh A.V., Kuvaev K.Y., Tatarintsev A.A., Orlikovskii N.A., Rudenko K.V., Guschin O.P., Gornev E.S.


The processes of plasma etching of stack layers to form a structure of a metal gate of a nanoscale transistor with a dielectric with a high level of dielectric permittivity (HkMG) are investigated. A resist mask formed by fine-resolution electron-beam lithography is used in the etching. The plasma etching of the stack’s layers is carried out in one technological etching cycle without a vacuum break. The sequential anisotropic etching process of the stack of polysilicon, tantalum nitride, and hafnium nitride, as well as the etching process of the gate insulator based on hafnium oxide with a high degree of selectivity in relation to the underlying crystalline silicon, which guarantees the complete removal of the layer of hafnium oxide and the minimal loss of the silicon layer (not more than 0.5 nm), is investigated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):323-331
pages 323-331 views

Applications of the Technology of Fast Neutral Particle Beams in Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Kudrya V.P., Maishev Y.P.


A brief review of the results of the application of fast neutral particle (FNP) beam sources in the field of the production technology of micro- and nanoelectronic devices published in the literature is presented. Processes such as surface cleaning; sputtering and etching of insulators, simiconductors, and metals; layer-by-layer etching; deposition of thin films directly from beams or by sputtering, and neutral-beam-enhanced deposition; oxidation, nitridation, and fluorination of a near-surface layer; production of the elements of micro- and nanoelectromechanical devices; nanostructuring; and modification of self-assembled organic molecular structures are considered. In addition, the results of investigating a decrease in the degree of degradation of the electrophysical properties of materials and electrical characteristics of device structures when passing from ion-beam technologies to FNP beams are discussed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):332-343
pages 332-343 views

The Model of the Process of the Chemical Mechanical Polishing of the Copper Metallization, Based on the Formation of the Passivation Layer

Makhviladze T.M., Sarychev M.E.


A new model of the interaction of an active suspension with a copper surface during the process of the chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) of the copper metallization is developed. The manner of the formation and growth of the passivation layer is entered and quantitatively examined for the first time, and its impact on the polishing rate is analyzed. The main stages of the chemical effect of the suspension entered in the models are investigated: diffusion of Cu+ ions and tunneling of the conduction electrons of copper through the passivation layer to its boundary with the suspension and also the chemical reactions in the suspension near the surface of the passivation layer, resulting, on the one hand, in an increase of its thickness, and, on the other hand, in its decrease due to the formation of soluble copper compounds and their removal from the reaction zone. The results are used to describe the CMP of the surface of the copper metallization in the (K3Fe(CN)6 + NH4OH) suspension. The closed system of kinetic equations of the CMP, including a description of the variation with time of the thickness of the passivation layer is obtained; the solutions of this system in the steady-state mode, in the cases of practical importance, when either the diffusion of the Cu+ ions in the passivation layer or their electromigration are predominant are found and analyzed. Estimations of the polishing rate and maximal thicknesses of the passivation layer consistent with the experimental data are obtained.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):344-353
pages 344-353 views

Nanosecond-Pulse Annealing of Heavily Doped Ge:Sb Layers on Ge Substrates

Batalov R.I., Bayazitov R.M., Novikov H.A., Faizrakhmanov I.A., Shustov V.A., Ivlev G.D.


To produce heavily doped epitaxial layers, amorphous Ge:Sb films with a thickness of 150 and 300 nm are vacuum-deposited on Ge substrates and are exposed to pulsed nanosecond irradiation of high-power laser (λ = 0.69 μm) or ion (C+ or H+) beams. In the course of laser processing, the irradiated region is optically probed with the registration of the reflection of the probe beam R(t) to control the aggregate state of the film. As a result of rapid crystallization, polycrystalline or epitaxial Ge:Sb layers of different thicknesses are formed from the melt. Computer simulation of the heating and phase transitions of an amorphous Ge film on a crystalline Ge substrate is carried out, as well as the diffusive redistribution of the impurity (Sb) under pulsed treatments. We showed that, due to the volumetric release of the energy of ion beams, it is possible to control the distribution of the Sb impurity up to a depth of 1.5 μm. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experiment.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(5):354-363
pages 354-363 views

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